Epilogue (Toby)

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Eight months have passed and so far we've have three new additions to our family. Emiliah started to bring her son over more often, her son I didn't know she had until the Christmas party, and that kid was way too shy to be a Love Fairy. He helped a lot when he came over to watch Dawn and Dusk's baby girl, Skye. Twilight was engaged to the human named Oliver. So much was happening and I half the time I wondered how Oddison and his family were doing.

"Mom, you're gonna spill your coffee," Twilight warned me as she walked into the kitchen. I picked up my cup and nodded my thanks. Twilight wore her hair in a messy bun and she wore a shirt most likely belonging to her fionce. Twilight sat on the stool next to me.

"Something's bothering you," she concluded.

I sighed. "Was it that obvious?" I asked. Twilight nodded and poured herself a cup of coffee. "I was just thinking about your father again, that's all." Twilight scoffed and took a sip of her coffee.

"You shouldn't be worried about him. He's not worried about you, obviously. Just remember what he did at the Christmas party? He left while we went to get food! Barry was so heartbroken." I nodded, remembering the hurt that flashed through Barry's eyes, when he didn't see them. Emiliah was having a bigger fit than before, throwing plates and cups, thankfully all of them being plastic and empty. Her husband had to sedate her with her own magic to calm her down.

"Well maybe we can arrange another party type thing, I'm sure they would come. I'm not sure about Emiliah, though. She might not come and bring her son," I said. Twilight patted my back.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Twilight said. She stood and went up the stairs, just as her brothers were coming down, holding my granddaughter. Skye was small, with straight brown hair and blue-green eyes. She smiled when she saw me and I smiled back.

"Skye wanted to see Grandma Toby," Dusk said, handing me the infant. Dawn poured himself some coffee and drank deeply. They both looked exhausted.

"Another late night?" I asked. They both nodded and I smiled. Skye looked at me and babbled. "She'll break the pattern if you keep her awake through the day. No naps unless necessary. She's only a couple of months old."

"I've tried that," Dawn whined. Dusk nodded in agreement. I chuckled and kissed Skye's nose, making her scrunch up her face and hiccup.

"You've gotta give it time," I told them. Twilight came back into the kitchen and squealed when she saw Skye in my arms. She darted away from Oliver and picked her up from me. He watched her go and smiled before he went to sit at the table across from Dusk. We all watched Twilight carry Skye into the living room.

There was a knock at the door and it opened to Emiliah and Barry. Barry waved to everyone and glanced at everyone in the room. Oliver sighed and crossed his arms. "That Noah kid aint here," he told him. Barry slumped and his mother patted him hard on the back.

"That's not why we're here! Barry is having a birthday party next week and he had the audacity to ask me to invite that man's son to the party. I just delivered their invitation to them. Barry wanted to see Skye," Emiliah explained. She was waving her hand the entire time. Barry walked past her to the living room to play with Skye and Twilight.

Emiliah slumped onto the booth seat to the island counter. I gave her soft smile. "You cant stop them if they like someone else," I told her. "You're a love fairy, you should know that." Dawn and Dusk nodded in agreement. Oliver seemed to agree with me as well.

She sighed and ran a hand through her pink hair. "I know, I'm just afraid of this other kid breaking my son's heart. If he's anything like his father. You saw them all leave at the Christmas party! Barry had even conjured up something to give him, only for it to sit in his room, still wrapped."

Barry and Noah are good kids. They were definitely mates when they saw each other. I didn't feel that buzz with Oddison.  "Well there's only one way to find out," I told her.


Firstbook down and the second book is currently being worked on and will be published as soon as possible. Hopefully it's easier to read and follow thestoryline. Sorry for any confusion and I hope you enjoy!

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