Chapter 2

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I woke up with the worst headache I ever thought possible. I nuzzled my face into the warmth I was laying on, relieved until there was a grunt. I froze and my body tensed up. I was laying on someone. I slowly lifted my head, wincing at the movement and recognized the forest green eyes meeting mine.

Embarrassment flooded my body and I thought I was gonna be sick. Vance noticed right away and propped me over the edge of the bed so I could vomit onto the floor. I coughed and spit the horrible flavor out of my mouth before I wiped my mouth and turned to him.

I immediately noticed that he was shirtless. I looked down at myself and panicked to see that I wasn't wearing the clothes from last night. Vance noticed my panic.

"You okay? Surprisingly, you had a lot to drink," he said, his face showing concern. It was hard to tell if he was being serious or not. My eyes went from his to his bare chest and back. He noticed and chuckled in a husky tone. "You kinda puked on everything, your clothes, my shirt. I washed them."

He dressed me in clothes, which I gratefully thank him for, but it didn't explain why he didn't just put on another shirt? I checked out my attire to find I was wearing a large hoodie and basketball shorts that were much looser on me from me being so small.

I rolled out of the bed and stood on shaky legs, careful of the fresh pile of vomit on the ground. I turned to him and gestured between us. "Just for clarification, we didn't do anything, right?"

"We didn't do anything," He responded as he got up from the bed and adjusted his jeans before motioning for me to follow him.

He led me out his bedroom into a large living room with a flat screen tv, three couches that formed a V shape, a wooden coffee table sitting in the center. The kitchen was in the right corner of the house, complete with a bar that was filled with alcohol. Everything in the kitchen was sleek and modern. A dining room was right next to the kitchen so I sat at the table as Vance went to pull out dishes.

I looked around the house and cringed at how bright it was. It was most definitely morning, or at least around noon. "Your house is pretty big," I commented. Vance hummed and pulled a box of pancake mix.

"Yeah. It's a tragedy I haven't found someone to share it with," he responded. "So last night, you definitely proved that you couldn't hold your liquor."

I blushed immensely and pushed my bags from my eyes. "Was I really that bad?"

Vance nodded, laughed a bit as he stirred the batter in his bowl. "oh man, it was pretty funny. It started off with you taking a few sips and dozing off for about an hour, then you woke up, chugged the rest of the drink, tried to make out with me, drank more booze, and then you puked on yourself. I had you sitting behind the bar until you dozed off again. He paused to laugh more. "It only got worse when you got here. I couldn't find your friend and I didn't want to leave you in front of the bar until morning so I took you with me. I went to lay you down but you puked on your clothes more. Then you told me to sing."

"What did you sing?" I asked, interrupting his story. I was curious but I also wanted him to stop talking about me puking anymore. Vance paused to pour pancake batter into the pan.

"I just hummed an old melody that I picked up from my parents. You wouldn't know it. I tried to get you out of your disgusting clothes but you didn't want me to leave you to put them into the washer so I laid with you and waited until you went back to sleep so I could wash your clothes. When I manged that, I changed your clothes and then went to sleep myself. I've got to say; you are quite a cuddler when you're asleep."

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. I've never felt so embarrassed before in my life. Vance laughed and patted my back before sitting a plate of pancakes in front of me. My stomach lurched in disagreement but I forced myself to eat. He sat across from me and I got to see him a bit better. His curly hair was messy and tangled from just waking up and is eyes were slightly lidded from lack of sleep no doubt.

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