Two- Meeting other captains

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Kana's PoV

"It isn't like all demons have to be bad, some are here to protect."

I got back to the soul society to see Toshiro, Ukitake and Shunsui, three other captains and all ones I get along with. "So I'm going to guess you're not here to inform me about the meeting." I say to them walking past and sitting under a tree.

"Sorry, but you seem aware we can't do that." Toshiro agrees as he sits down next to me in the shade. "I find it Idiotic but I guess there has to be a reason to it." I say resting my head on the palm of my hand.
"So can you guess what it was about?" Shunsui asked me. I nod. "I've got a guess, it is either about me or Aizen-taichou and Gin-taichou." I reply gaining a certain look from Ukitake and a totally different look from Toshiro.
"How can you still call them captains or show them respect?" He asked with an annoyed tone. I shrug. "You still respect them then. I understand you've always had them to be friends with and now they have left." I hang my head down at Ukitake's words. "Yeah I guess I still do respect them and still count them as friends." I mutter.

Shunsui notices sadness and anger from us. "Why don't we all have a drink and have some fun? I know you can't drink Toshiro but I'm sure Jushiro will have some candy for you." "Sorry but I think I'll pass. I'm going to go back to my squad. I'm sure squad 11 have beaten them." I mutter once again and stand up.

I flash step to my squad and walk inside my office where I sit down and think about what Ukitake said. "As friends." I whisper. "Yes I think of them this way. Of course I do in my eyes they can't and wouldn't do anything wrong. I still believe this is a nightmare." I whisper tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "Why do I feel like crying?" I ask myself and close my eyes.

"Maybe it is because you are coming to grips with not seeing them again." Aku says to me as I feel someone pat my head. I look up to see a silver haired male staring down at me. "Aku... Why did they have to leave me alone?" I ask him knowing he won't and can't respond. I fall fast asleep in my quiet office and yet in my innerworld with Aku watching over me.


I was walking late at night. It wasn't long until I finished at the academy and my onii-san said I would get to join his squad. I couldn't wait to leave and have so much fun! I wasn't paying much attention and end up walking into somebody. "Hello, are you okay?"

This person who I had walked into had brown hair, glasses and a warm friendly smile. "Yes I'm fine." I say with a small smile and stand up from my surprisingly comfortable spot on the ground.
"Are you sure?" I hear another voice ask, I look around to see someone my age stood next to the person. This kid had his eyes almost shut, purple hair and a... I guess you could say, creepy smile. I nod.

"Yeah I've been through worst with my onii-san's training. Sorry but who are you two, I'm Kana." I say putting my hand out. The person with brown hair takes my hand and shakes it. "I'm Aizen lieutenant of the 5th squad and this is Gin who is my trainee." I bow quickly. "I'm sorry for being disrespectful, Aizen-senpai, Gin-san." I stop bowing when I feel Aizen pat my head. "Don't worry about it. I like you and think we will get along. Want to meet up more and get to know each other? I could help train you." I nod happily. "I'd love that."

*A few months later*
"My onii-san did what!" I ask the people around me. I see Aizen and Gin give me a sad look. "That idiot. He got me my own squad then got his and now he's just ruined it all and broke the rules." I growl slamming my hand on the table. Gin walks over.

"Don't worry about it. We are still here and will help you as much as we can. Like we have done before." I nod still with a slight frown. "Okay." I say looking at them as Aizen had gotten everyone to leave. "Can I know more about your zanpakuto? I find it quite stunning when we were training all the time ago. I heard you got Shikai." I nod with a small sigh.

"Well it is a demonic one, it's name's Aku Tamashī and so I've been given the last name Shi. He is quite dangerous to me and my prey so I have to be careful when using him." "Hmm? So it's demonic, doesn't that mean that some part of you is evil and wants to destroy things?" Gin says with his creepy smile which isn't that creepy now.
"It isn't like all demons have to be bad, some are here to protect."
Aizen looks at me. "Yeah that is true but everyone has that darkness don't they."
I nod, "But with that darkness light can be seen within it. It may be bad to some people but it will be good for others." I say smiling while looking at them. "Just like I believe not all hollows are bad, they were forgotten and we couldn't get to them."

*Flashback end*

I wake up with a smile. "Is the nightmare over?" I ask but get a strange look from Kōmori. "What nightmare?" He asked. "Can I go and see Gin and Aizen now?" I ask still with a smile. He looks down so I frown. "So the goodness was a dream. I they did leave." I mutter. "Can you go please?" I ask Kōmori who nods and leaves my office. I look around. I've never beat Aizen in training when I was little but I didn't have my bankai at that time. Maybe I can get them back, just maybe. But either way I can't let them hurt any of the captains or anyone from the soul society.

I walk over to see my squad smiling, some were a bit beaten up. "You all did good then. Maybe I'll ask for a mission for everyone soon." I say to them all getting cheers. I send a hell butterfly to the head captain, we just have to wait a bit. It shouldn't take long, we always have a few missions stored for us.

So here is the second chapter. I hope you all like it and if not please tell me and what I could improve it would be so much help. Now if I was to make this a romance who should it be for-

Onii-san means brother

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