~Chapter 2~ Is This Reality?

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I slowly open my eyes to see a blocky sun, then close them, then opened to see a normal sun. I sit up. "Uggghhhhh, where am I?" I say to myself, looking around. I was in some sort of grassy plains, with a stream flowing around, and cows, pigs, chi-wait... "This looks like Minecraft..." I get up and start to walk, then realize that I have a book in my pocket. I grab it out of my pocket and read it out loud.

"Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream."

I flipped the page.

"If life is but a dream, are you living the good life? Or are you living the good dream?

I flipped a page again.

"They say perception is reality."

I flipped a page for a third time.

"Are you really here? Or were you really there?"

I see one more page.

"If one can not wake up from their nightmare, then perhaps they are living their dream. But like they say; Perception is reality...
Wake Up."

Then the book disappears.

My (E/c) eyes widened in realization.   (Eye Color)
I just then realize that I must be in some kind of Minecraft world. I look down at my hands and didn't see them on a keyboard. I wanted to stop playing and eat the rest of my pizza. I didn't see any log out button anywhere. "No biggy, I'm just in a video game that has witches, zombies and skeletons...I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" I keep repeating over and over again. It's starts to get dark, and I panic. I hear the growls of zombies, the rattling bones of skeletons, and the teleporting sound of Endermen. I start to back up into a tree, then I hear sizzling. I manage to jump out of the way before the creeper exploded. I start to run to who knows where, when I feel pain on my side. Looking down I see an arrow in my side, it's not bleeding but if hurts like nether..wait what did I just think? I fall to the ground, I'm to weak to go on. Zombies are making their way to me. Questions flow through my brain, do you die in the game? Respawn? Will I die in real life? I close my eyes waiting for pain, but it didn't come. I slowly open my eyes to see the zombies on the ground, dead..again. I look and see a girl with red hair, red eyes, and iron armor and sword, looking down at me.

"Excuse me girl, are you alright?" I was shocked at how fast she took down the zombies that I didn't realize that I was staring out into space

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"Excuse me girl, are you alright?" I was shocked at how fast she took down the zombies that I didn't realize that I was staring out into space. "Hello? Anyone home?" She waved a hand in front of my face. "Oh, yes. Sorry." "It's okay, my name is Fire, head gaurd of WindHelm. You?" She looked at me curiously. "I'm (Y-Endermen!" I looked into the Endermen's eyes and it started to teleport to me. Fire took her sword from her sheath and sprinted towards it. She stabbed the Endermen in the chest and it fell to the ground and disappeared. A single Ender pearl was left on the ground. "Come on, we need to get to WindHelm before midnight." She started to run. "Wait! I can't walk!" She turned around and sighed. "Give me a minute," She runs off. "Wai-don't leave me!" I looked around cautiously. I saw a figure on top of a mountain. I looked more closely and saw white eyes, then the figure disappeared. "AHH-" Fire put a hand on my mouth. "Shhh, you don't want the zombies to hear you!" She whisper/yells. I looked at her and she had two horses on leads, one brown and white, and one black. "Get on your horse!" She said cheerfully. She helps me on my horse and we started to head to WindHelm.

 Wake Up.. A Minecraft x Reader (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now