chapter 10

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'Container ready, select experiment.' the container spoke again.

Hamsterviel laughed in excitement. "So many nasty experiments, I shall wreak mayhem on the stinky Galactic Empire."

"Thank you!" Stitch snatched it.

"What?!" Hamsterviel glared.

"You little trog!" Gantu snarled and went after him.

Stitch then tossed the container to Lilo.

"Pesky Earthling." Gantu aimed his balster for her.

"You want it?" Lilo smirked before throwing the container. "Catch!"

Gantu then tried shooting as Stitch moved all around as Hamsterviel scowled. The others looked in the room as Lilo and Stitch played keep away with Gantu with the experiment container.

Atticus saw the perfect place to throw the container at. "Hey, guys, over here!" he then rushed over.

Drell sighed. "What is the point of everything?"

Cherry frowned as Drell was down in the dumps.

"Quickly, throw it this way!" Cherry told Lilo and Stitch.

Lilo then tossed the container to Atticus.

"Okay, Cherry, your turn!" Atticus threw the container to Cherry.

"Cherry, they're gonna shoot you now!" Drell exclaimed then.

"It's okay, you know I can't catch!" Cherry repled, then caught the container. "I hate myself..." she then handed the container to Drell and ran off.

"I hate yourself..." Drell frowned firmly. He then soon saw Gantu and Hamsterviel look towards him before he tossed it to Atticus.

"The window..." Lilo saw where Atticus was and clicked the window open.

"The window's open!" Gantu gasped.

'Warning, window is open.' the computer warned.

"Be free, cousins!" Atticus called as he was then about to throw the container out the deep vacuums of space.

"No!" Gantu yelled as he tried to stop the container from being sent into space. He looked relieved at first, but then the container somehow opened up and it sent the other 623 experiment pods to scatter and fall to the Earth like raindrops or snowflakes.

"Wooooow!" Yuki, Teresa, and Elena reacted in awe.

"Looks like they did it." Darla smiled.

"Ah, little girl and others have saved experiments." Jumba smiled proudly. "Is very good."

"Very good?!" Pleakly gawked at him. "Well, it's not very good! Well, it's the opposite of very good! It's very bad! 625 experiment pods activated by water raining down on one of the wettest spots on Earth?"

"Actually, is only 623," Jumba corrected.

"Whatever!" Pleakley shrugged in defeat.

"At least they are saved." Elena smiled.

"This is really going to attract tourists..." Teresa said, wide-eyed about the falling experiment pods.

"I'm afraid Pleakley is right," the Grand Councilwoman said. "This is indeed very bad."

Patrick looked up to the sky softly. "Atticus, be careful up there..."

Darla's brooch seemed to glow as she watched with the others as the experiment pods fell on the planet.

Cherry's Adventures of Stitch the MovieWhere stories live. Discover now