Chapter 1

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"Talking Inside Inner World"
"Zanpakuto Spirit Talking Outside Inner World" 'Zanpakuto Spirit Taking Inside Inner World'
Zanpakuto Spirit Thinking


Chikako's POV

"KuroKōriHōno." I called out as I continued to walk home.

'Yes, Hime?' An old familiar voice answered.

"What do you say we go back to the Soul Society and repay a long overdue favor?"

'Hime, are you sure that's the wisest course of actions to take?'

I stopped walking and frowned,"KuroKōriHōno, your right, it's not. Though I know it isn't the wisest of actions I've taken before, I think it's time we repaid the favor in the matter."

I heard KuroKōriHōno sigh as I continued to walk,'If that's what Hime wishes, than I'll grant her all my powers to help in anyway I can. Besides the sooner we get the dept. repaid you no longer need to answer- Hime! Are you even listening to me?'

I nodded my head as I turned to the next page of my book,"Hmm, you were saying KuroKōriHōno?"

'Honestly Hime, it's a wonder on how you manage to walk to your house without bumping or getting hit by anything.'

I stopped reading and giggled,"KuroKōriHōno, your being too serious. Besides its not like a war is going to pop out of nowhere, enjoy the peace while it last KuroKōriHōno. If you keep worrying this much you'll ruin your dark black hair by growing gray hair too early." I looked up at the sun and smiled,"Ah, it feels so nice outside. A perfect day to take a nap!"

I heard KuroKōriHōno sigh,'Hime, whether it's pouring or shining you always think it's a good time to take a nap. I hope that all this napping isn't bad for your health Hime. I don't want to have to force you to a hospital.'

I walked up the steps to my apartment and unlocked to door,"Aw KuroKōriHōno, you wound me with those words. Besides, it's not like you had to force me to go, I was heading to the hospital anyways." I opened the door to my apartment and headed inside.

'Hime, you weren't headed to the hospital, you were running the opposite direction away from the hospital. You ended up passing out and I had to drag you all the way to the 4th division before you ended up bleeding out on me.'

I placed my bag on my desk and sighed,"B-but KuroKōriHōno, the hospitals are bad news. They always have a reason to stick needles into you and they won't let you leave without poking you with stuff. I don't know about you KuroKōriHōno, but I don't want to be turned into a pincushion." I argued as a shiver ran down my spine, Not to mention Unohana-taichou's creepy smile. That place was likes death trap disguised as a hospital.

I jumped on my bed and sighed again as I placed the book on my face,"Ne, KuroKōriHōno... I haven't been too distant to any of my friends, have I?"

'Hime, you left them as soon as you recovered from a certain incident, you never visited and no one ever saw you again, visiting Urahara was the first time you had any contact to the spirit world since 110 years ago.'

I closed my eyes and arrived in a familiar plain field, with a small river and in the middle, a tall black stone with all the names of those who mean the world to me ,"KuroKōriHōno, you know I had reasons for all those actions that you have listed." I pouted and looked at the tall grass that brushed against my knees.

Kurokōrihōno's POV

After a couple of seconds Hime appeared close by,"Kurokōrihōno, you know I had reasons for all of those actions that you have listed."

I walked over to her and bowed,'My apologizes Hime. I know you have your reasons for these actions, I didn't mean to accuse you of-'

I was cut off when I landed face down on the ground, I heard giggling and stood up once again,"KuroKōriHōno, I was just kidding. I know you didn't mean to accuse me to such accusations."

I sigh as I rubbed the bump on my head to ease the pain,'This is the reason why I didn't want you to get close to that Urahara guy, he's infecting you with his ridiculous attitude.' I mumbled under my breath.

Hime laughed,"Quit your whining KurokōriHōno, you know why we were such good friends." She suddenly stopped laughing and continued our earlier conversation,"Anyways KurokōriHōno, I need to know if your on board."

'Hime, is that even a question, what I want to protect is you and if I have to give you my everything than I will do it. You are my Hime, and I am your faithful butler. Whatever you decide to do I will support you 100%. Though I question why you must help those pitiful excuse of soul reapers in the soul society, I say they deserve what's coming their way.' I spat out.

I heard Hime sighed as she rubbed her temples,"Yup, I knew that'd pop out somewhere in this conversation." She sat on the ground, with her arms wrapped around her knees, and looked out at the sunset,"You know KurokōriHōno, I just don't hold a grudge against the soul reapers, nor do I blame them for what happened to me," She looked back at me and smiled,"If it didn't happen than I wouldn't be the way I am now," Her hands gripped her sleeves harder,"If it never happened...,"Chikako sighed and took a deep breath," So you see, I'm happy that those events happened."

I sighed as I sat next to her,'Hime, you may be able to say those things now, but you did enjoy the old days when you were able to be with all your friends. Since that day... you can't even handle seeing any of them without feeling a speck of guilt. Hime, it may not be my place to say this, but... I believe that they'll forgive you. You weren't yourself that day, it was Aizen's fault that you-'

She stood up and patted my back, cutting me off,"What are you talking about Kurokōrihōno?" She smiled at me,"Well, I'll be taking a nap now," Hime stretched her arms and sighed,"Ahh, it was such a tiring day, eventful too. Well, I'll be on my way now, I have ten days to get ready to kick some butts, and maybe I'll be able to play with some people. See ya later, Kurokōrihōno. I had fun chatting with you." And with that Hime left our Inner World.

I sighed when I felt her completely disappear, When will you move on from that incident Hime? When will your heart heal from the guilt that's been hidden for more than a hundred years?, I stood up and looked out towards the sunset, I promised I'd protect you, but must you also hide your sadness from me as well, Hime.'

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