Chapter 14

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Daniella POV

Derrick and I decided we'll go and check up on Mell, Josh and Ericka. We got dress  and had breakfast then an elderly man dressed in a black three piece suit drove us to the hospital. He introduce himself  as Ryan Maxwell but I called him Max and he didn't seem to be bothered.

I sent Mell a text telling her that we were in the cafeteria. In less than half an hour  they came but without Ericka, Derrick looked at each other then I asked.

"Where is Ericka?",I panicked.

"Our princess is sleeping",Dan replied.

I took a sigh of relief ,then Derrick decided to yarn and they started with the questions.

"You looked  tired bro",Josh said.

"I was busy taking care of some important business last night",Derrick answered winking st me.

Feeling ashamed I elbowed him in his side.

"Dan there is something I have to tell you",Mell   said but I knew she just  wanted the juicy details.

"I'll be right back ",I told Derrick then kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't stay long baby ",he replied.

Mell dragged me to  the locker room and closed the door.

"So what happen last night ?",she asked.

"Nothing ",I lied .

"Then why is there a new hickeys on you neck?",she  asked.

I couldn't  take it anymore so I told her everything, "Derrick and I had sex last night OK",I yelled.

"What! How was it? " she asked.

"Well at first it hurt but then it gets amazing",I told her  just the thought of last night made me  excited.

"I can't wait for me and Josh to do it",she screamed in excitement.

"You shouldn't rush",I told her.

"I'm not rushing but I can't control my hormones every time want to rip his clothes of and do it right here",she yelled.

"Didn't need to know that ",I told her.

"You have Derrick and you can have your way with him ",she replied.

"Yeah . I can too bad for you",I replied.

"I'll try to keep my legs closed for  one more month that's all",she told me.

"Whatever you say . Now I want to go back  to my baby",I begged.

We cut our conversation short and headed back to the guys.

Derrick POV

I could tell  Mell only wanted details,I don't mind my baby telling her how great I was.

"Sooooo Rick what happen ?",Josh asked.

"Nothing I was just catching up on some work stuff ",I lied.

"Dude we both know you're a terrible liar",he replied.

"Fiiiiine .Daniella and I had some pretty amazing wild sex last night ",I told him feeling damn proud of my self.

"What! How?",he questioned.

"With my penis ",I replied.

"Idiot I know that but you can't walk so I thought you wouldn't be able to have sex",he replied.

"I can't walk  I most certainly can still make my woman scream my name",I bragged.

"I hate you. At least you can get some"he replied.

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