Falling Back Inlove

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Steve's POV.

The next day I went to the secret SSR office to meet Howard about the shield. When I came in I saw that one secretary who got me to kiss her. I sighed. "Great." It's not that I wanted to kiss her she had gotten me at a weak moment. But this time I wasn't going to let that happen. Not after last night. I walked over to her. "Um I'm here to see Mr. Stark." I said. "He's in with Colonel Philips." She said lamely. Then she looked up. "Oh, of course your welcome to wait." She said with a smile on her face. "Okay thank you." "I read about what you did." She spoke up. "Oh that? Oh it was... I was just... doing what needed to be done." I explained. I always stutter when people make over me. I don't know why? "It sounded like more than that. You saved over 400 men!" She exclaimed. I shook my head. "Really it's not a big deal." I said trying to avoid eye contact. She got up. "Tell that to their wives." I moved away from her slowly and bumped into the door. 'Why!?' I thought. "I don't think that they were all married." I said just like before. I didn't know what else to say. "Your a hero. She said coming closer. I worked my way to the desk and stood behind it. She chased me and leaned on the front of it. "Your a hero." She said. "Really that only depends on the definition of the word..." I said nervously still trying block myself from her. She was very persistent. She came around and grabbed my tie. 'Oh no!' I thought. "The women of America they owe tou their thanks." "No you really..." I tried to stop her. "And seeing as they're not here." She said and pulled me in between the file cabinets. "No Miss really...." I was interrupted when she kissed me. I pulled away quickly going to tell the woman that I was taken when... "Captain!" I jumped and turned to see of course... Peggy. "We're ready for you if your not otherwise occupied." She said angrily. Then she turned on her heel and started to walk off. I chased after her putting my tie back in place. "Agent Carter, wait." I said since we were in a military place. "Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all." She said still walking away from me. I ran up to her. "Peggy, that's not what you thought it was." I said quietly. She turned towards me. "I don't think anything Captain not one thing. You always wanted be a soldier and now you are one. Just like all the rest." She still said angrily. "That's not true." I told her. She finally quit walking and turned around. "Really? Because if my eyes weren't deceiving me, you were just kissing a random girl you just met." She said waiting for an explanation. "Yes, but I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. I tried to stop her. I actually had pulled away and was going to tell her that I was..." I began quietly. She laughed slightly. "Oh that's a good one." She said them gestured toward me. "The only soldier in the world who would run away from a pretty girl. Now I've heard everything!" She exclaimed. she started walking to a door. "Peggy! It's true!" I exclaimed. "I'm sure it is. You didn't kiss her. She kissed you. You ran away from her like a scared little boy and she forced her little self upon a 6 foot tall man who has the strength of a horse!" She firmly and quietly said. "I whole heartedly believe you." She yelled angrily. Then she stormed out. I stood there silent. "Great this is even worse than last time!" I said annoyed. I walked into the lab and saw Howard. "Hey Steve! Okay so here's what we have for you... Carbon polymer. Should withstand the average German bayonet. Of course Hydra's not going to come at you with a pocket knife." He sighed. He walked over to the shields "I hear your kind of attached." "Trust me. It's handier than what you might think." I said, remembering every time it's saved my life or someone else's. "This ones fun." He said pointing to a shield, while I looked around for mine. "She's being fitted with electrical relays. That will always you to..." I looked under the table. There it was. I picked it up and held it. "What about this one?" I asked. "No, no that's just a prototype." He so as moving on. "What's it made of?" I asked acting dumb. "Vibranium. It's stronger than steal, and a third of the weight." He answered. "Why isn't it custom issue?" "That's the rarest metal on Earth. What your holding there that's all we got." He explained. Just then Peggy walked in. "Are you quite finished Mr. Stark? I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business." She said. She was still upset. "Peggy..." I started. "What's that?" She asked. 'Oh no.' I thought. "It's a Vibranium shield. The strongest metal." Howard answered. I looked over at him nervously then back at her. "Oh." She said and started to walk off. "You know Steve if you really like it, it might work? We'd just have to test it first." Peggy stopped. "Really?" "Yeah. What do you think Agent Carter?" Howard asked. Just then Peggy looked down at a gun and picked it up. I put the shield in front of me and she fired it 5 times. Then she put it down. I put the shield down and saw Howard getting out form cover. She then smiled at me and Howard. "Yes I think it works." Then she walked passed me and Howard. Glaring at me when passing. I was in shock. 'She was so jealous!' I thought. I handed Stark a paper. "I had some ideas for the uniform." "Whatever you want pal." Howard also said in shock.

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