Chapter 1

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The bar is hot and loud, alcohol wafted around the room and it was making me feel sick. Conversations and laughter came from all around, then disappearing as people went by. This place was much too big to me, but it was supposedly the smallest bar in the town. I doubt that very much but my friend Emily dragged me here.

Speaking of Emily, I turned around on my barstool to search the crowd of people dancing and drinking. I spotted her dancing with a guy who looked like a model, chiseled face with sharp brown eyes and matching styled short hair. I was almost jealous. I was starting to feel uncomfortable sitting on my own at this bar since Emily was with that hunk.

I'm used to sitting at home, comforted by books and a nice warm blanket. I sighed at the longing I felt to leave and reached for my pocket mirror. I looked much more like a girl than I thought. I had let Emily curl my hair so it fell in loose curls down my back. My eyes were mismatched, the left eye blue, the right one green. I sighed and put back my pocket mirror into my skinny jeans. I fixed the sleeves on my blue V-neck sweater and licked my lips nervously. I winced at the terrible flavor of lip gloss on my lips and sighed.

Emily sat next to me, dragging the model with her. She threw her arms around me and nuzzled her cheek against mine. I groaned and tried to push my best friend off me. She was beautiful, her brown eyes ringed with black eyeliner and her pink dyed hair curled around her face. She giggled and they disappeared again, her mini skirt ruffling all over the place.

"Here you go," the bartender said, sitting a drink in front of me. I looked from him to the drink and then back. I didn't notice how attractive he was. His chestnut hair was curly, falling to his shoulders and was accompanied with forest green eyes.

"I, uh, didn't order a drink," I told him.

The bartender chuckled. "Don't worry, it's already paid for. A gentleman ordered it for you." He pointed behind me and I turned to meet the gaze of another handsome guy.

He wore his honey blonde hair in a loose ponytail that seemed to fall to the middle of his back and his eyes were like looking into the deepest of the ocean. He casually stood and walked over, and that's when I saw that he was taller than me by a foot and his body was lean but muscular. He wore a black skin type shirt and torn jeans that fit his long legs with ease as he made his way over. With every step he took with his heavy boots made me uneasy and he heart pounded faster.

I watched him sit in the seat next to me and lean onto his elbows on the table, his blue gaze on me. It was like he was studying me and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. Now that he was close, I noticed a scent that he was giving off, it smelled like something repulsive, yet alluring. He seemed exotic, teasing, but dangerous.

"I'm Damien," he introduced, his voice such a sexy baritone.

I hesitated before I responded. "Toby," I replied, shifting awkwardly in my seat. I didn't notice the cup he was holding until he placed it to his lips and took a deep drink from it. He spilled some of the awful liquid onto the table. I looked back to the drink that still sat in front of me. I didn't want touch it, let alone drink it. I pushed it back to the bartender, and gasped as the drink spilled onto the tabletop.

Damien and I jumped up from the bar to keep dry from the beverage. The bartender winced and sighed dramatically. "That's totally my fault," he said. I sighed in relief and embarrassment as I watched him clean the bar.

"Not only is he stupid, bartender, but he's clumsy as well," Damien sneered, sitting back down. I felt bad that he took the blame and opened my mouth to help, but the bartender said something before I could.

"My apologies. My hand slipped," he said, as he tossed the towel behind the counter. His movements were swift and elegant which made me feel bad that he lied for me. He sat his hands on the table, and I noticed a white slip between his fingers. He gave a quick glance to me before clearing his throat and bringing up the game that was playing on one of the televisions. I waited until Damien was distracted before I reached and grabbed the paper, shoving it into my jean pocket.

I blinked when Damien turned to me and I stuttered. "I-I'll be right b-back."

Damien blinked then nodded. He seemed a bit distraught at my leaving, but I just nodded and made a beeline to the bathrooms. I passed a couple having sex in the hall, probably too drunk to realize the world around them. I went into one of the stalls and unfolded the paper.

"If he causes you any trouble, knock on the bar table three times and I'll get you out of the situation."

I sighed in relief and smiled. Glad to know that the bartender was on my side. I took a deep breath before I made my way back to the bar. Damien and the bartender seemed to be upset with each other but it looked like what you'd see with a couple in a soap opera who was going to get back together. Strange.

When the bartender noticed me, he smiled, and I mentally groaned when he placed another drink where I was sitting. I sat back with them and took ginger sips of the drink, wincing at the bitter and hard taste. It was disgusting but it was better than talking with Damien in this awkward situation.

After a moment of awkward silence, I turned to the bartender. "What's your name?" He seemed surprised for a second before he smiled.

"My name is Vance, Sweetie," he replied. I my face heat up. I wasn't sure if it was the drink or if I was showing an interest in this guy. I mean, he was polite and concerned for me. I blinked and suddenly felt heavy. My vision started to spin and my stomach started to burn. It was making me feel exhausted.

"Hey, Sweetie, are you okay? You look a bit flushed."

"He's perfectly fine, Oddison," Damien snapped. Vance opened his mouth but I put my hand out.

"I-I'mfine, just tired...Emily..." I laid my head onto the table and closed my eyes,softly calling Emily's name. I just wanted to go home, but I drifted intounconsciousness. 

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