Three - Hello - II

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\Three - Hello - II\


Octavia was reclined, slouched against a tree. I was sat beside her, resting my head on her chest as we spoke mindlessly- mostly about how bright everything seemed, now. Not just in saturation, but in vibrancy- even the drop-ship seemed to be more full of life.

There was a lanky boy walking lazily, kicking his feet lightly to shake the grass. His hair was in skewed curls, held back from his face by a pair of oversized goggles. Wells walked to him in a quickened pace and pushed him with idle strength.

Another boy who bore a scrunched, crooked nose and slicked, deep brown hair sauntered up to Goggles and Wells,  grumbling something illegible from where I sat, now upright and more attentive. That was Murphy. He had the occasion to taunt Octavia and stare blankly at me during recreation hours of the Sky-Box. 

"We're on the ground!" The shout that emitted from Bellamy caused a quick flinch to course through me, and Octavia laid a hand on my shoulder as we stood. "Is that not good enough for you?"

A more quickwitted commotion ensued as I watched. Octavia shouted, "Screw your father!" and I finally attempted to pay attention to the grumbling teenagers words.

I looked between Wells and Clarke, and Octavia and Bellamy. "What?" Bellamy walked closer to the group, raising his brow in for disbelief "Do you honestly think you're in charge here?"

"You and your little princess?" Princess. I could taste the bitterness of illegal alcohol as that nickname flew so easily from Octavia's mouth, in that bitter tone. She turned back at me, and whispered, "Oh, shit, sorry," Which I shrugged off quickly.

Clarke scoffed, clenching her a map tightly in her hand, walking closer to the growing group of teenagers. "Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the Chancellor said so. Because the longer we wait, the hungrier we will become, and the harder this will be! How long do you think we can last without those supplies. We're looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? If we want to get there before dark, we need to leave. Now."

Bellamy stepped forward, glaring at Clarke. "I have a better idea. How about you two go? Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." There were shouts of agreement around us.

As Well attempted to speak up again, Murphy drew in close and pushed him with a fraction of his strength, nearly knocked him to the ground. "Well everybody, look what we have here, it's chancellor of Earth!" Murphy gave a quick curtsy towards Wells, before pushing again, this time with more strength, causing him to slam onto the dirt. I attempted to help Wells, to aid him, but a hand wrapped around my arm held me back. I recoiled away from whomever it was, but stayed put, and watched as Clarke did the same. Murphy circled Wells, like a fish to a hook, unsure of when to feed.

It was uncomfortable to watch. I pushed forward, ignoring the attempted reach for me by whomever, and crouched down to meet Wells. Now that I was closer to him, I could see him wincing in pain. Finn jumped down from a ledge on the dropship, landing next to me. "The kids got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight?"

Murphy glanced a Wells, and let his gaze rest on me for a few seconds longer, before returning his attention to Finn. "Spacewalker here can't protect you forever, and I wouldn't get to close to our friendly, neighborhood murder there," Murphy smirked, and let out a huff of a laugh before pivoting on his heel, and walking away. Suddenly, it felt quieter, and I felt quant as I began to notice the eyes landing on me. 

"Hey, Spacewalker! Rescue me next." Octavia's attempts to distract went by noted by everyone. She offered me her hand, and I took it gratefully before offering my hand to Wells. Octavia turned and met her brother, who had walked closer to her with the corners of his mouth frowning as if he smelt something bad.  "What? He's cute!"

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