chapter 7

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The next day came sooner than anyone thought. Once the sun came up, Cherry finally seemed to fall asleep and there was even a rooster crow. Nani got the door and saw the agent/social worker.

"You called?" Cobra looked to Nani.

"Cobra," Nani smiled. "How are you?"

"Sleepy..." Cobra stalked inside the house.

"Sorry." Atticus said.

"Cobra, Cobra, thank goodness!" Pleakley rushed to the man.

"Hello, son." Patrick also came.

"Oh... Hey, Dad." Atticus smiled.

"So I guess you heard too." Cherry said.

"You bet," Patrick said as he came with Cobra. "So, there are other experiments before Stitch, I feel like I should've seen this coming."

"Yeah, there are, um, 623 experiments left in Jumba's invention." Atticus gulped.

"623?" Patrick took out a file. "That's not in our records."

"Uh, yeah, me, Stitch, and the girls kind of activated one of the experiments so we could get enough electricity from it to power up Jumba's and Pleakley's ship." Atticus admitted.

"Hmm..." Patrick hummed to that.

"I told Drell, he didn't care..." Cherry scoffed. "Of course if I did it, he would twist my neck open and drink the fluids."

"No, he must have seen this coming." Patrick said.

"I hate him, can I torture him?" Cherry asked.

"Would you like for him to torture you back?" Atticus asked.

"Ugh, will I ever win?" Cherry groaned.

"Don't know." Patrick shrugged.

Cherry sighed and walked off.

Lilo's friends were coming downstairs after getting dressed.

"That was a great night's sleep." Elena smiled.

"Even though Jumba's gone." Teresa said.

"Yeah." Yuki said.

The three girls then stopped and looked up to see Cobra Bubbles.

"Um, hello." Elena greeted.

"Hello, young ladies, you must be Lilo and Darla's friends." Cobra replied.

"Erm... Y-Yes, sir..." Yuki sounded nervous.

"Don't worry, girls, Mr. Bubbles here is a very good man." Atticus told them.

"Did you ever kill anyone?" Teresa asked like Lilo did when they had first met.

"I'm sorry, but I'm here on official business," Cobra replied. "We must wait for Hamsterviel's next call. Once we have the rendezvous location, Pleakley, Patrick, and I will exchange all the remaining experiments for Jumba and Patch. From there, we follow the governmental procedure."

"But he wants all 624; if he notices we have one missing, he won't accept the trade." Atticus said.

"We'll just have to hope he doesn't find out." Patrick said to his son.

"I just have the feeling that he'll find out somehow..." Atticus held his gut.

'This is now an intergalactic incident," Cobra said firmly to the others then. "You are to take no further action other than what we have indicated. Is that clear, girls?"

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