New friend really?

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I woke up rubbing my eyes adjusting to the sunlight. It seemed I over slept today. I checked my phone it was 1.00pm. Probably mom just understood I needed sleep. There was no reply from Louis. It did hurt. I had a bath changed into PJs and a tshirt and went over to Louis's place.

"Hey Aunty"

"Morning", Louis's mom greeted me witha smile.

"Uhmm where is Louis?",I asked bitting my lower lip nervously.

"He is not home he left late night for some shoot down the town he might come back by evening he said", his mom said.

"Oh ohkay i'll see you later then bye", i waved and left.

I dint feel like going home i just decided to go the park opposite and walk. I picked my phone and called Kiara I really wanted to talk to someone. But she dint pick up.

I plugged in my earphone but i just ended up shuffling songs. No song was soothing.

I was walking home when suddenly I felt a tap on my back. I turned to a unfamiliar face.

"You dropped this I guess?" He said answering to my questionable look, referring to a handkerchief.

"Uh no thanks its not mine" I replied with a smile and walked ahead.

Hey hey I know its not yours I just thought may be we could be friends and catch up over a coffee?, he said with a smile brushing his hand over his head. God he looked cute!

Control you have a boyfriend

But I can say a guy is cute right?

Thoughts go away.

"Your name?" He interrupted my thoughts.

seriously? What made me say so. I have gone mad I suppose

Oh you wanna do it that way then Im "the bunny" he said with a wink.

Quite girly isn't it?

Well its ananswer to a girl has to be sweet right?

I laughed.

Coffee? He asked

I need to go now. Next time sometime?

Today evening I'll wait for you at the cafe in the next block by 6 byeee. And he went running before i could reply.

What was this? Should I go? No you dating girl? Yeah but I cant make friends whats bad in that.

I went home. And decided to call up Louis and apologise. He dint pick up
I texted him at least 25 times till now its been 2 hours im home still no reply.

I just feel like crying.

I dont think this relation is working.

I feel something is up which i cant see.

Something is missing.

WE are missing.

I really need to talk to him.

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