Chapter 14

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"Zanpakuto Spirit Talking Inside World"
"Zanpakuto Spirit Talking Outside Inner World"
"Hollow Speaking Outside Inner World"
Chikako's POV

I groaned as I noticed whose arms I was in,"Last time I checked, I didn't belong to anyone," I said, voice loud enough to bounce off the warehouse walls and into their ears.

Káge placed gently placed me down and went on one knee, using Kurokōrihōno's head as a foot rest,"Queenie," Káge grinned at me,"I have finally awoke after five dreadful long years."

Sighing, I smacked my forehead,"Káge, why are you using Kurokōrihōno as a foot rest, again?"

The addressed being, smiled innocently as he stepped harder Kurokōrihōno's head, creating a small creater, I bent down till I was on eye level, and patted his head,"Now Káge, don't be like that. You know how much I hate liars. I know you just want me to be happy and safe, but I am safe and happy with my friends also with Kurokōrihōno. We both know that you just hate my friends cause I was in a lot of pain, but it wasn't their fault Káge. I could have joined them after we became friends, but I chose to let my fear of rejection control me. Now, can you apologize to my friend for calling them names and let go of Kurokōrihōno for me, Káge?"

Anger flashed through the hollow being's face,"Queenie, you have to understand, these beings,"Gold eyes glared at the vizards than back down at Kurokōrihōno,"They are useless to you, no more than wasted space."

"Káge, no one's wasted space. They're not looking at the people who need them, but the people who don't. Everyone is needed, one way or the other. Like I needed you five years ago, and I'm grateful to you for that. You're such a good friend, even if you're a hollow," I lectured Káge. Even if you've been with me for over one hundred years, you're like an infant when it comes to other people. I looked at Kurokōrihōno's hollow pleading eyes,"Please Káge, for me?"

Káge tsk'ed and nodded his head,"Of course Queenie, as you command. It's like I said,'You are the only one I would truly follow,' Queenie. If you command it, so be it," He slowly lifted his foot off Kurokōrihōno and walked over to the vizards. My friends instinctly went into their battle stance, hands resting on their zanpakutos,"Geez, you guys get too jumpy for your own good. As I said earlier, I apologize for my behavior of being rude towards Queenie's friends," Káge sonido next to me,"As you request Queenie, all of your commands have been met fully. I'll be leaving now Princess, but remember," Kàge gently took hold of my chin and a pair of lips met mine,"you're mine."

My eyes widen as I watched Kàge disappear in cold icey wind, leaving a bit of ice from where he once stood. I let out a deep breath,"I had a feeling that was coming. He always does that..."

I sighed a bit as I placed Kurokōrihōno's head on my lap,"That went well I suppose," I mumbled to myself.

"I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it fer myself as well. Now explain ta us why ya're zanpakuto got hollowfied but not ya self?"

Laughing nervously, I scratched the back of my neck,"You see, Kurokōrihōno didn't want me to have a hollow, so instead of me hollowfying he did. Though in my oppinon, even if I wasn't the one hollowfied I'm still half hybrid cause Kurokōrihōno part of my soul."

"I see," Shinji mumbled.

I smiled at my friends,"I'm sorry for all the things my other parts of my souls did to you. Please forgive them, they've been through soo much these past century."

A groan came from my lap, as Kurokōrihōno finally came through,"Hime," Kurokōrihōno shot up from my lap, only to clutch his head,"Arg!"

I gigged a bit,"You shouldn't get up too quickly Kurokōrihōno. I don't know how long Káge has been stepping on your head."

Kurokōrihōno nodded his head,"Forgive me, Hime. I let my hollow side enrage me."

"No, it's okay Kurokōrihōno. I do hope you stop calling Káge a hollow, Kurokōrihōno. He's part of my soul, as you are as well."

Kurokōrihōno bowed and nodded his head,"As you command, Hime," Shadows climbed onto his being,"Good bye, Hime," Kurokōrihōno said as he disappeared with the shadows.

I stood back up and dusted the dirt off my skirt,"Now, I should be getting home. There's school tomorrow morning, I can't miss anymore days."

Mashiro pouted,"But, Chi-chan! Why do you have to go to school?! We finally get to talk to you again and now you have to leave?!" Mashiro whined.

Ruffling her hair, I gave her a wide grin,"I'll come back after school," I looked towards the others,"I'm going to help you all control Kurosaki's hollow."

Shinji nodded his head,"Than I'll be needing your help to recr-"

"Oh! Look at the time! I have to get going, I'll stop by tomorrow," I walked towards the exit and stopped just before a stepped out,"Oh and Shinji, you're on your own on recruiting Kurosaki Ichigo. I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it," I mumbled the last part to myself.

"Wait, Chikako," A stern voice said.

I looked back at Shinji,"Yeah?"

His face turned serious, no longer holding any sort of grin,"What type of kido did you use? I never heard of Forbidden Kidos before."

"Oh! I don't remember. I just heard a voice say those words. I didn't know it would happen. I'll tell you if I remember something," I laughed nervously, hoping that they wouldn't notice the lie.

Hime, I insist you tell them the truth.

Shut it, you useless zanpakto! Queenie, you did the right thing. Those low life, poor excuse, hybrids don't need to know anything.

Inwardly, I sighed, You shouldn't fight with each other. You two are both part of my soul, No more than the other. Kurokōrihōno, I know you're worried but I just don't want to burden them. They already have to deal with Kurosaki's hollow. Kage, please refrain from calling my friends names, and I do need them like they need me. Now, I need to sleep, please don't argue while I'm gone.

As you command, Hime.

Whatever you say Queenie!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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