chapter 5

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Meanwhile with Patch and Jumba...

"Prepare yourself for cruel and interminable torture." Gantu smirked darkly to Patch and Jumba.

"If I only had my strength back; I'd teach you a lesson." Patch grunted.

"We're not afraid of torture," Jumba challenged as he was held in an upside down prison chamber. "Excepting maybe a litle bit."

"I'm certain Dr. Hamsterviel will find your 'little bit'." Gantu replied.

"By any chance, does guy look like a gerbil?" Patch asked.

"I'll be honest with you, he looks more like a gerbil than a hamster to me." Gantu whispered.

"How long is his tail?" Patch asked, deadpanned.

"You'll see..." Gantu mumbled.

Eventually, the tiny villain appeared, he had white fur with a bushy brown tail, long rabbit-like ears, beady red eyes, and had a red cape with a golden H imprinted on it. "Gantu, you're late."

"Ah, Dr. Jacques von Hamsterwheel." Jumba greeted his old friend.

"Hamsterviel, it is Hamsterviel!" the creature glared. "You stole my evil genius experiments, Jumba!" he then looked to Patch. "And vhat is that thing?!"

"I am an earth creature called a Dalmatian and your experiments?! No way, they are Jumba's!" Patch barked.

"He is right, the genius was all mine." Jumba added firmly.

"VHAT?!" Hamsterviel didn't like that and started to jump up and punch the air, unable to hit Jumba or Patch. "Come down here and say zhat!"

"Funny, you are shorter than I am remembering, but you still have twitchy nose like gerbil." Jumba smirked.

"I am not gerbil-like! I am hamster-like!" Hamsterviel glared. "You vith your four eyes and inexplicable accent!"

"You are not hamster-like, you idiot!" Patch barked.

"Vhy you--" Hamsterviel snarled.

"Ahem!" Gantu cleared his throat as he took out a pod. "Anyway, I did find this one experiment pod, so I brought him to you for interrogation."

"Only vun?!" Hamsterviel looked insulted. "You incompetent fish head of a minion! I kick your stinky over-sized feet!" he then attempted to kick until he thought about what Gantu said. "Vait... Vhat? Interrogation? All right, you take zhis!" he then tried to punch Jumba and Patch. "And zhat! Don't just stand there... BRING ME A PHONE BOOK!" he then demanded to Gantu.

Gantu snarled and walked away to get a phone book or two for the rodent alien. After he left it got awkward for the three of them.

Meanwhile back on Earth...

"He couldn't have gone too far..." Lilo said as she was with her friends, looking for Experiment 221.

Stitch came up to a very large rock and lifted it up, not finding the experiment, then slammed it back down on the ground.

"Quiet!" the girls warned him.

"Ih." Stitch nodded, then went to a smaller rock and looked under it, but still no Experiment 221.

"We should look at places with plenty of electricity." Atticus said.

"Stitch, do you have night vision?" Cherry asked.

Stitch nodded, then used it and looked around and found electrical sparks. "I got him!" he then said in alien language.

"Maybe he went this way..." Lilo was about to walk one way as Stitch went the other way with the others.

Yuki, Teresa, and Elena came behind Lilo and pulled her the other way to where Stitch was going.

"Heeeey!" Lilo frowned.

"Follow the alien with night vision." Atticus said.

Back in outer space...

"If you do not tell me vhere the other experiments are, I vill begin vith the threatening!" Hamsterviel threatened.

"Your threatenings do not threaten me." Jumba mocked.

"Then I vill threaten your family." Hamsterviel said.

"HA!" Jumba laughed. "I have no family!"

"You don't even know where my family lives on Earth." Patch smirked.

"Perhaps I will activate the one experiment pod and leave you both to its tortures." Hamsterviel smirked back.

"Experiment 625?" Jumba panicked from memory. "Ohh... He has all powers the same as 626..."

Hamsterviel laughed in victory. "He'll torture your little doughboy body into talking! Activate the experiment!"

Gantu took out the pod and dropped it into a cup of water. The cup then shook and rattled as it began to glow.

"RUN!" Hamsterviel told Gantu so Patch and Jumba would be tortured.

"Should we be worried?" Patch whispered.

"625 has same abilities as 626, he could destroy us both." Jumba sounded terrified.

After a while, the experiment was born, it was about the same size, only slightly chubby, as Stitch and had dark yellow fur and had a shiny red nose and had dog-like ears with a tuft of fur on his head and he growled at them at first. Patch winced a bit, expecting something bad to happen.

The chubby alien came close, then held his stomach. "Whoa, boy, am I hungry!" He then groaned. "You guys got anything to eat around here?"

"Huh? Um, sorry, no." Patch shook his head.

"Hmm..." Experiment 625 hummed. "Guess I'll have to make something."

"Um, aren't you gonna destroy us or something?" Patch asked in confusion.

"Maybe later.." Experiment 625 replied as he then appeared to be making sandwiches.

"Jumba, explanation, now." Patch said to the former evil scientist.

"This is not possible..." Jumba remarked. "625, why are you not annihilating us?"'

"Eh, I'll do that another time..." Experiment 625 shrugged and continued to make sandwiches. "You guys hungry?"

Jumba and Patch looked to each other strangely and oddly as the experiment was a lazy coward and only made sandwiches. Jumba then remembered the rest about 625's programming.

"Sure, what do ya got?" Patch smiled.

"Ham and tuna for right now." Experiment 625 smiled back.

"Pass then, besides; I'm not suppose to have human food except if it's on the ground, then it's for the dog; that's the rule of the canine." Patch smiled.

"Suit yourself." Experiment 625 replied as he then munched on the two sandwiches he had offered.

Gantu and Hamsterviel came into the room and stopped in shock to see that neither Jumba or Patch had been attacked by the alien creation.

"Funny thing, 625 has all powers of 626, even has advanced language programming," Jumba chuckled, explaining to the two why they were not under attack. "Unfortunately, he is also lazy coward. But makes great sandwiches."

"Ham or tuna?" Experiment 625 offered.

Hamsterviel growled in response. "I AM IRKED!"

"I guess your attempt to scare us failed." Patch laughed.

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