Chapter 10

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"Talking Inside Inner World"
"Zanpakuto Spirit Talking Outside Inner World"  'Zanpakuto Spirit Taking Inside Inner World'
Zanpakuto Spirit Thinking


Chikako's POV

My eyes snapped open as I quickly shot up from the bed. I groaned a bit as I felt a wave of dizziness hit me, That stupid dream again...

I looked around the room and noticed a few boxes and a worn out drawer. This isn't my room. Where the heck am I?

"Kurokōrihōno, do you know where we are?" I asked the other spirit in my soul.

'Hime, have you forgotten what happened last night?'

~ Flashback ~

Shinji kneeled down in front of me and pulled me into a hug,"Ya're an idiot. We don't blame ya fer anythin'."

I giggled a bit before leaning closer into his warmth,"You aren't the only who thinks I'm an idiot, Kurokōrihōno thinks I'm one as well."

Shinji took a closer look at me and frowned,"When was the last time you slept?"

I looked up at him in confusion,"What are you-"

"You have bags under your eyes." He deadpan'ed.

I opened my mouth to argue only to have Shinji sigh,"I'm not dealing with your whining right now."

Before I could say anything I felt something hard hit my neck as I fell unconscious.

~ Flashback End ~

I kept blinking as I reviewed what happened last night,"Don't tell me, he brought me back to the others..." I sighed a bit, How will I face them without-

'Yes he has Hime. Now what will you do? Will you confront them, or will you run once more?'

I ran my hand through my hair,"That's a stupid question to ask Kurokōrihōno. I've already made up my mind. I told myself I would confront them."

'Please do be careful Hime. We don't know if the rest will be as forgiving as Hirako-taicho.'

"I know that... Even if they do end up hating me," I gripped the fabric of the blanket,"I'll still think of them as family." I mumbled.

'But will you be able to handle all their hatred?', Kurokōrihōno voice echoed in my head.

The sound of a door opening stopped me from answering Kurokōrihōno. Looking at the door way I saw the same blondie from last night,"Look whose up an' abou'. Good Mornin, Chi." He threw in his familiar chester grin.

I grew a tick mark and my eyebrow started to twitch,"Don't call me that you idiot..." I mumbled.

I heard footsteps coming closer and a hand took a hold of me chin, forcing me to look into his eyes,"I though' we were friends Chi-chan."

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