Disappointed.................In Myself.

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Uruha's POV .

" Seriously Jimmy, drugs. " I said standing infront of him. Taking the box from him.

" Why didn't you come to us. " I asked quietly. He just stared at the floor.

" Are you gonna say something or what because I'm really trying to wrap my head around the fact that you would even go near drugs." I said leaning against the table.

he mumbles something I didn't here.

"  what was that." I said.

" I said what's it matter. " he said glaring at me.

" What the hell do you mean what's It matter " I said angry.

"I mean, mom acts like Blaze didn't even exist, she acts like nothing is wrong.She never acts upset . You, you barely talk.That's why I didn't come to you guys.That" points to the box in my hands " was the only thing that took the pain away." He yelled.

" You think this doesn't bother your mother. The only reason she acts like everything is okay, is because she is doing it for us. But if you think Her losing  Blaze doesn't bother her, then you are sadly mistaken. Every night when she thinks everyone is asleep she goes into Blazes room and Crys until she is almost sick. Every god Damn night. " I yelled back at him. Then added gently.

" Your mother is a strong woman,  over the years she has learned to control her emotions when people are around, She doesn't like to let people see her emotions. She takes care of others  before herself. As for me that's just how I am. But you are our only child left, don't take your self away from us, we would be lost without you. We wouldn't know what to do." I ran a hand down my face.  I walked up to him and gave him the box.

" Do the right thing Jim .Don't break your mom's heart anymore then it already is.".

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