Chapter 16. Trust?

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Skylar's POV

We look at these strangers in awe. There's more people down here? Why are they here? Did they escape this way from the school like us? Kyle speaks up, breaking my thoughts "Why are you guys down here?" He asks. The taller one comes out the shadows a bit more and I can see him clearly now. He's really attractive, he's a bit taller then me about five foot seven and seems to be my age or close at least seventeen, he has thick black hair with a red streak in his bangs and he has bright silver eyes. I know I'm not looking to date someone but if I met him in a coffee shop god damn I'd be drooling all over him right now. The other person also comes out the shadows. Its another girl, about five foot eight, she is a red head with turquoise eyes and lots of freckles on her cheeks, I can't quite tell how old she is though. The girl starts speaking with her country accent "Arsen and I have been living here." We look at them in confused "Why live here?" Nikki asks. "Well I can answer that for ya doll." Arsen starts with a deep but gentle voice. "We used to live with our parents but stuff happened with her parents and mine also but I won't go into those details. We ran away from everything and found that school thinking nobody would find us there, that is until we met the children there that haunt the damn place and the man with the axe. We finally managed to get away from them by coming down here, haven't seen them in a while since we've been here." I look at Arsen "How long have you been down here?" He gives me a small smile "Well darling we've been here I'd say almost a year now." I ignore is "darling" comment. "How have you survived down here? You guys look like you're doing very well." I say. The girl, Harper, responds to me "We have found everything we need down here really, and we have not a bad spot where we sleep, it actually doesn't smell cause we've cleaned it up some." Arsen nods agreeing to her statement. "Y'all can stay with us for the night, you look exhausted." Harper adds. Kyle and Grayson nod agreeing "Getting chased by a creature does work up a appetite and makes you tired." Kyle jokes. We all laugh some at his comment. "Creature? Oh y'all mean Orpheus." Harper says. We all look at her while we walk to their camp. "Orpheus? What does that mean?" Grayson asks. "It means the darkness of the night in Greek mythology. Harper loves Greek mythology and figured we should name that thing in case we ever see him and need to run and plus I think it fits him well being as he's part panther of some kind." Arsen says.
{{{Time Skip}}}
Skylar's POV

We get to their camp that they were talking about and they were right about no smell and it looks amazing. We walk in the door and its a giant room and there's stairs going up to a loft looking area where I suppose is where the beds are. They have traps on two other entrances in case of an intruder, there's a part of the floor that has clear glass on it and you can see water running underneath it, they have furniture that looks brand new, they even have a stove and electricity and a fire pit in the middle of the place. "How did you guys get power down here?" Nikki asks. "We found old generators while looking around for things we might need. They looked broken completely but Arsen fixed em up and they run as of they were just made now." Harper says. We all look around in amazement, the place is really cool, I don't blame them for staying here but it would probably be a lot better without Orpheus running around. We all sit around the fire on bean bag chairs that were patched up well. "Now that you know about us who are y'all and why are you guys down here?" Harper asks. I look at my friends and brother and they nod at me. "I'm Skylar," I start then point over to my friends and brother "That is my friend Grayson, Nikki, and then my brother Kyle." They all three give a slight wave. "Its actually funny why we are here, we were at my house like we always are after school and playing truth or dare. Kyle dared me to sleep in the abandoned elementary school then we figured we all dare each other to sleep in it for one night. Unfortunately, one night led to two weeks." I say. "Two weeks? Y'all were in that school for two weeks?" Harper asks. "I'd say a week and a half maybe, we've been down here for a few days at the least." Kyle adds. Harper gives him a look that I can't quite tell what it is. She looks away from him and back at me "I'm sorry its been rough for y'all." Harper says sincerely. "Thank you." I say. "We should get some shut eye." Harper says "Arsen grab the blankets for them. He nods and goes into what looks like a storage closet then brings back clean blankets and hands one to each of us. My friends and brother immediately fall asleep in the bean bag chair. Harper and Arsen start walking up the stairs. "Hey Harper and Arsen" I say. They stop and look at me from the stairs "Yes?" Arsen says. "I just want to thank you guys for saving us back there and letting us stay here tonight." They both smile "No problem Skylar." Harper says. "You can call me Sky by the way." I add. They smile and nod "Sweet dreams to ya Sky." Arsen says giving me a wink. I ignore his gesture and walk back to my friends and brother and get in my bean bag chair with the blanket around me. I look at the ceiling until I fall asleep. My mind races with a few things like if we are even gonna be able to get out here. One thing that comes to my mind is, can we really trust them? They did save us from Orpheus and give us a place to stay at that's safe. I just can't help but feel like there might be something we don't know about. What if the children and the man with the Axe finds us again? Or Orpheus? What if there's something else even more dangerous then them? I do wonder though, if Arsen and Harper have explored a lot around here they might know a way out, maybe they have a map, I'll find out in the morning. Finally after that good thought of the idea of a map to get out of here I fall asleep.

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