Chapter 20

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(Lucy's P.O.V)

I sit on the bench waiting for the girls to come. I'm just thinking of all the scenarios that could take place if I am pregnant. What if he doesn't want him or her? What if he wants me to get an abor- just thinking about taking an innocent child's life makes me sick. If he doesn't want him or her I'll just have to raise this child on my own. ( ;) I'm already thinking like this and I don't even know if I'm with child...

In that time I was talking with myself I didn't know the girls where already here.

"Hey Lucy!" Mira greets as the others follow.

"Hi guys..." I say nervousness evident in my words.

"What's the problem Lucy?" Levy asks sitting next to me on the bench.

"Um. I don't know how to do this um, I think I'm - I'm pre-- with child."

Mira lets out a loud a loud squeal and everyone turns to see her jumping and saying something about "NaLu" whatever that is.

"Are you sure?" Erza asks.

"Um no, but I have all the symptoms. Morning sickness, breast tenderness, cramps, cravings, headaches, and I've been a little moody."

"I think we should go to the pharmacy. We can take my car." Juvia says.

"Ok. Thanks guys." I say tearing up.

"Aww, it's ok Lucy! Don't cry!" Levy says.

Everyone piles in Juvia's car. I have my head on Erza's lap cause I was starting to feel bad. Her legs feel like pillows, and because of that I fall fast asleep.
~le time skip~

"Lucy wake up." I hear someone whisper. I open my eyes to see Erza hovering above me. I sit up and run my eyes inching my way out of the car. We all walk inside of the pharmacy and straight to the women's care isle. I take a box and walk with the girls to the register. I pay for it and we go back to sit in the car.

"Hey can we go to someone else's house? Natsu would get suspicious of how I'm acting." I say playing with the plastic bag.

"We could go to my place." I don't mind." Erza states. And with that we head to Erza's. I took the liberty of reading the instructions on the back of the box. When we get there we walk in to find Gajeel, Gray, and Laxus in front of the TV playing Black Ops. Yea this won't be awkward at all...

"Hey guys." I say walking in with everyone else.

"Hey" They say without looking away from the screen. Rude much...

The others are going into another room on the other side of the living room. I walk to the bathroom and pee on the stick.
(I laughed at this for some reason)

I walked out and decided to sit on the couch behind the guys. I see a missed call from Natsu so I decide to call.

"Hey Luce!" I hear Natsu say on the other line.

"Hey!" I say trying to cover up the nervousness by walking around making sure not to get in the way of the boys.

"When are coming home?"
I hear him whine over the phone.

"Soon , soon! Just a little longer." I say looking at the time realizing it's been three minutes. The results are ready.

"Natsu I have to go now. I'll see you later, ok?"

"Okay, be safe." He says.

"I will. Bye"

"Bye" I hang up and walk to the bathroom. I close my eyes and grab the test holding my eyes in front of my eyes. I peek through my fingers and scream. Two lines! Two very obviously pink lines!

With tears running down my face I run across the hall not caring if I font in the way of the boys and sprinted to the room the girls were in.

(Gajeel's P.O.V)
"Was BunnyGirl crying? I say raising an eyebrow.

"Yea I wonder what that was about." Gray says putting down his controller and walking to the room BunnyGirl ran to. I got up and followed him along with Laxus.

We looked in to see BunnyGirl sobbing on the floor.

"How am I gonna tell him? What if he doesn't-" BunnyGirl talks but Levy cuts her off.

"Lucy! Don't say that! Natsu may be stupid and dense, but he would never turn down this opportunity! He is the type of person who always looks at the bright side pf things! So don't worry, ok?" Levy says hugging her.

"Thank You guys!" BunnyGirl says. By now all three all are confused to the max and Gray decides to ask what's going on.

"What's going on?" Gray asks.

Everyone looks at Lucy as of to confirm something. She nods while blushing a little.

"Ano, Lucy is with child..." Juvia says. Oh I thought- wait what?!

"So you mean to tell me Salamander is going to be a father. I swear the densest one out of all of us..." I say in shock.

"So you admit that you all are dense?" Levy says with a smirk on her face.


"Yea you did..." Lucy, Mira, Juvia, and Erza say sweat dropping.

"Oh shut up..." Dammit they're right.

(Lucy's P.O.V)

"I need to get home. I need to tell Natsu somehow! Oh my gosh im freaking out..." I say. How am I going to tell him? I've see the cute videos of the husband finding out he's going to be a father. Do I do one of those? Or do I just tell him? I think I should tell him. He's too dense for one of those surprises.

I stand up and walk to the door.

"Guys I'm gonna go home and tell Natsu the news. The sooner the better!" I say and grab my things.
Juvia insisted that she give a ride back but I decided to walk since this was the chance to see the sun set.

I grab my book sack and walk out the door starting my trek home.

~le time skip~

I unlock the front door and see Natsu on the couch watching TV.

"Hey love." I say.

"Hey. How ya been?" He said turning the TV off and scooting over so I can sit down.

"Alright. Something really exciting happened today." I say getting ready to tell him the big news.

"What?" He asked anxious himself.

"Well, I found out why I've been sick these past few days." I say

"How's that exciting?" (Lol just imagine he has the "Dafuq" face on 😂)

"Because I'm pregnant."


What's up Potatoes! Finally updated. I haven't in a while because we were dealing with a flash flood where I live. But here it is! Hope you Enjoy!

Nalu Family (DISCONTINUED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now