Six- Sayounara soul society

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Kana's PoV

"Maybe this is the path I should follow, first friends are forever."

I wake up to Sayuri repeatedly saying "wake up," and shaking me. I groan getting up from my chair. "O hayou gozaimasu, Sayuri." Sayuri smiled. "What's the plan today?" She asked happily. I yawn and begin walking out but not before dropping a letter from my squad and two different ones for my lieutenants. "We are going to the world of the living so I can leave a few things from my new friends." I say to her. "Okay Onee-san."

Before we go to the world of the living I tell Ukitake about me going to do that mission. He understands and let's me go. We go through the senkaimon and straight to the world of the living before the cleaner comes. When we get there I make sure to stay as far as possible from any other soul reaper.

"Sayuri do you know-" I get cut off by a black cat and then I notice my Onii-san. "Staying quiet here?" "Yoruichi, Kisuke why are you here?" I ask the two as Sayuri draws her zanpakutō. "We could sense you weakly. What are you doing with an arrancar?" Kisuke asked in a serious tone. "The same thing as you but I'm going to side with your enemy. Now Sayuri can you open a garganta?" I ask as she nods. "Aren't we going to deal with them?" She asked wide eyed. "Of course not, Yoruichi is known as the flash step goddess and Kisuke I know him he's full of tricks." I say to her as she quickly opens up a garganta and we run in quickly, she clicks and it closes as quickly as it appears.

We walk through a path made from Sayuri's spiritual pressure as I stay close behind her. "Right so let's go to Aizen, I need to talk to him." I mutter. When we get to Hueco Mundo I look around at the etrnal darkness. I see the person with blue hair walk over to us. "Sayuri what are you doing- Oh it's you. Come on Aizen wants to see you." He says leading the way as Sayuri looks at him. "Nii-san what does Aizen-san want with Onee-san?" Sayuri asks. "So you are family? And 'she' has a name and you know it." I say frowning as we walking inside this place.

After a while of walking and being mean to Grimmjow, we make it to where Aizen is. "Hey Aizen, Gin, Kaname!" I say to them with a smile. "It's great for the group to be back together." I say running up to them. Sayuri follows me but get stops by Grimmjow. "How are you liking your new present?" Gin asks to which I just smile in response. "Sayuri is so much fun just a little too much of a morning person for me. I think... Maybe this is the path I should follow, first friends are forever." "We have a few things sorted out for you, Harribel come and show Kana around and where her new home will be." A dark women comes here with her jacket like piece of clothing covering her mouth. "Sayuri do you want to join in?" She nods happily, says goodbye to everyone and runs after us.

I look around the room Harribel sent me into, I had already agreed to class her as a friend and help her whenever after she had told me that females were counted as lower then males, I'll never agree with that. I look around and see a nice long white jacket type thing, white tank top with black outlines and a nice type of bottoms that looked like a skirt but weren't. It was the only thing that wasn't tight or revealing. I pick it up and then move over to a black obi with a red line going through the middle long way. This would be my new outfit.

I get shown to my room which had three beds for some reason and got changed. I already knew that Sayuri would be sleeping here there was no way I would let her be with one of the males unless it was Grimmjow.

I walk around trying to think of something to do until I see Kaname and run over to him. "Hey Kaname!" I try to get his attention. He turns and faces me. "Kana, do you want to talk?" He asks. "Of course, you're someone who understands yin and yang, so you think this is the right path too?" I ask him getting a nod in response. "I guess we should be happy my brother made that thing." I say and walk with Kaname into his room where this arrancar which kept 'ahh'-ing at stuff. "Who's this one?" "Wonderweiss, he can't talk but he has great power." I nod in understanding. "Well I'm going to find Gin, maybe he knows if I can train against anyone for fun. Sayounara Kaname." I say with a wave and get one back as I start searching this maze of a place for Gin or Aizen.

I finally find them both talking to each other. "You two I'm bored. Anyone to fight?" I ask with a small sigh. They look at each other. "Grimmjow." Aizen says trying to get the blue haired arrancar here to fight.

I'm going to stop it here cause my phone is about to die and because I'd love to start the next chapter with a fight. It's currently 2:18am where I am so...
Oyasuminasai (good night)

O hayou gozaimasu means good morning
Onee-san means big sister
And I'm not sure if I included anymore
~Chi of the Darkness

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