Chapter 16

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Monday came and went. My mother and Cindy came home as well as Mason. Apparently Mom and Cindy were very surprised the house was still standing and that me and Cameron were still alive and good friends now.

We caught up and I found out that Cindy might have found a job but when I asked her where it was at she and my mom just looked at each other and she told me that she would tell me if she gets the job. Then she quickly changed the subject.

Now it is Tuesday and I am sitting at the lunch table with Hannah and Justin. I finally called Hannah and told her about Justin’s...uh...feelings for me. She told me she knew and she has for a while. So, apparently I was the only person that did not know. She also told me that she knew I had feelings for Cameron. When she said that I freaked out a bit because I didn't want anybody finding out especially Cameron.

"Nicole!" I heard someone shout my name.

I looked up and saw Justin staring at me like he was wait for my reply to something.

"Huh? Sorry I wasn't paying attention. What did you say?" I asked

"I said I'm meeting you at Olive Garden at six right?Also who else are you bringing besides Cameron?" he asked

"Oh yeah six. You will just have to wait and see." Right after I said that the bell rung and we headed off to class.

The rest of the day went by surprisingly fast. Before I knew it I was back to my house watching TV. Yeah im a very lazy person when its not soccer season. I sat back and relaxed until I heard the front door open. I knew it was Cameron so I didn't even bother getting up.

"Hey" I heard Cameron say while plopping down of the couch beside me.

"Hey" I responded back.

"So, we are meeting Justin and Marissa at six right?"

"Yeah we are." I looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 4:30 p.m. "Ok well im going to go get ready"

I got up and went to my, well our room. I went to my closet and finally decided on what to wear. I picked out a blue tee shirt and some dark wash skinny jeans with my blue sandals. I head into the bathroom and jumped in the shower.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I put of just a little make-up not to much. I grabbed my wallet and phone and walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I saw that Cameron had changed clothes and was standing at the kitchen counter playing some game on his iPhone.

I guess he heard me walk into the kitchen because he looked up and put his phone away. He looked me up and down and then nodded his head. After that we headed out towards Olive Garden. We got there and we walked in.

"Theres Marissa. Come on" I looked down at my phone and saw that I had a text from Justin saying he would be there in five minutes.

"Hey Nicole." Marissa said greeting me with a smile.

"Hey Marissa, this is my friend Cameron" They shook hands and then we all sat down.

It was really quiet and awkward. Just then my phone buzzed signalling that I got a text. It was from Justin saying that he was here.

Man I hope this goes well.



Justins POV (Surprise!)

I was running late so I hurried to get to the restaurant where I was meeting Nicole, Cameron and, also Nicole's other friend. She never would tell me who the other person was.I texted Nicole saying that I had just pulled up.

It still hurts me knowing that Nicole doesn't love me back but, I will just have to accept it. I can see how much she likes that Cameron kid and i'm not going to come in between them. Maybe soon I can find a girl that can love me back.

I walked into the restaurant and saw Nicole waving at me. I slowly walked towards her when I saw her.

A girl with brunette hair that fell in loose curls. She wasn't looking up but when Nicole stood up to give me a hug she looked up. She had the greenest eyes. Like emeralds.

"Justin, this is Marissa Carter. Marissa, this is Justin Connors" Nicole introduced us.

"Hi" The girl whose name I now know as Marissa said to me while sticking out her hand for me to shake.

"Hey" I responded back to her while shaking her hand.

After that we all sat down and ordered our food. Then we ate. Dinner was what would you would say laid back. We paid for out meals and then we headed to the bowling alley which was next door. We were walking out when I grabbed Nicole's arm to stop her.

"Hey Nicole can I talk with you for a minute?" I asked her

“Yeah sure" she responded back.

"Hey Cameron, how about you and Marissa go ahead and get us a lane. Im going to talk to Justin for a minute."

"Ok" Cameron responded back to her then him and Marissa went into the bowling alley.

"Whatcha want to talk about?" Nicole asked me after they disappeared.

"How come I have never seen Marissa around before? Also, I have a feeling that this was some sort of double date.It is isnt it?" I asked her

She quickly looked away from my eyes, which she does when she is nervous.

"Well, I felt bad! You said you loved me and I don't love you! Im sorry. She is the first person I thought of and she seems perfect for you. I thought she could make you happy and not break your heart like I did. I'm not saying you have to like her. You don't like her do you? Well its ok I will stop. Do you like blondes or redheads better? Marissa is a brunette is that why you dont like her? I mean she is very nice an-"

I cut her off "Nicole your rambling...again. Its ok shes really pretty and she seems cool." Which is the truth.

"Well ok so I didn't completely fail?" she said laughing

"Nah not completely" I told her while laughing along

"Well good. Let's head inside." Nicole said with a smile.

We went into the bowling alley and we played a total of four games which was fun. Cameron and me let the girls win, but they don't know that. We were walking and Cameron and Nicole were in there own little conversation ahead of me and Marissa. So I started a conversation with Marissa.

"I had a good time tonight. Maybe we can do it sometime again?" I asked Marissa hoping that she would agree.

"Yeah me too and that sounds nice." She agreed.

"How about this Saturday? I can pick you up if you want." I suggested.

"Ok. That sounds good." she smiled up at me.

Dang this girl is beautiful. I know i still am in love with Nicole but maybe my heart is letting go of her and turning to Marissa.

Oh great now i'm sounding like a girl.Thats nice.

"Well, I had a nice night. Heres my number just text me and I will give you my address" Marissa's voice brought me out of my thinking.

"Ok I definitely will. See you on Saturday. Goodnight" I told her

"Night" she said the reached up and kissed my cheek then she walked away.

Remind me to thank Nicole later.


Yes, you heard right. I posted two chapters in one day! Whoop whoop!:D

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as well as the previous one! This chapter you got to see Justin's point of view!

Thats about it...

Have a good day and/or night!

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