Chapter 1

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I am slowly revising Defining You chapter by chapter. If you would like to read the original story (unedited) please go take a look at my works and you'll find it there!

xoxo Celia


Chapter 1

Emmy smoothed out the collar of her white designer shirt; she looked over at her mother while slipping her iPod sneakily into her bag. Her mother hummed softly, flipping pancakes over with a spatula that had been given to her by Emmy years ago. You could see the plastic peeling away, aging much like her mother had in recent years. Her chestnut brown hair now had flecks of gray and faint lines decorated her soft features.

Emmy smiled softly, her mother turned the stove off setting down five plates on the breakfast table, where two of them would go uneaten.

With her glasses were perched crookedly on the edge of her nose, she pushed them up, making her way towards the table. The smell of pancakes overwhelmed the small kitchens usual lavender scent, and her stomach groaned in anticipation for food she had been neglecting these past few days.

Emmy had always loved the soft feeling of pancakes, along with the taste of her mother's famous strawberry milkshakes. It brought back memories of happier times, of times where her family was a united front. Emmy sat down; nervously putting small pieces into her mouth as her mother silently fed her younger brother. She glanced at the window every so often, pulling her sticky hands through her soft brown hair.

"Waiting for someone?" Her mother smiled cheekily.

"I'm hoping he'll show up," Emmy wrinkled her forehead, "I told B she didn't need to give me a lift to school today." A small part of her wished she wouldn't see the familiar car pull up in front of her house. This school year wasn't something that Emmy was looking forward to.

There was a honk outside announcing the arrival of her boyfriend, Keneth Murray. Kenneth Murray was the president of the debate club, part of the school's pentathlon, and the soon to be valedictorian. He was currently leaning his academic interests towards Harvard University, while Emmy leaned hers to Stanford University.

"That's my cue," Emmy stood up kissing her mother on the cheek, hugging her tightly, after not having done it for months she couldn't help but notice how cold her mothers hands seemed to be.

Mother pulled her back, to get a good glance at her. It seemed to Emmy like she wanted to burn this memory into her mind just in case Emmy were to not return home.

"Tell Kenneth I say hello."

"Will do," Emmy raced her way out the door to stop the monster clawing at her chest, tempting her to hide under her covers and miss the first day of school. By the time she reached Kenneth's Toyota Corolla she was out of breath. She could remember the excitement drawn on Ken's face when he had gotten his car last year. He literally walked around school puffing out his chest, offering rides to everybody.

"Hey Ken." Emmy smiled, sliding into the passenger seat. Everything about him was familiar, from the pimples all over his face, to the dark framed glasses she loved.

"Emmy," he started, annoyance creeping into his voice. "I am trying to remember the formulas for physics."

"Oh," she said a little bit hurt by his words. She had not seen him for about two whole months. Emmy feigned a smile, and pretended to zip her lips. Being ignored was a feeling she was comfortable with; when you are ignored no one asks questions.

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