Chapter 5

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"Talking Inside Inner World"
"Zanpakuto Spirit Talking Outside Inner World"  'Zanpakuto Spirit Taking Inside Inner World'
Zanpakuto Spirit Thinking

(A/N This book will be following the manga and I'll be skipping the Bounty Arc and straight into the Arrancar Arc like in the Manga.)

Chikako's POV

I sighed as I shook my head slowly,"Well, this is will only get worst by the second. I need to hurry up and leave soon." I turned to the group behind me and smiled,"Are you guys alright?"

"Y-yeah, thanks Itsume-chan!" Orihime reacted first, which snapped Ishida, Chad, and Ganju out of their shock.

Uryuu pushed his glasses a bit,"Yes, thank you Itsume-san for your assistance, it was greatly appreciated."

Chad nodded in thanks and agreement with Ishida. I nodded my head and opened my book again,"Well, I see your all okay. I'll be taking my leave now, see ya at school." I said as I begin to walk away. I need to get away before the shinigami recover form their shock.

"Now wait just a minute, Itsume Chikako!" I flinched, Busted!

I stopped walking, as I turned to face the Old Man, and smirked from behind my book,"My, my, my, Soutaicho, it certainly has been a while hasn't it. As much as I'd like to catch up like the old days, I do believe you have injured men and women who need immediate attention, do they not?"

"Unohana-taicho is already tending to their needs along with the assistance squad four."

I giggled a bit,"Yes, yes, how could I forget?" I sarcastically asked.

The Soutaicho narrowed his eyes at me,"Enough of your games, Itsume. What is your purpose for being here?"

"Hmm, what is my reason for being here?", I pretended to think hard about it, than shrugged the question off,"I seem to have forgotten... oh well, it doesn't matter why I'm here Old Man. In matter of fact, I won't tell you."

"Still as stubborn as ever, child. Now answer my question!" The Old Man demanded.

I smiled underneath my book,"If you'd look at the time Soutaicho. It seems it's getting late, I must take my leave now." I turned away from him and frowned, my book hiding my facial expression,"Make sure the Knight and Shining Armor makes it home okay. I would stay and make sure of it myself, but it seems I've run out of time." I took a few steps away from Ichigo's friends,"Farewell Old Man..." I whispered quietly as I shunpo'ed away to somewhere safe.

As soon as I was faraway from the hill I stopped and buried my face into my book,"Stay safe, Yama-jiji. I missed you." I mumbled to myself as a single tear fell down my face and onto a page in my book. I wiped my eyes and sniffed,"I guess I'll head back first, heh."

I pulled out KurokōriHōno and made a senkaimon, for me to head back to Karakura town. I looked back at the direction of the hill and smiled brightly, Don't die, Old Man. You owe it to me, that you won't die.

~One Day Later~

*Ding, Dong*

*Ding, Dong*

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