Project or Picnic?

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Bell rang and it was Louis's friends. Louis warmly welcomed them all. Introduced them to his mother and then led them all towards his study.

They had an assignment on photography of scenic beauty. They all started thinking of different places. After 5minutes Karen suggested of the gardern near the lower bridge, one of them said beach at sunset but no idea was like wow!
Maria was quite all the while just busy on her cellphone. Then she just showed a picture and everyone shouted WOW! in unison.
It was a picture of a waterfall with the best view, a small wooden bridge. They scrolled down and they saw a small shed like thing with trees around it just seemed too beautiful. There was only one question in everyone's mind. "Which place is this?".
Maria then started telling each and every detail about the place. It was basically 2hours drive away. Its a remote area where this is situated people are not aware about it. It will be less crowded so photoshoot will go smoothly and matches their theme too.

After Maria explained everything now was the time to decide how to go and when to go. "Lets go tomorrow early morning capture sunrise and sunset both and return back? So photoshoot and picnic together?", excitedly a girl from the group.

"Not a problem", shouted everyone.
They had snacks discussed the things to carry, timings, pick up and drop places, etc.

Everyone left.

Louis ran up to Jennifer's house.
He saw Jennifer's mother in the garder area when asked about Jennifer he realised she was not at home. He was too excited to talk to Jenny about it.

He went home and started his preparations for the next day.
About 3hours later Jennifer called Louis. "You came?", Jennifer asked.
"Yes why I can't come?", Louis said sarcastically.
"You can obviously. Tell me whats the issue?",Jennifer asked.

"I can't speak here meet me at the front gate in 2mins". Louis said and kept the phone.

"Jenny see this", Louis said excitedly showing the picture of the waterfall in his cell.

"Oh my God this is soo beautiful, serene and a bit romantic too I suppose. Are you planning a date Mr. Louis", Jennifer said laughing a bit then.

"Hahah no no this is just my photoshoot place. My college group and I are going tomorrow pack your bags you are also coming." Louis said with an ordering voice.

"I can't I have an important lecture. Can't miss sorry. Now you go take rest or else you will not enjoy tomorrow and meet me as soon as you come with loads of pictures ok?", Jennifer said with a smile.

"Okay babe. I'll see you soon. Bye. Miss me",he said with tongue out.

"Haha yaa ok now go bye", Jennifer replied with wink.

Louis was very excited for the next day. He had dinner and then just went to sleep dreaming about it.

Next day morning at 5 every one was ready. Louis walked down the drive way and yes everyone was there. They were 5 of them. They had decided the order in which they were going to drive so that no one is exerted.

Not quite sure if they would reach at sun rise punctually but that place seemed beautiful at any time of the day. All the wonderful imaginations in their mind they were ready for their day.

Travelling is fun with friends and also better when the friends have the same taste of music. Playing their favourite songs, gossiping a bit and shifting their driving turns they all were having a good time.

Less of traffic early morning and hence they reached by 6.30-6.45.
Parking their car down it was a trek a small one. They all took the necessary things and startd walking. Clicking pictures through their way. Selfies, group pictures, pictures of the nature.
And finally they reached the place it was more than beautiful. The picture on the net seemed just a trailer. It was an amazingly good place.

Everyone was thanking Maria for such a beautiful suggestion. It was not quite late by the time they reached the sun was not yet up. They clicked pictures and started their photoshoots.

Some giving candid poses ,some serious work just related to the project. After around hours of work. They all sat to eat their brunch since it was jus 11.30 or so.

They took rest in a small shed which was like completing the scenery drawing we used to make in school days. They played few games like chinese whisper, cards, etc and it was almost 5.

"Should we wait for half n hr or so the sky will surely turn its colours for a landscape photography?",asked a girl.

"Ya sure why not",Maria replied.

It actually turned its colours, the sky. It seemed like shades of a colour box all together purple then red then orange and a small line of yellow! Lovely isn't it?

It was worth the wait.
The had their evening snacks and trekked downwards.

They drived their way back. A little less energetic than morning.

They reached Louis's house. Since it was his car. He parked it in the garage. Everyone said good bye.

If projects are going to be fun like this, who would not like to do it?

When marks equals to fun and picnic.

Louis came home changed had dinner. He called up Jennifer she wasn't home was out at the market place shopping.

Louis went to his bed. Lied down waiting for Jennifer's call. And waiting waiting he slept.

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