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"Insomnia?" She giggled
Mom came in the room.

No "Timezones". She undertood and left.
I was so engrossed in my thoughts. When you really feel you have someone. Its time to fill in the blank space and then suddenly it shows the reverse side like it always me clinging to him. You feel that you have always been taken granted. It turns even he turned out to be like everyone else. When your trust get shattered. May be he got a new sunshine in a new waterfall. May be it was destined to end.

May be this was it. It been a week more haven't heard from him. I dint see him. He wants to end it up like this? Just walk away when I need him the most?

I crying bitterly. shouting. Hitting myself. On the verge to do anything reckless. I was disturbed.

A month passed by. Luckily we had holidays on. I dint walk out of my home. I couldn't face any one. That smile had vanished. Forever.

Thoughts overlapped in my mind. I really had to figure it out something.
I called up Kiara but she was out of town.

I decided its better to wait and talk over meeting than on call or text. Some decision is must to be taken right now.

Let's wait for the perfect day perfect time.

We need to talk.

I texted him. Waiting for his reply i slept.

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