You Are Mine.

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Creepy Fuckin Guy's POV. 

I was sitting At a table thinking of my next move , when I hears the front door burst open and I heard .  

"ITS THE POLICE. SURRENDER ALL YOUR WEAPONS. " the yelled as they came into the room I was. I tried to get away but I was tackled to the ground.  

" WHERE IS THE BABY ." One officer yelled in my ear. I kept my mouth shut. . 

" Guys I found him ." A female officer yelled pulling the baby from the basket under the desk.

Uruha's POV.  

We are still at the station it was quite until we heard a lot of commotion in the front. Then an officer pushed through the door with her back to us and we heard the sound we have been dyig to hear . The most beautiful sound in the world. The officer turned around and she was holding our baby.  

"I believe this little one belongs to you " She said to Sabine with a smile . Sabine already had tears in her eyes.  

" Oh my baby. " she almost crushed him to her chest . He imme stopped crying . I pulled them both into my arms. I felt his little hands pull my hair. I kissed the top of his head and hers. But that happiness was short lived when they brought the mystery man in.

Sabine's POV.  

When they told me who it was I was in shock.  

When I was in highschool there was only one boy who wouldn't make fun of me . He was super sweet and you could say he was my only friend. I mean literally he was a total sweetheart.  

He name is Derek Bell

Derek Turned and saw me. He looked at me and said.  

" You were supposed to be mine. " okay that kinda freaked me out . Uruha wrapped his arms protectivly around jimmy and I . 

"Fuck You, You Crazy Son Of A Bitch. " uruha nsaid sounding extremely intimidating.  

But that didn't stop Derek.  

" YOU ARE MINE. MINE. I WILL HAVE YOU. " he screamed then officer pushed him violently against the wall and said.  

" All right that's enough out of you. " he said as he pulled him to the holding cells.  

" So I assume you will be pushing charges. " the lady Secretary said. 

" yes we will. For everything he has done. " Uruha said as I kept hold of jimmy. He was starting to cry alittle . Uruha turned and said  

" Would it be okay if we continued the paper work tomorrow. " the woman nodded and smiled.  

" Yes of course now you two go home and take care of the baby . "  

" Thank you. Thank you very much. " we both said to everyone who helped.  

" No problem it's our job. " we thanked them once more then left .  

Once we got home , we once again cleaned up jimmy and changed him from the dirty pajamas he was in. Then the three of us fell asleep in our bed. Finally able to relax .

Forever With The One I love ( Sequel to The Song. ) ( GazettE love story.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя