~Chapter 8~ Confronting Herobrine

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Herobrine raises his sword, ready to strike. Is this how I die? How it ends? Will I respawn? I don't have any weapons besides a pickaxe. I've heard about Herobrine's power and speed. But now that I am in his evil presence, he is even more powerful then I imagined and I realize I am no match for him. In a split second, three more people enter the room and there's the sound of clashing iron and weaponry. I'm surprised to hear my name being called out and I realize my friends have come to rescue me. Fire is in front of me blocking numerous blows from Herobrine. While Daphne and Cory start striking him. Now Herobrine turns his attention to fighting Cory and Daphne. "Are you ok (Y/n)?!" Fire yells. "We have come to rescue you! Take this extra iron sword and pickaxe. We don't have much time, even the four of us could not defeat Herobrine. Quick! Dig four blocks up! There is a chamber above us with an escape tunnel on the east end!" Then Fire runs off and plants TNT everywhere. I dig four blocks up and find the chamber. Fire instructs, "Wait there for Cory and Daphne! I should be back within two minutes, if I'm not back set off the TNT without me." I nod and wait to complete my instructions. I then see Daphne and Cory leap up through the hole that I dug. Cory blocks off the hole with Obsidian. "Wait, what about Fire!?" I yell. Cory asks, "Wasn't she with you?" "Yes, but she just left to set some TNT!" "What did she tell you?" Cory asks. "She said she would be back, but if she wasn't back to set the charge, to light it without her. We now have thirty seconds!" I explain. Now Cory says "We knew when we came on this rescue, we might not all make it out alive. We must stick to her plan, prepare to set the charge!" Daphne throws Cory a stone button. Just as Cory is about to push the button, Fire comes crashing down from above using her diamond pickaxe."Set the charge, set the charge!" She screams. Cory pushes the button and a tremendous explosion is heard, rattling the walls of the cave. "Herobrine is more powerful then thought, I doubt this explosion killed him. But hopefully it will slow him down. He has set to many traps for us to escape his ravine. We must quickly go to plan B! Daphne, start building the nether portal!"

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