The Baby!❤️

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Steve's POV.

It's been about 6 months since Pepper had her and Tony's baby. They had invited all of us to a engagement party for Clint and Natasha. Yep that's right Clint and Natasha are going to tie the not. I'm happy for Natasha she finally found her true love.

We arrived at the Avengers building and went in. We saw all the Avengers and our friends. Pepper, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Jane, Wanda, Peter Parker, Sam, Rodey, and Scot. We walked over to Tasha and Clint.

"Hey guys!" I said. "Hey!" They both greeted. We all hugged. "Congrats you to!" Peggy said. "Thanks! How's the little one?" Tasha asked. "Oh he or she is fine. He's a little active today though." "Oh, well I can't wait to meet the little thing!" She exclaimed.

I looked over to Wanda and saw her with Peter. They were sitting and laughing. They were really hitting it off. "Well look at that!" I said. They all turned and smiled. "Wow. Looks like the love bug has decided to attack the Avengers." Nat said. "Well I want to go talk to Tony I'll talk to you guys later." "Okay." They said.

We walked over to Tony. "Hey man!" I said and hugged him. "Hey." "How's your new son?" I asked. "Just great! He's the best thing that ever happened to us both." "I can't wait to have the same experience." I said.

Suddenly Peggy grabbed my arm tightly. "You may not have to wait that long darling..." She said holding onto her bump and groaning slightly. "Peggy?" I asked in confusion. "Oh my gosh." Pepper said. "It's coming Ste-" She warned. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Steve! She's going to have the baby!" Pepper shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing. "Oh my gosh! Peggy! Okay let's go."

I said and helped her out the door. "It's time?" Natasha asked. "Yeah it's is-" Peggy started then winced. "Okay good luck!" Nat answered, then went back to tell everyone.

Finally after the delivery the baby was finally was born. "It's a girl!" The doctor exclaimed. I smiled widely. 'A little girl. I'm actually a father now.' I thought. "I have a daughter!" I exclaimed. "Yes you do Captain. And here she is." The doctor said and handed her to me.

She had been cleaned off and had been dressed in a pink jumper. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "Hi sweetheart. I'm your daddy." I said welcoming her into the word. She stretched her little arms and legs and whined quietly then she squinted and relaxed in my arms. I smiled and adored my new beautiful daughter.

Then I heard Peggy

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Then I heard Peggy. "Where is it?" She asked tiredly. "Here. Right here darling." I said adoringly. "Let me see."

I brought her over to her mother

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I brought her over to her mother. I handed her to Peggy and Peggy smiled contently adoring her. "Is it-?" "A girl." I said finishing her sentence. She smiled widely. "A girl. A daughter. How wonderful." She said smiling and holding our new daughters little hand. "Yes...wonderful." I said looking at my beautiful wife.

"She's beautiful!" "Yes she is. She looks just like her mother." I said. "Yes, but she has her fathers grip." She giggled pulling her hand out of our daughters little grip. "So what are we going to name her?" I asked.

"Well...if it was a boy I thought maybe James because of Bucky, but now...what about Jamie?" She asked. "Jamie? That's good. But what about...Margret?" I asked. "Steve...No I don't want that. I think she should be named after someone important to us." She said. "You are important to me."

"I know, but I mean important to us outside of you and me. What about Michaela? After my brother who passed away in the war?" "That's a great idea! I know he meant so much to you." I said. "Yes he did. He was the only one who ever truly believed in me my whole growing up. Even when I didn't exactly believe in myself." She said with a melancholy look on her face. "I think that would be a beautiful name darling." I softly grinned.

She smiled. Then looked down at our beautiful baby girl. "Did you hear that? Your name is now Michaela, Jamie, Rogers." "We love you." I added. We then just sat there as a family full of love.

Peggy's POV

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Peggy's POV.

"I think that would be a beautiful name darling." Steve grinned softly. I smiled again mad looked down at Michaela. "Did you hear that? Your name is now Michaela, Jamie, Rogers." I told her lovingly. "We love you." Steve added. I looked at him and smiled gently then looked back down at Michaela. She was now my everything. Now we were a happy family.

Just then there was a nock on the door. "Come in!" I said quietly. The door opened to reveal Tony, Pepper and baby Bryson. "Hey!" Steve said and went over to hug Tony. "They said you had already delivered so they let us come in. Can we see it?" Pepper asked. "Of course! Come here." I said.

They all came over. "So what is it?" Tony asked. "We have a daughter." I answered. "Awe she's so adorable! What's her name?"  Pepper asked. "Michaela, Jamie, Rogers." I answered. "That's a pretty name." Tony said. "Thanks it was Peggy's idea." Steve said smiling.

"I see you brought little Bryson with you." "Mhm." Pepper nodded and bounced him. He giggled sweetly. "So he's 5 months old now?" I asked. "Yep." "His eyes are so pretty!" "Thank you! We think so too." Tony said. "But what about your little girl? Her eyes are so beautiful too!" Pepper said. "Thanks we think so too." Steve said.

Then she brought Bryson over to Michaela. "Bryce, look! There's your new little friend!" Pepper said. Bryson gurgled and reached out to Michaela. "Yeah! She's a baby like you!" I smiled widely.

"Honey? We need to be heading out. It's getting late." Tony told Pepper. "Alright dear. Say bye bye Brysy." Pepper said to Bryce. "Okay bye Peggy. Bye Steve! She's beautiful by the way! Just beautiful!" She said and then left. Steve sat beside me. "That she is. Beautiful. Just beautiful. Goodnight." He said and kissed my forehead and then Michaela's. "I love you both." Then he left. I just sat there holding her she was...beautiful.

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