Chapter 4

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It was much colder outside than it was earlier today and I wish I had grabbed my jacket, but I was already standing in front of Vance's house, so it was pointless to back. I knocked and waited, shoving my cold hands into my pockets. There was stumbling and Vance opened the door.

Vance looked me down and smirked. "You look pretty good," he complimented. He hugged me and gave a small kiss on my lips. I felt my body melt into his arms by the kiss. I blushed and suppressed the urge to moan. I pulled away and cleared my throat. Vance smiled and motioned for me to come in. I noticed that he had the coffee table covered in popcorn and sodas, as well as a bowl of chocolate.

"In home movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, if that's okay with you," Vance replied. I didn't have too many objectives and since Emily knew where he lived she could come and help if I text her, so I nodded and sat onto the couch. Vance sat next to me and pulled up the movie list. "See anything you like?"

I scanned the movies and gasped when I saw my favorite. Howl's Moving Castle. I pointed to it and Vance clicked it. He sat the remote down and swiftly put his arm behind my back. I leaned against it as we watched the movie.

I ate some popcorn and drank my entire soda, sighing when it was gone. I ate a chocolate piece and sat back to relax. Vance was timidly drinking his drink.

Halfway through the movie I felt hot and uncomfortable. My clothes felt weird and there was a growing fire in my gut. Was this how it felt to be aroused? I tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away, but then I got a good look at Vance. How warm his arm felt behind me, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his strong and alluring aroma. I wanted to lean against his chest. I wanted to stroke his chest. No, I wanted my hand on his thigh.

I swallowed and peeked at him from the corner of my eye. He was focused on the movie, and I desperately wanted to do the same but all my focus was on him. My eyes traced his jawline, realizing how much I wanted to put my mouth on it. His eyes were on the television but I desperately wanted him to look at me. His hand felt hot on my shoulder, and I wanted him to move it. I wanted it to rub down my arm and waist, to slowly slip into my jeans and—

Oh dear lord, I thought as my face began to heat up. My jeans were tight and I felt so uncomfortable.

"I have to use the bathroom," I told him. Vance nodded and I quickly made my escape to the bathroom, locking the door behind myself.

It was so hot, I had to do something. I blushed as I unzipped my jeans. I'm disgusting, I thought. I hadn't touched myself in what seems like years. I never had a purpose to and now here I am jerking off in Vance's bathroom. What if he catches me? I bit my busted lip, whimpering at the pain and pleasure. Just thinking about Vance catching me in the act made me more aroused. My entire body was hot and I couldn't help as I stroked myself much harder than before. I needed to get off before it got any worse.

A knock at the door had me stumbling and almost hitting the floor. "Toby? Are you okay in there? You missed the last of the movie," Vance called through the door. I felt a moan threatening to come as I inched closer to climax so I didn't open my mouth to respond. "Toby?" He knocked again and I hit my peak, covering my mouth from the moans and whimpering, hoping it was muffled.

I took a second to get myself calm before I answered him. "Vance, sorry, I was doing something," I managed. I looked at my boxers and sighed. My boxers were sticky and so was my hand. The door opened and Vance stood in the doorway with a skeleton key in his hand and a blush covering his cheeks.

I rushed to pull up my boxers and jeans, but my zipper was stuck. I blushed in embarrassment. There was no way of hiding the obvious situation. Vance ran a hand through his hair. "You could've told me you needed some time to yourself," he said casually. I just wanted to leave at this point. I didn't need to be here anymore. Everything is wrong. I felt my body grow hot again and my erection poked at my hand that was covering myself. I blushed and Vance noticed. He motioned for me to follow him and I blushed. I pulled up my pants and followed him.

We went back to the living room and Vance sat me on the couch. He knelt in front of my and slid my jeans off, then my boxers. I tried to stop him, but my body did the opposite. I covered my mouth to keep from moaning as my sticky erection bounced against my stomach.

I met Vance's gaze. "Vance, you don't—" I didn't finish because he had taken me completely in his mouth. Pleasure racked my body and I let a moan escape my lips. He hummed and sucked, and I could hold back anymore. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair. Vance's throat was so hot and the back of his throat kept hitting my tip, and I finally couldn't take it and climaxed again, moaning as I thrusted into his mouth. Vance blinked a few times, then proceeded to suck and swallow all of my seed. I panted and he looked up, he had a spot on his cheek. I used my sleeve and wiped his cheek off.

"Better?" He asked. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.

"That was definitely not what I expected," I replied. He chucked and sat his head on my lap, making my body jump to attention. "Why did you do that?"

Vance seemed to think about it but then shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it was because I could hear you from the bathroom. I do enjoy hearing your beautiful moaning." I groaned in embarrassment. Vance stood and scooped me into his arms, catching me off guard. He carried me to his bedroom and dropped me onto the bed.

His lips met mine and I winced at the taste of myself on his lips and tongue as he parted my lips and dominated me. I cried out in pain when he sucked rather hard on my bottom lip.

"Sorry," he muttered against my lips. He continued to kiss me before I could say anything else. I ran my hands through his hair, taking in the pleasure before he broke way to kiss on my neck. A moan broke through and my legs tightened around his body.

In a flash, Vance had ripped off both of our clothes and was pushing himself deep inside me. I screamed and dug my nails into the sheets surrounding me, tears blurring my vision of him above me. Vance gently kissed my face, trying to calm me down. He didn't meet my gaze as he started to move and the pain was replaced with pleasure. With every thrust he seemed to get much rougher and faster.

I writhed underneath him and moaned. Vance leaned down and moved my hair away from my face. He smashed his face lips into mine and scooped me up so that I was sitting in his lap. His hands gripped my waist hard and he bounced me roughly into his lap. I cried out as an orgasm took over, leaving my legs twitchy and my body heavy.

Vance leaned against my neck, his breath hot as he panted. His lips met my skin and I felt him bite me. It wasn't the playful biting like I was expecting, it hurt. The pleasure was drowned out by pain and I tried to pry him off, but he was attached and wouldn't budge.

"Stop! That hurts, Vance," I yelled, pulling his hair and clawing at his back. He finally pulled away, his lips covered in crimson. I panicked at the sight of blood, specifically, my blood.

I felt him lean close. "Bear with me," was all he whispered before he threw me back onto my back and thrusted hard and deep into me. I cried as he hit the same spot that had before sent pleasure but now was causing pain. His eyes didn't meet mine as I felt him release inside of me.

My body went through a spastic climax and I panted hard, sniffling from my crying before. He glanced at me and got up, sliding on sweat pants before he left the room. I laid painfully in the bed, touching my neck where the blood was, only to find no blood. Now I was utterly confused. He bit me hard enough for me to know I had to have some type of bitemark on my neck. Then it hit me.

I just had sex with this guy I met a night ago.

Oh god. I lost my virginity to some guy I didn't know.

Vance came back with a cup of water and a few pills. "Thought you would like some pain meds," he said with a forced smile. It was obvious now that it was forced. I took the pills because my neck and back were killing me. I drank all of the water and collapsed onto the bed. My vision was getting dark and I tried to ask Vance what he did but he only kissed my forehead.

"Get some rest." That was the last thing I heard before I was sucked into sleep.

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