chapter 14

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Drell came back to Hawaii and felt even worse than before. "Cherry, I'm very emotional and unhappy..."

Cherry sighed and held out herself to him, allowing him to harm her in any way he wanted. Drell simply walked past her. Cherry frowned and stood in front of him. Drell then walked around her and kept walking off.

"Man, he's really depressed..." Cherry said.

"Which direction is he headed to?" Patrick asked.

Drell was standing over a pier as he looked down to the deep part of the ocean.

"Oh, my gosh!" Darla gasped. "He's going to drown himself!"

"HILDA!" Atticus screamed.

"Ow!" Cherry flinched from the sudden scream.

Hilda soon appeared as she was sad over what happened at the house.

"Drell, don't do this, you have so much to live for!" Cherry called out, even she was worried about the warlock.

Drell had tears in his eyes as he looked to the deep dark emptiness at the bottom of the ocean.

"You have to stop him, Hilda." Patrick said.

"I'm too upset over what happened in the house..." Hilda said.

Skippy was dressed in black and had a hanky as he cried as it looked like Drell was going to kill himself. Sabrina and Salem both soon appeared.

"Drell, please don't!" Patrick begged.

Drell then stuck his hand in the water and shivered. "Perfect..." he muttered as he then turned around and was going to plummet himself backwards into the water.

"DRELL, STOP!" Sabrina and Salem called out.

Drell sighed as he was going. Skippy ran over to Drell and took out his wand and used a powerful energy blast to keep Drell from drowning himself, but it was not that easy due to how much bigger Drell was compared to him.

"We gotta stop him from drowning." Salem said.

Skippy sniffled, looking rather sad as Drell was going to throw his life away.

"Drell!" Hilda called.

Drell turned his head then to see the witch woman. "Hilda..."

Skippy soon sighed out of relief as Hilda just made it in time.

"Drelly..." Hilda came to him with tears in her violet eyes. "You're going to drown yourself just because of me?"

"I'm sorry, Hilda, but that fight ripped my heart out of my chest and shredded it..." Drell's voice cracked out of depression. "If I can't have you, then I don't deserve to live. Not to mention your family doesn't really like me very much, especially your own niece."

Sabrina looked even more guilty by that statement.

'Salem's right, this is my fault.' Sabrina thought to herself with a frown.

"Drell...' Hilda reached for the warlock.

"I don't belong anywhere..." Drell turned himself around, then took a deep breath as he thought long and hard about his life, then plummeted himself into the water.

"DRELL!" Hilda shrieked.

Cherry then did something no one expected, she ran across the sand and jumped into the water, her legs glowing and becoming a mermaid tail fin and she started to swim after the warlock.

"Is Cherry doing what I think she's doing?" Patch asked.

"Cherry is saving Drell...?" Atticus was shocked.

"Drell? Drell!" Cherry called as she looked around the dark waters for the warlock, then saw Pudge swim by with a peanut butter sandwich in his mouth, eating it. "Uh, excuse me? Have you seen a big guy with long flowing dark brown hair with glasses and blue-gray eyes?"

The fish nodded before pointing down.

"Thanks..." Cherry nodded in thanks and swam down to the sand.

Drell was not moving or breathing as he was down to the lower surface of the ocean.

Cherry then swam back up and gasped for air slightly to get the water out. "Atticus, come in here, Drell's at the bottom!"

Atticus nodded before he ran off and dove into the water as his legs glowed and changed into his tail fin and where he was now going to save Drell at the bottom of the ocean floor.

Cherry then went back down underwater to show Atticus where Drell was. Atticus began to follow Cherry so she could lead the way. There appeared to be a shark roaming the waters and sniffed Drell's body as it lay perfectly still at the bottom of the ocean.

"Get away from him!" Atticus told the shark.

The shark snarled and roared in Cherry and Atticus's faces. Cherry roared even louder in a rather aggressive way which showed razor sharp fangs in her mouth. The shark then seemed to whimper and swam away out of fear. Atticus looked impressed by that and soon swam down to Drell and lifted him up and brought him up to the surface. Cherry then swam up with him.

Atticus carried Drell in his arms, then his legs returned as he walked across land while dripping wet slightly and gently put Drell on the sand. "He needs mouth-to-mouth."

"NOT IT!" Everybody except for Hilda suddenly shouted.

Atticus soon placed Drell on the sand as far from the ocean as possible.

Hilda came over top of Drell. "Oh, Drell, I'm so sorry..." She soon did mouth-to-mouth to the strong warlock.

Cherry winced and stuck her tongue out.

Eventually, Drell coughed up some salt water and wearily looked up. "Hilda...?"

"Oh, Drell!" Hilda smiled as she hugged him.

"What happened?" Drell asked.

"You almost drowned..." Cherry knelt beside him. "I-I saved you with Atticus."

"It's true; she even scared off a shark." Atticus said.

"Cherry scared of a shark?" Drell laughed. "That's a good one."

"I did!" Cherry glared. "Stop laughing at me!"

"No really, she really did scare off a shark." Atticus said.

"Uh-huh, sure..." Drell roughly patted Cherry on the head. "You saved my life!"

Cherry shuddered at the touch.

"Uh, guys, maybe we should leave Drell and Hilda alone." Salem suggested.

"Yeah, let's." Sabrina agreed.

The others got out of the way.

"I saved your life, you big jerk!" Cherry glared at Drell.

"That's nice..." Drell shoved her down as he came into Hilda's arms.

"Well, at least he's back to his old self." Cherry shrugged before going after the others.

Drell and Hilda then smiled to each other as they held their hands by the beautiful moonlight evening of Hawaii.

"I'm so excited, I'm gonna catch experiments with Lilo and Stitch!" Darla cheered, then looked thoughtful. "I wonder what that'll be like?"

"An adventure." Atticus smiled.

Darla smiled back and was eager to stay in Hawaii a little longer just to help Lilo and Stitch capture the remaining experiments and help reform them.

The End

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