Chapter 5 Part 1

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I wanted to work on this chapter a bit more, but Im having difficulty building up to what I want to happen next, Transitions suck. So I'll just post the second part of Chapter 5 (the more exciting stuff..) in about three days or so depending on my load work from school.

Never the less, enjoy! and thank you all for showing  your support xx

 Dedication goes to the most amazing person I know on wattpad, for being friendly and supportive, a true wattpad family member ;')

NOTE: Italicized parts are the text messages. 



Chapter 5

Emmy’s thumbs felt sore as she tossed her phone onto the kitchen table. She had been texting Shawn nonstop all week, something new for a change. After the accident in the alley, Shawn felt it was his obligation to walk Emmy home dutifully every day. Not that Emmy minded at all, it was her high school dream come true, the prince charming had come for the princess. Except in this case, prince charming wasn’t exactly in the loop.

Her phone buzzed again, a small smile spread across her face.

How do you feel about pop tarts? –Shawn xx

She read the text over, frowning slightly.

I don’t like pop tarts… -Ems

Well that sucks, because we are going out some where, where pop tarts galore- Shawn

Emmy stared at the screen dumbfounded, they were going out? Almost as if on cue, her doorbell rang. She could feel her heart speeding up, there was no way he was being serious…

“Hey there,” Shawn greeted her, a small smile playing on his lips. “What, you thought I was kidding?” He winked. Emmy stood nervously against her door, praying her mother wouldn’t come down stairs.

“I sort of, maybe thought you were,” she replied breathless.

“Well I wasn’t. So come on trooper, on an adventure we must go.”

“What are you, Yoda?” Emmy smirked, leaning against the doorframe more at ease.

“Damn, how did you know?” He wagged his eyebrows at her.

She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her lips, “Let me just tell my mom.”

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

Emmy cringed. “Well since we are leaving it’d be easier if you just…” she trailed off hesitantly. Hurt flashed across Shawn’s features.

“Okay. I’ll just wait out in your yard.” He turned his back to her, going down the driveway. Emmy watched his tense back until he plopped down on the curb of the street, not bothering to look back at her.

I am so stupid, she banged the side of her head, so stupid.

“Mom,” Emmy knocked her mother’s bedroom door hesitantly.

Emmy bit her lip down to hold back the scream that threatened to escape her lips. Her mom looked terrible, her usual neat hair was in tangled bunches, looking very much like medusa’s snakes. The black eyeliner smeared down to her cheekbone.

Her mother was a mess, and it was killing Emmy inside.

“Yes,” her mother croaked, biting the inside of her cheek.

“I’m going out.” Emmy couldn’t look at her mom anymore, and settled for staring at the floor. This was just too much, she wanted to pretend for a second she was a normal teenage girl, with average parents she could complain about every now and then.

That wasn’t her life though, and Emmy had to stop wishing for miracles.

“Good,” the bedroom door slammed on her face.

She stared at the door for a couple of seconds, before heading down the stairs and out the house where Shawn, a normal teenage boy, was waiting for, and where he probably waited happily to take Emmy, a normal teenage nerd, to a special place.

Only one problem, Shawn and her weren’t normal. Emmy could feel Shawn hid a secret, but it was these secrets that made them who they were. Emmy was beginning to wonder if it weren’t for these secrets both of them tired hard to hide, whether her and Shawn would have met.

Shawn had his head down when Emmy reached him. “I am good to go.”

Shawn studied her face, his expression softened. “Are you okay Emmy?”

“I’m fine,” she lied, refusing to meet his concerned gaze.

His expression looked torn, but he smoothed it out, smiling. “Alright let’s go.”

“Do you believe in miracles?”

Shawn’s smile widened. “I live them every day.” He interlaced his fingers with hers. His eyes were full of sincerity.

Emmy tightened her grip on his hand as they walked down the street, hand in hand. To any onlookers they would look like the perfect couple, a rock star and a nerd, a true fairytale ending. The happily ever after every girl dreamed of.

“Well,” Emmy’s voice came out husky. Shawn’s brooding eyes turned their attention to her as they crossed the street. “All I’m waiting for is a miracle.” She thought about her parents, and how they had been the perfect family only a year ago, yet it felt like that had been eras ago.

“There’s one,” he pointed at the setting sun, and turned to smile tenderly at her. “Your first miracle.”

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