chapter 4

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"I bet one of those other experiments could help us," Cherry sighed. "Too bad Pleakley said not to open it."

"Where'd Stitch go?" Lilo asked.

Stitch then went to Atticus and whispered something to him.

"I'll try, buddy." Atticus smiled.

The two then went to the trunk and moved around it, then they both snapped their fingers and freed Jumba's newest invention.

"I'm going to get blamed for this somehow, I just know it..." Cherry looked nervous. "I-I better go to Drell..."

"NO!" Mo tackled her and covered her mouth. "You'll just squeal on us!"

"Now all we need to do is get one of them wet." Atticus smirked.

Cherry muffled and squealed as she struggled.

The girls went in the bathroom and Lilo filled the tub with water.

"Okay, I think that's enough water." Yuki said.

"Now we just have to find the right experiment." Atticus said.

Stitch came with the invention, about to throw it into the water.

"WAIT! We don't need all of them!" Darla stopped him. "Just look for someone who can recharge the ship."

Stitch then backed up and turned the invention on.

'Container ready, select experiment.' the invention spoke.

Cherry struggled to get free from Mo's grasp.

Atticus started to look through each experiment that was shown. "No... No... No..." he muttered to himself, then stopped to Experiment 221 whose primary function was electrical power surge. "Ooh, this looks promising!" he then selected that experiment and a green pod came out with the number written on it.

Cherry then got free and rushed off.

"We'll get her back later..." Atticus said before he came to the tub and then dropped the pod into it.

'Experiment 221 activated.' the invention announced.

The tub then began to glow.

"Alright, time to see what this one looks like." Elena said.

"This is exciting to meet more Stitches." Teresa had to admit.

The tub then glowed brightly and there came a yellow creature with beady blue eyes and a wavy tail with long antenna who then laughed wickedly and started to make the power go out and then ran out the window, causing more and more power outages.

"Well, that just happened..." Darla blinked.

"Oh, cousin lost..." Stitch frowned. "Jumba and Patch lost..."

"You have a lot of lost issues." Lilo said.

Stitch groaned and hit his head on the window sill.

"Not helping." Darla said.

"Sorry," Lilo said before she then had an idea. "But if we can find 221, I bet we can find Jumba. Come on, I'll go get a flashlight."

"But Lilo, it's late, your sister won't like this." Yuki frowned.

"Come on, it's better than just waiting it out, let's get going." Lilo insisted.

"She does make a good point." Elena shrugged.

"We might wanna place pillows in your sleeping bags and bed in case Nani comes up to Lilo's room." Atticus suggested.

The girls nodded.

"We're sneaking out." Lilo nodded firmly.

"Ooh, spy mission!" Stitch laughed.

With that, they then took their leave to go after Jumba, Patch, and Gantu.

Meanwhile, Cherry came into the hotel. Cherry ran into the room and accidentally knocked down Drell, ending up on top of him.

"CHERRY!" Drell glared.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Cherry crawled back up into a corner nervously. "I can explain..."

"Please do..." Drell put his hands on his hips.

Cherry then giggled. "Funny story, just laugh at it already... But, Pleakley told us specifically not to open Jumba's new invention and release one of his other experiments, but get this, they did it anyway!" she then cracked up laughing. "They are in so much trouble with you, right?"

"About time." Drell said.

"HA! Finally! Someone else is in trouble with you!" Cherry laughed. "I'm finally off the hook!"

"Did I say that?" Drell asked.

Cherry then sunk to the floor. "Well, no, but..."

"It's about time they activated one of them." Drell said.

Cherry then stood up and walked away with a groan. "Once a scapegoat always a scapegoat, I can't even get him to yell at anyone else!" 

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