Chapter 15: Encounter with Spears

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Weird platform. Oh well, at least I'm not being followed. thought Reimu. Suddenly, a spear appeared in front of her. "Gahhhhh!" Reimu screamed in shock. She decided to look where it came from. Wait! There's a knight! And it's aiming towards me!!! Reimu ran as fast as she could, grazing every spear it came at her. I'm not going to shoot her down. My only goal is to get to the top!
Reimu kept running for hours, until she stopped at a dead end. Oh no, I'm doomed. thought Reimu. The knight used the spear to slice the platform Reimu was on. "WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Reimu fell to her doom.
It sounds like someone has fallen down. Hey! Are you okay? What's your name? Reimu huh? That's a nice name. Why don't you go hang out wit-
Reimu saw that she fell in a pile of yellow flowers. I'm alive. Yay! I'm alive!
Getting speared gives you determination.

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