Sixteen - Unity Day - I

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\Sixteen - Unity Day - I\

A monitor was mounted onto the drop-ship with Jaha speaking on it. "My friends," He started and I instantly zoned out. I don't like Jaha, and I never will, plus, Unity day is bullshit. They blew a station out of the sky because they refused to join us.


Jasper and Monty ran out, screaming happily about moonshine, or 'Unity Juice.' I watched Octavia as she ran to meetup with Lincoln. 


It was night now, and nearly everyone was drunk off their ass, excluding me.

I was offered the 'Unity Juice' Multiple times, even Jasper and Monty came out with a 'special canister' for me. I refused, and went and sat by the fire watching the flames. 

"Hey, goose." Bellamy greeted me as he sat down.

"Not you too." I muttered, throwing my head back for a moment, then looking at him. 

"At least you're a cute goose." He said, then held an apple out. "But are you a hungry and or drunk goose?"

"Hungry? Yes." I smiled as I grabbed the apple and took a bite out of it. "Drunk? No."

"I guess we can be sober together, then." He said.


Thirty minuets passed and Bellamy and I separated, and I was near the gate when Finn approached me. "Hey." He said, pulling me out of anyone's earshot.Clarke, Octavia, and Lincoln said to come and get you. We're going to try and make peace with the grounders, Lincoln said they would listen to you, but he wouldn't explain why."

I looked to him, confused as to how he would know Lincoln's name, then remembering Octavia was involved. The grounders wouldn't hurt me, I knew that due to what happened with Lincoln, and nodded, following him back to where Clarke was waiting for us. "Let's go."

We walked and I allowed my sister and Finn talk to each-other, not caring. I was thinking more about how and why  Lincoln said they would listen to me.  

We stopped and I stared at the two as Clarke examined Finn's wound. "Enough with the sexual tension, duck." I muttered after Clarke had said something to Finn.

"Uhm, One, there's no sexual tension, and two, how do you think I feel when you and Bellamy are even near each-other, goose?" Clarke rolled her eyes as she started walking again.

"Hey, that tension is anything but sexual." I looked to her, and Finn had confusion written all across his face.

"Wait- you and Bellamy are, like, a thing now?" He asked.

Clarke turned to me with a playful glare ad then said to Finn; "You could definitely say that."


We ran up to a huge bridge, and I was met with Octavia pacing. "Hey, O, chill." 

She saw me and hugged me tightly "Thank god you're here." 

"So this is how you set this up?" Clarke  turned to Finn, then turned back to Octavia. "You helped him sneak out, didn't you?"

"I trust him, Clarke." Octavia sassed my sister.

"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke muttered, looking at Finn. 

"Someone's coming." I said as I caught sight of a jogging figure.  Octavia and Lincoln met up in the middle f the bridge, hugging. I smiled at the two, I shipped it.

Lincoln turned to me and nodded. "Heda." Commander.

"Please, just call me Grey. I don't even know what a commander is." I groaned at him. He nodded and smiled a little, backing up towards Clarke and I. 

Two horses with black fur and another with brown hair pulled up, then sat still. "Hey! We said no weapons!" Finn said, a little angered as he ran up to us. 

"I was told there wouldn't be." Lincoln. I noted this was the second time that I had heard him speak English. 

"It's too late now." Clarke said, and she, Finn, and I tried to walk up to the woman that sat on the brown horse. 

Lincoln pulled Finn back. "They go alone."

Finn and Clarke exchanged a few short sentences, and I rolled my eyes and walked forward when the two had separated their conjoint hands.

The woman, who wore black paint over her eyes, dismounted her horse when we approached, and we walked to meet in the middle. 

"Commander Grey? Clarke?" Why do they keep addressing me as commander

"Yes." Both Clarke and I said.

"I'm Anya." The woman stated, pushing her chin up. Clarke held her hand out to shake, but was quickly refused. Really, Clarke?

"I think we got off to a bad start, but we want to find a way to live together, in peace." Clarke started.

"I understand." Anya stated, not blinking. "You started a war that you don't know how to end.

"We didn't start anything." I said confused. 

Clarke took over for me. "You guys attacked us for no reaso-"

"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground!" Anya yelled, angry. 

"The flares? Those were meant as a signal, meant for our families. We had no idea-"

"You're invaders." Anya cut Clarke off. "Your ship landed in our territory."

"We didn't know that the ground was survivable." I cut in, trying to reason. 

"You two knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of out me and torture him!" Clarke looked to the stone on the bridge then up to me. "These are all acts of war." 

"I see your point." Clarke stated. "That's why we need to put an end to all of this." 

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down. Warriors."

"The Guard, yes. But also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each-other, but not if we're at war." Clarke said. Clarke grew up real quick.

 "Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack, and will respect the terms that us three agree on?" 

"I promise I will do everything I an to convince them to honor the terms that we set." 

"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" 

Clarke and Anya talked more, and I looked around, taking in the scenery for a moment. 

Then, hell broke loose when Jasper appeared from nowhere. "CLARKE, GREY, RUN!!"

Suddenly me feet we moving, then they were lifted and thrown onto one of the black horses. I screamed out, trying to move, but the grounder had a tighter grip than I would have preferred. 

"GREY!" Several people shouted out as I was being pulled away from them, then being knocked out. But one voice stood out, because one was Bellamy. 

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