Chapter 21

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**3 Years later**

"Nicole, are you sure you have everything?" My mother asked for the billionth time today.

"Yes mom im sure." I smiled at her then I gave her one last hug.

"I'm just making sure. I don't want you to get to the college and remember you forgot something." She sniffled with tears in her eyes.

Yes you read correctly, I am going off to college. University of Georgia to be exact. I am so excited but way nervous since it is so far away.

"Nicole, I'm going to miss you." I look over and saw Mason standing there with tears in his eyes.

"Im going to miss you to bud. I love you." I said and then hugged him.

I walked over to my mom and said one last good-bye and then hopped in my car and drove off down the road.

I started to think about how much has went on the last three years of my life. After not hearing a word from Cameron for five months I finaly just gave up hope.

As for the rest of the three years they went pretty good. I changed a lot. I dyed my hair an auburn color and I even lost a few pounds.

Also I met a wonderful guy by the name of Patrick. He moved to my school and we became good friends and not soon after he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was so sweet and I quickly said yes. We dated two years but we broke up about a month ago because he was going to a college on the other side of the US.

He treated me like a princess. But even though he did, Cameron still had my heart. Yes I did love Patrick but not as much as I loved Cameron. Crazy right?

I let out a sigh.

I sure am going to miss everyone. I will miss Justin the most(well friend wise). If you are wonder yes, him and Marissa are still together. Actually he proposed to her about a month ago on her birthday. I was super sweet. I am so happy for them.

It looks like my matchmaking skills worked.

I pull onto the interstate and head east. East is going to take me to the next chapter in my life and I cant wait.


Cameron's POV

"Yeah mom I just arrived." I spoke into the phone as I balanced in on my shoulder as I balanced two boxes.

With the last of the boxes in my hands I walked to my dorm room. My dorm is huge! I am loving this place already!

I sat on my new bed and started to think. I thought about a lot of things. Stuff like my mom, my friends, and even Nicole. Its been three years since I last saw her. I do think about her a lot..I wonder does she thinks about me any?

I doubt it.

The past three years have been hard. My father passed away a year ago, but am I sad? Maybe a bit but not really because he really hurt me. Also I officially stopped being a player because well I had a big scare.

Tara came to me one day in tears telling me that she was pregnant. I was scared shitless but I was also ready to take responsibility but it turns out she slept with my so called "best friend" and it was his kid.

Fine by me.

I sighed and sat up. I really need to unpack my stuff and get my schedule for college. I picked up the first box I saw and opened it. I saw that it was full of books so I took them out one bye one and put them on my bookshelf.

I reached in and pulled out the last book. I glanced down to see which one it was. It was the memory book Nicole had made me for my 16th birthday. I opened it up and saw a picture of us on our first date.

Man those were some good times.

I put it on my shelf with the rest of my books and stood up and started unpacking the rest of my boxes.

About two hours later I was done. I got up and changed so that I could go get my schedule.

I was walking down the huge hallway that heads to the office when I ran into someone knocking us both down in the process.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" I heard a voice.

I look down to see a girl. She looked oddly familiar.

"Uh yeah its ok. Have we meet before? You look really familiar." I asked her as I studied her face.

She looked up for the first time and her eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

"Uhh..uhh.." She shuttered

That's when I saw it. The locket the girl was wearing it matched Nicole’s. That's when my mind clicked.

My eyes widened.

"No way" I whispered out in disbelief


NIcole's POV

I arrived at the college about three hours ago and I had already unpacked my stuff and decorated my room.

I had just got my schedule and I was walking down the massive hall when I ran into a wall. Wait there was no wall in the middle of the hall. That's when I realized that it was a person.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" I apologized as I laid crushed under this person.

I was too embarrassed to even look at the person.

"Uh yeah its ok. Have we meet before? You look really familiar." I heard the person respond.

I heard that voice and I looked up for the first time and I felt my eyes widened and my mouth feel open.

"Uhh..uhh.." I shuttered out

No it cant be.

Its not him. I told myself.

I saw his eyes widen then I knew he recognized me.

"Nicole!?" Cameron said in disbelief

"Hey Cameron. I guess we met again huh?" I said and I offered a small smile.

I can't believe Cameron is standing right in front of me.

This is crazy.


Boom! Another chapter!

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