helpless || isaac lahey

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You and Isaac had been through so much together, Isaac losing his father, Erica and Boyd and especially Allison. But the thing that was the hardest was that no one wanted you around Isaac. They kept thinking that you couldn't protect yourself, you weren't strong enough or fast enough. That you could easily get hurt, or worse, killed just like your best friend Allison was.

No matter what the pack told you or how hard they tried to get you two to stop seeing each other nothing could work. You were both madly in love and nothing could separate the two of you, you had fought for so much and lost so much there was no point in walking away now. Every obstacle you were faced with you always went through it together, side by side, hand in hand and you both came out the other side.

But this time was different you had been hurt, badly hurt while trying to fend of the hunters from the one you love, the one you would to anything to keep alive. But they got you, and the next thing you knew you were in the hospital barely able to move a muscle. Searing pain circled through your body and it was unbearable.

"I...I'm so sorry (Y/N), I never wanted you to get hurt, this never should've happened." Isaac had tears in his eyes, he hated seeing the people he loves the most in pain and it physically hurt him to see you especially.

"Isaac it''s okay, I'm okay." You barely muttered to him.
" it's not okay, I didn't protect like I was supposed to." He wasn't just upset, he was angry at himself, angry because he didn't defend you.

And he was right, all the fighting all the pain you had been through you didn't seem to think it was worth it anymore. You knew that you couldn't take it much longer, but you just didn't know how to break it to Isaac.


You walked through the front door having no idea of what you were going to say, or how you were even going to start but you had to tell him. You had to tell Isaac that you couldn't bear it anymore, you couldn't bear seeing him get hurt or getting hurt yourself.

Isaac stood up from the couch as you walked through the door, he could clearly see the worried look on your face.
"Hey (Y/N) what's wrong." He grabbed both your arms and gently rubbed the back of your hands.

"Isaac there's something I...I need to tell you." You knew you wouldn't be able to say it without crying but you had to try. It would just make it worse for the both of you.
"Yeah, (Y/N) what is it? Are you okay?" Isaac started to look concerned himself now too, the atmosphere in the room was miserable.

"I...I don't think I can do this anymore Isaac, I can't be with you anymore." You looked him straight in the eyes and he stared right back. It put you in so much pain to see the way he looked right at you after you said those words to him.

"What are talking about? You can't leave me (Y/N), you just can't." Tears began to form in the corners of his eyes and you were forced to look down.

"I'm so sorry Isaac, after the previous accident I have no other choice. I hate to say this but I...I think they were right, the pack, we should never have been together. I think we are better off apart." You closed your eyes and two small drops rolled down the side of your face, you looked back up at Isaac.

"No (Y/N) please don't, it doesn't have to be this way." His lips were trembling and his beautiful blue eyes were filled with sadness. "Please don't go I love you."

You placed your arms around his neck and kissed him slowly on the lips. You stared into his eyes knowing your decision was going to hurt the both of you so badly. But there was nothing else you could do, you were left with no other option. You began to walk towards the door and as you opened it to walk out but Isaac stopped you, your back still faced to him.

"Please (Y/N) hear me out. If you walk out that door it will all be for nothing, all the pain all the suffering. All the blood and all the tears, for nothing. All those times we thought we weren't going to make it, all those time we thought we were going to lose each other. They will all be for nothing. I have fought every single day since I met you and I don't want to lose this fight. You, (Y/N), are worth fighting for, I love you, and you are the only person I've ever loved, the only person I will ever love. Is that what you want, to throw it all away. Once you've stepped out you can't turn back, that's it, it's over." Even though you weren't facing him you knew he was crying, all those words he said persuaded you to stay, but it wasn't the right thing to do if you wanted to stay alive.

You turned back to look at him your vision almost blurry from the tears.

"Isaac...I love you." You turned back towards the door and walked out without looking back, you closed it and let out a breath you never even knew you were holding.

You know it was the wrong thing to do, you know you will regret it and you know that Isaac was the only one who would love you like he did.

But you had no other choice, you were helpless.

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