Chapter 10

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I've never felt such a fear until after he said that.

"It's alright. I'll just wait until you give birth and then I will kill them."

It made me panic so bad that I didn't get much sleep that night. It also didn't help that I woke up in agony then next morning. It was like getting hit in the stomach with a soccer ball. I sat up and groaned as a pain ran up my back. Is this what pregnancy is? I should go apologize to my mother right away. I rubbed my stomach and gasped when I felt them kick. I smiled. I wondered what the genders would be. All boys? All girls? One boy and one girl? What would they look like? I hope they took after their father in looks.

I was broken away from my thinking when Damien walked in, a steaming cup in his hand and what looked to be a newspaper. He sat on the bed next to me and took a sip of his cup before he sat it down and unrolled the newspaper. I rubbed my stomach, feeling them kicking again. My stomach was much larger than before so it was definitely a sign that I was pregnant. Damien gave a sigh and grabbed my wrist, teleporting me to the doctor from before.

The doctor smiled and motioned for me to sit on the hospital bed and so I awkwardly climbed up to sit on the table which was much harder to do since I wasn't as small as I was before. Damien stood by the table and I felt uneasy. He threatened to kill my children, and most likely me as well.

"How do you feel?" The doctor asked.

"Well, my stomach hurts," I said softly. He nodded and walked over to the cabinets hanging over the sink. He returned with a bottle and squeezed some gel onto my stomach. I gasped at how cold it was and I heard the doctor laugh a bit.

He went to an ultrasound in the corner and dragged it over to the bed. He turned it on and gently guided the machine across my stomach. I watched the monitor and spotted three lumps that were my children. One of the babies kicked their sibling and the sibling that was kicked only kicked back. The third one moved like it was stretching.

"Two boys and a girl," The doctor said, smiling. I couldn't believe it.

"Triplets," I whispered to myself. The doctor nodded and handed me a wet towel to wipe the remaining gel off my stomach.

"When are they due, Sol?" Damien asked the doctor. Sol sighed then turned to his computer.

"If he keeps developing like he is, then he should be due in about two days, one if we're lucky. Come back tomorrow and I'll decide if the surgery is necessary." Damien nodded and grabbed my hand, teleporting us out of the room.

I wanted to ask Sol about what he meant when he said surgery. Was he going to kill them right when they were born? I sat on the bed, holding my stomach gently and smiling sadly as they kicked and stretched.

Damien was pacing the room, muttering something to himself and I didn't understand what he was saying. He stopped abruptly and sat next to me on the bed. He reached out like he was going to touch my stomach. I smacked his hand away and he sat them in his lap.

"What are you going to name them?" He asked. I shrugged and laid back on the bed, my hands still on my stomach. Damien watched me lay there for a second before he stood and stretched.

"Where are you going?" I asked. Damien shrugged and teleported out. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and sighed. I was having triplets. Two boys and a girl. I just hope Damien doesn't really kill them. This would be my first time having children. I always wanted to make my own family and I'm sad that it would be taken right before my eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

I wasn't asleep for long when I heard banging on the door. I shot up, rubbing my eyes and gasped when I saw three people wearing spy-like uniforms. Helmets covered their face. I went to scream in fear, but one of them covered my mouth. The other two motioned for the one holding me to follow them. The third guy grabbed me and picked me up and ran to meet up with the other two. That's when they teleported.

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