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Lets celebrate this and also there is someone's birthday coming soon.
Time for some celebration. Right?
Keep reading)

Louis was sitting and thinking something deep. He was all lost in his thoughts. He dint even hear when Dad called him.
After an hour his mother came and shook him! Boy where are you lost?

"Mom its Jennifer's birthday I want to give her a surprise but i dont know what!"

"Uhmm why don't you give her a surprise at 12midnight with with balloons and pastries. She would love it."Louis's mother suggested.

"That's a great idea!". I'll call in her college friends also if they can join in."

Louis called up 2 friends of Jennifer but only one was ready to come. "Veronica".

They bought balloons not many just 4-5 of different colours, a crown, pastries and chocolate sticks!

Finally it was the eve of her birthday.
She had to go for some friend's birthday. So Louis and Jennifer went to the party and Veronica jus arranging everything on Jennifer's table.

11.55pm Louis and Jennifer were at the driveway of Jennifer's house.
They went up Louis took time to remove his shoes and all so that they reach at 12 sharp.

Jennifer opened her door and SURPRISEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
She stood there still in surprise. A reaction that cant be described in words. Like for 5-6 minutes she was like wow. And then there was a call from the other friend who couldnt come. If she wouldn't have called, Jennifer would have actually cried. She kept the call hugged Louis and Veronica. Attended calls. But then friends are friends they'll always snatch your phone away when you dont give them attention and keep them waiting. Louis snatched her phone.

She cut the cake. They three gossiped till 1.30. Then Louis went to drop Veronica and went back hope.

Jennifer replied to all messages on social networking and text messages.

Next morning Jennifer took blessing from her mother, went to church. She had made dinner plans with Veronica and Louis and some other friends too. And that third friend of their trio from college couldnt make it again.

She went for lunch out with her mother.
Came home. Dressed in a black gown net sleeves. With a head band, long earings necklace and high heels. She looked stunning. Just the show stopper for the day!

She walked out and there Louis was ready to take her to the venue. He was wearing a black leather jacket, gel on hair smart shoes, wrist watch. He was handsome.

"Hi pretty lady! I guess a star has fallen down today!", Louis said with a wink.

"Hi Louis you look smart."! Complementing him with a wink again.!

They drove ahead for another surprise waiting ahead!

(What's the other half of the surprise? Wait till the next update!

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