Chapter 3: Maidens Can't Skip Tu-TORIELS

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"You have to do this." Said Toriel. "Awwwwwww...." Reimu cried in agony. "But I know how to confront against youkai! Also, I know how to figure out puzzles!" "Well you might've missed a few puzzles here and there." said Toriel. "BOOOOOO!!!! Just let me skip them!!!" Reimu said. "Nope, I can't do that. I have to protect you from the unfamiliar things that can hurt you like unfamiliar puzzles." said Toriel. "bleh bleh bleh I need to protect you from unfamiliar puzzles" mumbled Reimu. "I forgot to mention, you don't have to KILL the monsters. They're your friends." said Toriel "Well that's good," said Reimu, "I can get to the top faster then."

"Not so fast!" Said Toriel. "You will stay at this place, and only this place! Now excuse me, I will go to my house!"

Toriel went to her house. She probably took a shortcut, because Reimu couldn't catch up to her.

"*huff* *huff* How can- *huff* she be so *huff* *huff* *huff* fast~~~~??? Said Reimu, as she was catching her breath. Oh well, thought Reimu, time to go to her house and ask some questions.
While Reimu was walking in the ruins, she found a note that said: "I hope you find my house. So I'm going to put a stick in front of this letter. You like sticks don't you? -Toriel " I do like sticks, but why would you place a random stick in front of me??? Thought Reimu.
To be continued in chapter 4.

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