Chapter 13

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30 minutes ago

Please Update Soon!!!!!!!! ^-^

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a few seconds ago

Hiya!!! OCD_CONTINUUMWOLF, thanks to your comment. I will update a new chapter to this book. I'm glad to have you along for this book! 〜ありがと、りん血畑( ^ω^ )


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Thanks for asking for another chapter!!!


"Talking Inside Inner World"

"Zanpakuto Spirit Talking Outside Inner World" 
"Hollow Speaking Outside Inner World"

Kurokōrihōno's POV

Feeling Hime's energy slowly drained, I once again materialize in time to catch her exhausted body. Ignoring the looks I received, I picked up my Hime bridal-style, You are very stubborn my dear Hime. Stubborn indeed.

"You're all very tense, I can sense that," I commented to the people in front of me.

"What are ya doin out again, Kurokōrihōno?" Shinji questioned as he dropped into his battle stance, katana ready.

"I'm only here for my Hime, nothing more nothing less. My job as her zanpakuto is to always be for her, even if she doesn't want me to be. I assumed you all knew that," I turned my back at them and slowly started to walk towards the exit.

"Where the hell are you taking her?!" Hiyori sneered.

"I'll be taking Hime from you. She needs to stay in a safe and quiet location to regain her strength."

"Chi-chan is safe with us here! We'll protect her, right Kensei?!" Mashiro asked her former captain.

"You aren't qualified to protect her whether you believe it or not. Hime, may believe in you but we certainly do not."

The group of ex-taichos and fuku-taichos glared,"What the hell do you mean we can't protect her?! You haven't seen us in over a century! You don't know how strong we are!" Hiyori whipped out her sword and began dashing towards me.

"Hiyori, wait!" Shinji appeared next to her, arm stretched out to stop the enraged hybrid,"What da ya mean by we?"

Before I could reply, another being appeared next to me,"Really Kurokōrihōno, I thought you could handle these bastards. Hime, really should keep training you. You're weak."

"I would advise you to keep that mouth shut hollow, before I decide to shut it for you," I said in between my teeth, ignoring the surprised group in front of us.

"So this is the bunch Hime wants to protect, hmm," Said being grinned, but frowned when he laid eyes on the person in my arms,"What happened to our Princess, Kurokōrihōno? I was asleep for only five years and you wind up in a situation like this. You really are a pathetic excuse of a zanpakuto. It's a wonder why Hime decided to keep you when she already has me." The hollow taunted.

Drawing one of my dual swords, a black tip made its way to his neck,"Don't try my patience, despicable creature. The only reason why you're still here is because Hime allows you to still breath. If Hime wishes, you would be dead by my blade, you incompetent being," I glared at the Hollow next to me,"Remember your place, disgusting vermin."

The white being only laughed,"You think I'd take you seriously after our last battle? You're so pathetic," The Hollow reached out and caressed Hime's cheek,"Our Princess, such a fragile little thing. You were suppose to keep her safe, yet I awaken to see you running away from lowly scum hybrids," He scoffed at me while glaring at the group in front of us," How far you've fallen, Kurokōrihōno. I'm very disappointed in you," A white hand dragged my face till I was met with cold yellow eyes,"Considering, you are the one I resonated from, to think I came from a weak being such as yourself. It's very pitiful really."

"You aren't the ruler of our world, Hime is. To think Hime hasn't deposed of you yet, is still a mystery to me."

My counterpart smirked,"Touchy, touchy, we both know why she keeps me around."

Feeling the weight on my arms disappear, I looked down and noticed Hime was no longer in my arms, but in the hollow's.

White fingers gently ran through Hime's hair,"Such a beautiful being," the hollowed looked up and glared at the hybrid group,"Yet my Princess, my Queen, doesn't get what she deserves."

Hirako stepped forward,"Who are ya?"

Mentioned being laughed loudly,"Don't you know? I'm Princess's inner hollow. Though I have a name, it's Kàge. The shadow knight who protects his Princess," He gives them a mocking bow, than gives me a side glance,"Unlike that horrid excuse of a sword, calling yourself a zanpakuto. How pitiful."

Enraged, I ran towards him, swords drawn out, and swung. My assault was stopped with one finger,"Now, now, Kurokōrihōno, I thought you were better than that. You know how much Queenie despises us fighting," Kage took the hold of his sword and embedded the hilt in my gut.

I spat out a bit of blood on impact as I bent down. Kage smile widened,"Now, now Kurokōrihōno, that's not the proper way to talk to your superior?"

Kage kneed me in the stomach, making me topple forwards."Pathetic as always, Kurokōrihōno. I thought you were stronger than this, but I guess I was wrong. Than I'll be taking Queenie no-"

"Give us back Chikako!"

Kage looked at the vizards and he frowned,"I wasn't talking to you, bloody hybrid," He mumbled the last part to himself, but the group tensed.

Sarugaki growled in anger,"What the hell! Chikako's a hybrid as well if you hadn't notice!"

Kage laughed,"If anyone's the hybrid, it's Kurokōrihōno. He's the one who had a hollow counterpart, which gave birth to mwah. So you see, Queenie is only a hollow cause little Mr. Good-For-Nothing hollowfied," My counterpart placed the bottom of his sandals on my head,"Your soo weak!" As he applied more pressure on my face.

A sudden clap broke our little fight and drew our attention towards the sound,"That's enough, ya're causin' a bunch of unneeded noise around here. Ya need ta stop."

Kage stomped on my forehead,"Stop?" The hollow being laughed,"HAHAHA! You must be joking. Weren't you listening, Hirako-taicho? I would never obey you, Hirako Shinji. Queenie is the only person I'll ever obey! She's mine!" On the last two words the compression grew stronger.

"The last time I checked, I didn't belong to anyone," A familiar voice echoed throughout the warehouse.

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