Chapter 5

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I walked out the front door not knowing where I was going to go. The only thing I know is that I had to get out of there.

My mom was shouting my name from the door but I didn't care I just kept walking. I heard footsteps coming up behind me I didn't even turn my head to see who they belonged to, I just started running. I didn't run for long before someone grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Nicole what were you thinking?  Its dark out here you could of been hit by a  car or kidnapped or something!" Cameron shouted

"Like you would even care!" I shouted back

"Look i'm sorry Nicole, I didn't know about your dad. I'm sorry I have been such a jerk. Can we just start over and maybe be friends?" He said calming down.

Least to say I was shocked that he had just apologized and he asked to be friends.What the hell?

"Umm well gee thanks and friends I mean we can if you want. I'm just a little shocked I mean you're you and well you said you hated me and this is just all of a sudden. I mean..." I stopped my rambling and looked up at him. "Sure we can be friends, but since we are friends now can I ask you something? Why do you hate me?" I asked him

He stood there for a minute kind of in his own little world.

"Umm Cameron...Are you ok?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face.

"What oh why do I hate you? I don't hate you I just when i first saw you I..." He cut himself off "Nevermind just I don't hate you ok just leave it at that" and with that being said he walked back towards the house.

I stood there kinda frozen. What was he going to say before he cut himself off..?

All I know is that my head hurts.




Before I knew it, it was monday morning and my alarm went off. I got up and took a shower and got ready.

We all ate breakfast and then me and Cameron were off to school. This weekend went by really fast. Yesterday was very uneventful which kinda sucked.

We got to school and I took Cameron to get his schedule. I'm glad we only had five out of eight classes together. He might be my friend now but he still hurt me before.

Cameron and me walked over to my locker where  I met up with Hannah and Justin. Justin reached over and gave me a hug.

"How was your weekend and whos the kid behind you?" Justin asked me

"It was good I guess...and this is Cameron. Hes my mom's friend's son and he will be living with me for a while" I said back to him

A shocked look came over his face.

"Oh wow a lot can happen in a weekend."he said then he turned to Cameron "Im Justin and i'm Nicole's best guy friend."

"Hey. As Nicole said i'm Camron" they did that man-hug thing guys do.

Just then Hally walked down the hall and saw Cameron. Let me tell you a little bit about Hally, shes the school slut. She gets in bed with any guy who offers and when I say any I mean ANY.

"Why hello hottie who are you?" Hally said in her high pitched voice.

"I'm Cameron, nice to met you" He said winking at her.

I just rolled my eyes...

"So what are you doing over here with these losers?" She said while turning up her nose.

"I don't know" He said with a shrug.

So he basically just agreed with her that we were losers. What a nice thing to do.

"Well come with me to my friends hottie" then she grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hall to her group of sluts.

I just rolled my eyes and started putting my stuff in my locker. I mean hes a player of course he is going to be friends with the sluts.

"I hate her" i heard Hannah mutter.

"Yeah me too" I said

"Well shes a good kisser and shes not too bad in bed" Justin said smirking



"Ow what was that for!?" Justin yelled as he rubbed the back of his head were we hit him.

"Thats so gross!" Screamed Hannah

"Really Justin thats nasty shut up!" I screamed

"Sorry" Justin mumbled

*RING RING* The bell rang for class.

"See you later Hannah! Justin i would go to a doctor and get an STD test done! Bye!" I shouted behind me as I walked off to class.


*At Lunch*


"Hey guys" I said while sitting down at our usual table.

I got a hey from both of my friends. I sit down and starting eating my lunch when I happen to look over at the popular table in the middle of the cafeteria, cliche right? And what I saw shocked me! There sitting at that table was Cameron and he had Hally on his lap and they were kissing! His hands were all over her!

I guess Hannah and Justin saw me looking and turned their heads to see what I was looking at. I don't know what came over me but I lost my appetite and got up threw my stuff away and left the cafeteria.


So that's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it!(:

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