Chapter 5 (Oddison)

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Of all the things I've done, I've felt the guiltiest for what I did to Toby. I lied to him, took his virginity and drugged him at least twice in one day. Now I was standing over him as he laid on the bed to the house my father had set up.

Toby was fast asleep, his black hair curling all over the pillow I had put under his head. Emiliah was pacing the room, twirling a strand of pink hair in her fingers, her mercury eyes darting around the room. She went by the alter-ego 'Emily' so she could keep an eye on Toby as he grew up. Her husband Bradley stood in the corner. He was my bodyguard and went by the alter-ego 'Brad'.

Emiliah stopped pacing to look down at Toby. "I hope you didn't get him pregnant," she said, wrinkling her nose, her wings twitching behind her. Yes, wings. Emiliah is a Love Fairy that works specifically for my family. "Father would murder you and him." Bradley sighed and grabbed his wife's tense shoulders to ease her down.

"I'm sure that he's not pregnant," Bradley told her, kissing her softly on her forehead. She didn't seem to believe him but leaned into his touch. I looked at Toby again. He was beautiful as he slept so peacefully.

Emiliah broke my gaze by clapping her hands. She tried to avoid looking at the human she had tricked into being friends with. "We should get going before we're late."

I nodded snapped my fingers, conjuring up a pair of sweat pants and a loose shirt. I scooped Toby into my arms and we all teleported to our kingdom and home.


We had teleported into the lobby to the castle and I spotted the servant Storm. He was a small weather demon with big gold eyes, stormy gray hair and matching wings poking through his back.

Storm walked up to us and bowed respectfully before he spoke. "Father is expecting you," he said. He opened the door to the throne room and we walked past him inside.

Mother and Father were sitting at their thrones, both looking over a scroll. I was surprised that Mother was sitting there. She's usually taking care of other things around the kingdom.

Father stood and I watched his gaze meet mine, then down to the unconscious man in my arms. My father was tall and pale, a bit taller than seven feet, with short white hair that was professionally styled and dark eyes that always held a stern expression.

Mother jumped up as well and smiled warmly at me us. She was as tall as Father and she was tanned, her honey blonde hair falling down her back in waves and her eyes the same as mine.

"You did what I asked, boy?" He asked, his loud voice echoing through the large room.

"Yes, Father. I bound him to me like you asked and did the proper mating ritual," I responded. Father looked to Toby in my arms and then back to me.

"Excellent. And I assume you gave him the relaxer, which is why he isn't fighting you."

"Yes, Father."

"Good. Get him settled in your room and meet us in the dining hall."

With that, Father and Mother were gone. Emiliah and Bradley left as well and so I was left standing in the throne room with Toby in my arms and Storm holding the door open for me to go back to the hall.

I nodded my thanks as Storm followed me down the hall to my room. The hall was decorated to trick people who didn't belong. Some of the doors aren't really doors so people fall into traps all the time. Storm opened my bedroom door and closed it behind me. I sighed at the plain room that I had, then I laid Toby down on the bed, adjusting the blankets around him before I left the room.

I walked down the hallway again, taking a different course to the dining hall. The dining hall doors were open and so I went inside to see everyone sitting at the long table. A plate of raw meats were placed in a place right across from Father and Mother and so I sat down and began to eat the meats in front of me.

Human foods were much too greasy and only made me feel sick. Raw meats and vegetables were much better to us. Humans seemed to eat pretty much anything deep fried in oils and slathered in more grease.

"How was the mortal realm?" Mother asked, wiping her lips and taking another bite of the raw streak in front of her. Father was eating his raw meat piled onto his plate and I smiled weakly.

"It was alright," I responded.

"Where did you mark him?" Father asked. Emiliah blushed and looked down to the fruit on her plate.

"On the neck, like you said," I said. I suddenly felt concerned for him. Was this something to do with the marking? Father knew judging by is gaze on me.

"You missed the full moon in order to conceive your first child," Father started, "so you will need to prepare him for the next one." I kept my head down, looking at the remnants of blood on my plate.

I couldn't do this. I didn't love Toby, and I'm almost certain after this he wouldn't love me either, but Father wanted me to be the heir and Toby is the only one eligible according to him. I didn't want to have sex with this human until the next full moon. Just the thought of it made my skin crawl.

"Father, if I may ask, would it be better if I just prepped him twice a week?" It wouldn't be fair to him especially since he's still a human. His stamina isn't as great as mine.

Father narrowed his eyes and I felt the tension rise. Everyone left the room, leaving me and Father sitting at the table. "Prepping him twice a week? You're being too gentle with him. He needs to understand what his purpose if here. If he doesn't willingly mate with you every 24 hours, he will not be ready when the children will be born. If you wish to prep him twice a week then so be it. If he dies, it'll be blood on your own hands, and if Tobias dies, I must result to killing you as well, do you understand?"

I clenched my teeth. I wasn't ready to die because of something like this. He could die with me prepping him, so I would die as well. Father sat back, waiting for my response.

"I'll prep him every other day, and I will have him prepared for the bearing of my children."

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