Chapter 12

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I slowly opened my eyes so they would adjust to the sunlight that was pouring in my window. I sat up on the floor slightly confused when everything from last night came rushing back to me.

I got up and grabbed some clothes and took a shower. The hot water relaxing my muscles,sleeping on the floor did not feel good at all.

After I got out of the shower and got dressed I walked out into my bedroom and checked my phone. I saw it was already 12:15p.m. and that I had 3 messages.

The first one was from my mom asking if we were ok, the second was from Hannah asking me if I wanted to go shopping today, and the third was from an unknown number.

I opened it up and it said ' Come to the park at 11:50 pm tonight.'.

What the heck I thought to myself. Thats strange.

I quickly texted my mom back telling her everythings fine and I also texted Hannah telling her sure and that I would met her there in an hour.

I walked down stairs and looked around very thankful to see no sign of Cameron. I went into the kitchen, got an orange juice out of the fridge,went into the living room and sat down. I turned on the TV and sat back.

I watched TV for a while and then I got up and left for the mall. I got there and texted Hannah asking her where she was. She so texted back saying she was at the food court, so that's where I went and I found her sitting at a table.

"Hey Hannah" I smiled at her

"Hey Girl!" She jumped up and hugged me

"Hows it going?"

"Amazing. Guess what! Paxson asked me out!"

Hannah has liked Paxson for a total of two years now. He happens to be Justin's best friend(well other than us).

"No way! Thats awesome!" Giving her a big smile.

"Yeah, i'm so happy! Our date is Friday night!" Hannah exclaimed as she started to jump up and down. Yeah she earned some weird looks while she did that.

"Well, then lets go find you something to wear" I suggested.

"Ok lets go!"

"So what store are we going to hit first?"

"Hmm, lets start with American Eagle."

"Ok sounds good."

Hannah and me shopped until we both were very tired and very hungry. So after we got done shopping we stopped back by the food court and got something to eat.

"So, hows the whole ignoring Cameron situation going?" Hannah asked me before she took a bite of the asian noodles she bought.

"Uh well..." I trailed off not know how to really respond to her question.

"Did he kiss you again!?"

"Um no something a bit worse than that.Umm Hannah I like Cameron." I confessed as I stared at the now interesting salt shaker.

"What!" She exclaimed across from me which earned a couple of glares from some other customers.

"Yeah, I know i'm so screwed. He can't stop hurting me." I sighed.

I then filled her in on everything that happened yesterday. Every little detail.

"Wow I cant believe hes been hooking up with Hally! That's just disgusting. Oh wait yeah I can hes a player. I'm sorry Nicole." Hannah told me after I got done retailing yesterdays events.

"Its ok I guess..." I trailed off unsure.

"On a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you like him?" she asked me

"I don't know I haven't really thought about it..." Its true, I hadn't. Everything just kinda hit me so I didn't have time to think.

"Is him hurting you worth it?" Hannah questioned me.

"No but the thing is, I can't stop from liking him. I feel so stupid for liking him" I cried out in frustration.

"Don't feel stupid Nicole, everything will work out."

"I sure hope so"

"So, what are you doing tonight?" She asked me changing the subject.

I instantly thought of the text I had gotten earlier that morning. 'Come to the park at 11:50 pm tonight.' I was wondering  if I should tell Hannah about it.

You see Hannah's a bit of a worrier. I decided that I should just keep it to myself, I mean I don't even know if I should go. Should I? But what if its some crazy murder that is going to kill me with a spoon! I'm am too young to die! But what if someone really did want me to come what if its something good.I mea-


"Huh what?" I jumped when Hannah shouted my name shaking me out of my thoughts.

"I called you name like 12 times! Anyways are you busy tonight? Do you want to have a movie marathon tonight?"

"Uhh, I cant I have to babysit Mason tonight..sorry.." I lied.

I hate lying but I sure wasn't going to tell Hannah about this text.

"I thought you said the Masons at your aunt's house because your mom and Cindy are out of town?" She asked me confused.

Crap! Way to go Nicole! Great lie!

"Uhh, well she had this thing to go to so I have to watch him." I lied once more.

"Oh ok" She responded after a few moments.

"Yeah" I responded awkwardly

"So anyways, I love that dress you got!"

Hannah was obviously changing the subject which I was very thankful for. We talked for another hour or so before I went home. I saw that it was almost 5:30 p.m. I walked up the stairs to my room and put away my new clothes which consists of 3 pairs of sweatpants, 2 hoodies, 6 shirts, 3 pairs of pants and a new pair of boots. When I go shopping, I tend to buy a lot of clothes.

After doing that I walked back down stairs when it hit me the house was empty. There was no Cameron. When I thought about it, I haven't seen him all day. He is probably over at Halley's I thought bitterly.

Whatever I don't care about him. I mumbled to myself


I just lounged around, watched TV and took a shower after doing all that I looked at the clock and saw that its 11:35 p.m. Since curiosity got the best of me, I decided that I was going to go to the park and find out who sent me that text and why they want me at the park.

I put on some sweatpants and a hoodie. I slipped on my tennis shoes and left the house. Cameron still wasn't back. I wonder if he is ok? No Nicole don't think about him! I scolded myself mentally. I let out a sigh. I need to stop thinking about him he hurt me. I told myself.

I finally got to the park. I pulled out my phone and saw that its 11:45 p.m.

I walked over to one of the swings and sat down. I swang for a few minutes then a voice spoke up scaring the living daylights out of me.

"I didn't think you would come" The voice said

I jumped off the swing and spun around.

It was dark so I couldn't see there face but when I heard that deep voice I knew exactly who it was.



Hello everyone! Sorry I havent updated this storie in a while. I have been super busy!

I hope you enjoied this chapter though! If you did please leave a vote and maybe even a comment!

Oh yeah and its a cliff hanger mahahaha(;

Anyways, untill next time!

Vote, Comment, & maybe even fan?(;


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