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Jennifer and Louis were going on a date not a proper one like just to spend time together. Just some time for each other. Jennifer came in a skinny pant and a peach colour top with satin ribbom and rose embroidery, while Louis came in normal jeans and green tshirt. They both looked wonderful together.

"ILOVE YOU TOO" a message beeped and Jenny saw as she was busy playing songs on Louis's cell while he was driving. She got suspicious she saw the contact name "Love". She dint know what to do it was all a shock for her.

If he loved this someone called love why did he propose me? She had all wierd thoughts in her mind running but no idea how to place them and ask Louis.

And then she built enough courage whatever it is she has to ask.
"Louis stop! I said stop the car". I need to talk. Jennifer said in a bold voice which was normally the opposite of her natural sweet voice.

Louis asked what the matter was persuaded her to walk in a cafe outlet and talk there.

"Louis who is Love? Why is she telling you I love you? I have never seen this name before in your cell. Are you cheating on me?" She just birsted into tears. Her angry face turned into an innocent face in tears.

Louis hugged her but she removed his hands. Louis grabbed her hands tight and made her look at her.

"Jenny listen I had to tell you this before but I couldn't, it was not the proper time i suppose".

"What what tell me what it is"! Jenny almost screamed.

"It--ts jjjj-ust that I dooo-nt know how to say, Louis stammered while saying this, leave now I'll tell you later not now but trust me please."

Jenny trusted him if he says there might be something.

( Sorry this update was small. Surely you will love the next part.

Keep reading. I hope you liked this chapter.


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