Three- The living group

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Kana's PoV

"...Friends? Maybe I can start to like that word again."

"Well everyone I'm going to the world of the living for a small while to check on Rukia. You can either go to squad 11 or you will train. Yūrei come to me if they don't." Yūrei nodded happily. "Sayounara Kana-taichou." I hear my squad say as I walk through the senkaimon.

I get to the world of the living and search for Rukia's spiritual pressure. It was super close to someone with uncontrollable spiritual pressure. I quickly head to the place.

"Rukia?" I yell as she turns and looks at me with a small smile. "Kana-taichou. What are you doing here?" "I got bored." I reply and look at the tall orange haired male, who gives me a weird look. "You're that person from before!" He shouted. I cover my ears. "Yeah and..." I mutter with a frown. "Anyway there's a hollow around for once." I say looking up at the sky. "I'll beat you." I say to Ichigo and tilt my head slightly before flash stepping away.

I get to the hollow quicker and sigh. "Aku let's do this quickly." I say slashing the hollow's mask from behind and killing it. Ichigo and Rukia appeared a few seconds later. "Drink their blood, Aku Tamashī." I whisper and Rukia gave me a scared and worried look. "W-What is that for Kana?" She asks. Ichigo sees the change of my zanpakutō, the blade got longer and rougher making it easier to cut through things. "Why did you release your zanpakutō?!" He yells. I point up. "Can't you feel it? Something strong will be here." I say with a small smile. "It must be Azien's doing." Ichigo growls to which I frown and hang my head. "They wouldn't of done anything bad." I say as the sky seems to rip open.

We see a person with a hollow mask and blue hair, the mask looked like the x-ray of a mouth, I think they call it an x-ray here, and it covered his cheek. He was wearing white the total opposite of soul reapers. I frown looking at him and the other things around him. "I'll get some information from them." I say but suddenly the one with blue hair was down here and others were fighting the new 'different things', including Rukia, ...Rangiku? And what...? Toshiro-taichou. What are they doing here?

The blue haired male looks at the two of us. "You both seem powerful but I'm not to sure." He says smirking. "Did Aizen-taichou send you?" I ask him with a serious tone. He nodded. "Yes Aizen-sama sent us and there are only a few more with my strength or that are slightly stronger then me!" He yelled happily. Ichigo said "Bankai." And this clothing changed and his zanpakutō looked more... normal, like a sealed one.

I look at the new prey or maybe a possible comrade in the near future. I point my weapon at him. "Who's the strongest here? And what's your name? I want to know so I can send Aizen a letter of apology." I ask the blue haired male. "You must be Kana, well I'm Grimmjow and I'm the strongest! Don't worry about any letters you won't be sending one." He said smirking.

I swing the zanpakutō at him once aiming for a slice across his chest. However he jumps back. This gave Ichigo time to flash step behind Grimmjow and attack him. He got a small cut but Grimmjow released a small attack. "Is that a cero?" I question Grimmjow. He smirked. "You know more then I thought you would." I says in a smug tone. I frown and attack Grimmjow quickly using flash step to attack from where ever I could. I finally get a small cut which ripped open. I hear him growl in pain as someone else appeared in a rip in the sky and told everyone to come back. "One thing that Aizen said that wasn't true you smile a lot."

That was the last thing Grimmjow said as he walked away back to where Aizen was. I frown and sigh. "I'll stay a bit long but I'll have to go soon." I mutter and look at Ichigo and Rukia. "You will! We have to get you to meet the others then." Rukia said happily as she dragged me and Ichigo followed us.

A bit later I see a tall, strong looking person, a smart looking person with glasses and a person with a cheerful smile. "Hello I'm Kana, captain of the 14th Squad." I say looking at them all. The smart looking one quickly said. "But we got told there was only 13 squads." He said acting all smart and clever. I sigh. "Well that's because our squad stays quiet and isn't really a big known squad for being out and about." I say shaking my head. "Well this is Chad, uryu and orihime." Ichigo says pointing to them all. I nod, "Thanks for that information. I hope we can get along." I say with a small smile. "Well we are already friends, a friend of Ichigo or Rukia is a friend of ours." Orihime says smiling. "..Friends? Maybe I can start to like that word again." I say with a nod. "Okay we are now friends."

Yūrei appears out of the senkaimon. "Kana-taichou, the head captain wants to talk to you." "Well I guess that is my cue, sayounara you lot." I say and walk inside the senkaimon. "I'll have to come round again soon." I say walking away from them.

When back I head straight to the 1st squad and into the head captain's room. "Hey head captain. What did you want to see me about?" I ask him with a serious tone. He looks at me then responses. "I want you to keep this on mind, your job is to spy, so if you are fit to it and I agree to that, then you might be going to keep an eye on Aizen, Gin and Kaname." "Hai, head captain, I think I should be able to do that." I say smiling. "It's been a while since you've done that." Ukitake says smiling too. I nod. "That meeting was to make sure that the others think you might of actually left us so that they won't break your part." Ukitake said looking at me and the head captain. "I understand. You can act anyway so I'm not worried about you. Arigato, Arigato gozaimasu both of you." I say with a bow and leave.

So my word meaning time
Hai means yes
Arigato means thank you
Arigato gozaimasu means thank you very much
Quick question- why are you all ghost like, please comment and help me out with suggestions and so on and I still need the question from before answering who should this book be about if romance is added.
Anyway sayounara
~Chi of the Darkness

Demonic Soul Reaper of the 14th SquadWhere stories live. Discover now