Chapter 2: Reimu meets a talking goat

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"My name is Toriel." Said the goat mom, who for some reason, she was very care taking. "What's your name?" Reimu replied: "Ummm... Reimu Hakurei." "Reimu? That's a wonderful name!" Said Toriel. Reimu wondered: Why is Toriel have that lovey dovey face? I can take care of myself. "Why don't I take you to my house and we can explore the ruins?" Said Toriel. Well, I have no choice. Thought Reimu. So Reimu replied with a "sure." "Wonderful!" Said Toriel in an excited tone. "Now let me show you how to open a locked door!!!" Nooooooooooo! I already know how to do this!!!!! Reimu broke down.
To be continued in chapter 3

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