Chapter 13 (Oddison)

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"Do you really thing taking Dawn's power was a good idea with Damien planning to kill them?" I asked Father as I stood in his study. Father gave me a sharp glare that used to strike fear into anyone, but not me.

"It'll make them stronger and make them stick together. Something I wasn't able to show you growing up because another one of you would've killed Mother," Father said, tossing his hand casually. I gritted my teeth from saying something I knew I was going to regret.

"Dawn is defenseless without his powers. What if Damien tries to attack him again?"

Father's glare went stone cold. "If Damien attacks then let him. You're more interested in him instead of your own children anyhow." I went to say something but I was teleported out of the room and into another bedroom with a shapeshifter. I knew what Father was doing. He was trying to get me expose my deepest fantasy. Its true. I love Damien. I've always loved Damien and I wanted a family with him. I couldn't of course because he wasn't willing to sign a treaty between Underfalls and VanBrooke.

I sighed and fell into the temptation. "Change into my lover," I commanded the shifter. He sighed and nodded, Changing into Damien. I popped my fingers and undressed.


After I finished with the shifter, I paid him and sent him off. Now it's time to put on this façade of loving Toby, only to hurt him when he does find out. I fixed my clothes to an extent and went to the bedroom we shared. Toby sat on the bed, and his gaze met mine, studying me until I dropped onto the bed next to him.

"Where did you go?" Toby asked. I didn't answer, all of this was giving me a headache. I took off my shirt and boots before sliding underneath the blankets, my back to him. I could sense the hurt of ignoring him but I pushed it to the back of my mind. I went to sleep after hearing Toby get comfortable behind me.

I woke up the next morning alone. It was quiet, except for the occasional shuffle from a servant in the hallway. Climbing to my feet, I checked the window to the garden and spotted Toby and the triplets sitting in the grass. Dawn and Dusk sandwiched Twilight and Toby sat across from them. I guess im going to see them in the garden. I showered and dressed in a loose white shirt and black jeans with my usual boots before I teleported into the garden.

Twilight spotted me first. "Dad!" She shrieked, jumping up to hug me. I hugged her back and down next to Toby, who continued to read his book, not acknowledging me sitting next to him.

"I think im gonna go inside, the sunlight is hurting my eyes," Dawn said, climbing to his feet.

"I'll come with," Dusk said, jumping to his feet and following his brother. Twilight stood and followed after her brothers. They must know something as to why Toby is acting this way. He's usually happy to see me, or he'd be asking questions.

"Toby, what's wrong?" I asked. He didn't reply, only flipped a page. I sat waiting for him to answer me but he only flipped another page. Getting pissed, I grabbed the book and threw it over the bush.

"Hey!" Toby shouted, shoving me before climbing to his feet. He ran around the bush in search for his book. I took a deep breath and sighed. Maybe I shouldn't have thrown the book. I stood and went around the bush to apologize but Toby was nowhere to be seen.

I gritted my teeth in frustration and teleported back into the mansion. I went to the Twilight's room, hoping to find someone to tell me where he went. Dawn and Dusk sat on the floor, wrapped in a blanket and Twilight sat on her bed, humming to herself.

"Have any of you seen your mother?" I asked. Twilight shook her head and her brothers did the same. I left the room and teleported to our room. Maybe he went back to the bedroom? I sighed in relief when I saw his long black hair.

"Oddison, is that you?" Toby asked. He seemed out of breath. I didn't need him ignoring me anymore so I responded.

"Yeah, its me. I wanted to apologize for throwing your book and ignoring you last night. I had a lot to think about," I told him. He didn't turn to face me, he only gripped edge of the bed.

"It's okay, I forgive you," he replied. He kept his grip tight on the bedsheets. Something was wrong.

"Toby? Toby, what's wrong? Why aren't you looking at me?" I asked. Toby shook his head and panic rose in my throat. I walked around the bed to look at him. Toby sat with his legs crossed, but he seemed to be bound. Before I could ask him what happened, Toby's eyes widened and he whimpered. I turned around to see Damien standing there, his blue eyes glowing bright and his blonde hair tied in a loose ponytail he kept on his shoulder.

"What a surprise! It's soo good to see you again, Oddison," Damien told me with a smirk. I glared at him and he only returned a smirk.

"What do you want?" I snapped. Damien held his hands out in surrender, his eyes locking on Toby.

"All I as is that I can have my own offspring from my mate. He took that option from me," Damien said. "I want my own children and I will get what I want."

Without warning, Damien lunged forward at me, smashing his lips into mine. Toby gasped and clutched the bedsheets tighter. I fought the urge to melt into the kiss with no avail. I moaned against his lips and Damien smirked against my lips.

"Just leave them alone," I told Damien, who nodded. Toby's wide and confused look went from me to Damien. "We were close growing up. Father knew we were mates and hated it. He said Damien wasn't a good queen and so he told me to get you instead. If I didn't, he would've killed me. Damien snapped his fingers, letting the binding on Toby go and he gasped, fainting backwards onto the bed. I turned to Damien.

"Be with me, Oddison," Damien said. "You are my mate."

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