Chapter 11

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My body ached worse than before. I felt like I was going to vomit, but a sharp pain went up my back. Then the children's kicking felt like they were wrestling in my stomach. I gripped my stomach and gave a low moan.

"Toby? Are you alright?" Oddison asked next to me, his hand softly rubbing my arm.

"Not really, unless you consider the feeling of exploding from the inside out as being alright," I replied.

Oddison groaned and sat up. "I'm going out on a limb that you're ready to deliver. Let's go tell Father and hopefully meet our beautiful children."

I gave a short nod and Oddison helped me to my feet. He teleported us to Father's office and sure enough, he sat at his desk, writing things down before he looked up and met my gaze.

His eyes went from mine to my stomach and he turned to his son. "Get that Love Fairy and her husband. We are going to need the extra hands." Oddison nodded and teleported out, leaving me to awkwardly stand in front of Father. He grabbed my hand and teleported us to what looked exactly like a hospital room. I was quickly undressed and changed into a hospital gown. A heartbeat monitor was then placed on and I cringed when Father pulled out a needle. He carefully slid it in and I watched as he connected it to an IV filled with a red fluid. I was laid on a bed then.

Once it was done I turned to Father. "What's in the IV?" I asked. Father turned to me, but didn't say anything. Oddison teleported in with Emiliah and Bradley. Emiliah immediately went to grabbing tools.

Oddison came up to me and grabbed my hand. "It'll be okay, Toby. I'm sure of it," Oddison promised. I smiled weakly and he kissed my hand. Father looked at me, then to Oddison. "What's wrong, Father?"

"His body isn't strong enough to push the children out. We need to perform a C-section. He's going to be sore for a while," Father said. I felt my body tense, making the pain in my stomach hurt more. They were going to cut me open. The heart monitor started to beep faster and I gripped Oddison's hand tightly.

"Toby, it's alright. I'll be here when you wake up, and ill have three others ready to see you as well," he said. He nodded to Emiliah and she stuck a needle into the IV. I felt numb and tired. I couldn't keep my eyelids open as the medicine took over. The last thing I felt before I passed out was a reassuring kick from my womb.


After what felt like forever, I heard a noise. It was a like beeping of a monitor. I tried to open my eyes but everything felt heavy. I settled to twitching my fingers to gradually getting feeling in my body. Another hand covered mine and I fought hard to open my eyes.

My vision was blurry but I recognized Oddison first. Feeling flooded my body and I groaned at the pain in my stomach. It felt like a sharp hunger pain but I knew it was much more than hunger.

"I'd advise you to not move too much, you still need to rest to heal. Would you like to see your babies?" He asked. I was already out of the surgery? I nodded and watched as Oddison walked over to the three cribs sitting next to the bed. He picked up the first baby and I felt my heart beat faster. The monitor beeped slighty faster as he brought the infant over.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Twilight." I smiled at our daughter. Oddison placed her on my chest and I held her softly. Her brown hair curled just like her father's. I gently kissed her forehead and she opened her blind eyes to me. They were milky but you could tell they were green. It looked very unnatural. Oddison sensed my concern and smiled. "All children born in this world have eyes like that. Their eye colors will be much more vibrant soon."

I nodded in understanding and Oddison took Twilight to lay her back down. He picked up the child next to Twilight. "Dusk or Dawn?"

"This one is Dusk."

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