Chapter 25: Happy Birthday?

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It has been about a week or so since I finally met- er, re-met- my family. I was still beyond happy, and honestly couldn't believe it. I wouldn't have thought it could be so easy to see them again... and with a Resident Book? I swear, that was something so cliché, so simple, it had to be plot convince.
Anyway, it was (B-Day date), but... I haven't told anyone that today is actually my Birthday. I don't really see the point in telling the others, which would then have them spend money and stuff on me... and I don't want that.
I'm honestly fine with having just a normal day to myself. Maybe I can buy myself a present... something I know I'll love. That way, I'm happy, and no one else had to do anything for it. Yup.
At the moment, I was snuggled up on the hanging chair/bed Tails and I sleep on, just drawing. I'm really thinking about some things I could do... I mean, what fun activities could I do around this town? I just felt like doing something different today.
It also felt... strange. No one has been around me all day long, not even Tails. I can understand Everton else, but Tails? There had to be something going on that I don't know about, right?
I sigh quietly, still just sketching. I was kind of just using references and drawing from life at the moment, because I'm mostly just bored. My ears twitch about at every little noise, in all hopes that something exciting is about to happen.
I quietly hum as I draw, my tail swaying back and forth in a casual manner. Why wouldn't Tails be here? Maybe he was working on an invention or something of that sort. Who knows... he's busy quite a lot.
After drawing for a while, perhaps an hour or two, I check the time. It's ten A.M. Hm... Tails is a morning person, so he's probably just working away at something. I close my drawing book, and set it on to the counter. I dust myself off before glancing around. Let's see...
I guess I could always just check out in the Lab... he's probably working on something in there. I look around for a little bit, only then realizing how stuffy it is inside. Jeez... this is what happens when your birthday is in the (season), and (it's really hot outside/the heater is up to high).
It felt much nicer outside, with (the cooler temperatures/breeze). My usual dress flowed around me, and my scarf still hung on my neck. Now, the island always has pretty hot weather, as this place is a tropical area, so we unfortunately don't get much snow, nor do we get super cold temperatures.
Hot weather is kind of just... uncomfortable. It's why I try not to wear super tight clothing. That would be a pain in the butt. I kept walking along, spotting the Lab. It is close to the house, so it wouldn't be hard to actually find...
                 Anywho, I walked inside, but it simply felt... deserted. Where is everyone, and why does today feel so odd? I sigh, and walk back out of the Lab. So Tails isn't here... where could he possibly be? It honestly worried me. What if something bad happened to the others?
Hm... I should search for them. What else am I supposed to do? I can't just sit there while they could potentially be rotting in a cell or something... I kick a small peddle/rock that lays near me on the ground, sending it a decent way away. I spot where I finally lands... my motorcycle.
Perfect. I can cover ground and air, though it'll have to be one at a time, of course. I lock the door to the house, key in a pocket of my dress. I sprint over to my motor cycle, and hop on top of it. I plug a specific part, and it immediately roars to life. Nice. You know... I just realized this... I really should wear a helmet. Eh, oh well, I don't own one... I'll get myself one as a present. Yeah, that sounds like a decent idea.
Back on track, I take off. Where could they be...? I check all over town firsts, in stores, on the beach... all the townsfolk are all there, as usual, but not my family or the gang. That's really weird... usually we'd all be hanging out.
I check everyone's house, shack, burrow, but nothing. That's really strange... maybe they're in the basements of their places? I couldn't be sure, as I didn't actually go in. There's a chance they're avoiding me or something...
I'm not sure, but there's also the woods, mountains, and Eggman's. This island is bigger than most would expect... I take off, searching all through the woods, valleys, mountains... but still nothing. I really just don't understand.
There's only one place left... Eggman's. What if he kidnapped them? I ride all the way there, and park my motorcycle on the roof. I'm going to try to get in and out without being noticed... hopefully there aren't any scanners that can pick me up or something.
I carefully use my powers to open the window, the one on top of the building, and peek inside. It seems like there's no one in here... I quickly jump down, landing in a pose that's too cool for what my body should be able to do.
I glance around the whole room, but nothing seems strange or out of place... I carefully and quietly start to search, avoiding every robot that I can. I'm fairly sure that none of them caught on to my presence, I think.
I continue to search, but find myself looking at a... not preferable sight. Eggman was sitting in his living room, lounging around. I didn't mind that, as I do it all the time, but it was the fact that he was wearing his footy pajamas. Then again, this is his home, and I shouldn't be intruding in here in the first place, so...
I did notice something strange, though. Off to the side, there were all these chemicals, beakers... it seemed to be a whole laboratory set up or a thing like that. Everything was running, too, and Eggman appeared to watch it very closely... you know, like a hawk.
I swiftly get out of that room, and continue to search. After searching what appears to be the entire place, I exit the same way I came in. Well that was a bust... how useless. I get back on to my motorcycle, and ride off... into the sunset. Hehe, not really, but I wish.
I get back to the island, and land besides Tails's and my own house. I really have no idea where they could be... unless it's the basements. I'm pretty sure Sonic doesn't have one, nor does Amy, and Sticks's is full of rock people or something...?
Knuckles might not even have a house, as far as I know... Tails's place doesn't have a basement either, which is the reason for the workshop. That only leaves my parent's and sister's place... do we have a basement? Wait, they, not we.
Maybe... I sigh quietly, and get back on my motorcycle. I ride all the way there, on the ground instead. I look cooler this way... hehe. Once I get there, I park my motorcycle by the side, and walk to the front of the house once more.
                  I walk up to the porch, and lightly knock on the front door. Upon that getting an answer after about a minute or two, I knock a bit harder and louder. Still no answer... I grab the doorknob, and twist it open. It swings open almost immediately.
              Well... that was easier than I was expecting. This makes me glad I locked the door to my place... I look around inside the house, but everything seems normal... yet eerily quiet. It didn't fit quite right. I didn't like the feeling of it at all...
Hm, I just realized something. I've trespassed two times just today. Whoops... I hope I don't get in trouble for that or something. I sigh quietly, and continue to walk around and look.
The eerie feeling didn't leave. There were sounds. Here. There. It seemed like they were coming from all directions. I jumped quite a bit, despite not being easily jumpy or squeamish. This was just... weird, strange, abnormal.
I eventually find a door, and open it up. Oh... it's just the bathroom. All right... I opened other doors as well, but they only led to two bedrooms, a laundry room, an office with lots of bookshelves. Come on... where is that basement door?! Ugh. It shouldn't be so hard to find it...
I kept going, but only managed to find a storage closet, another study/office... seriously?! Made there isn't even a basement here... I sigh, finishing up my search. Yeah... they're no more doors. This was pointless and also illegal... it's best just to get out of here now, before something bad happens.
                I step outside, only to come face-to-face with someone. My eyes widen, and I yelp. I take a step back, pressing myself against the door. "I'm s-so sorry!" I quickly exclaim, and only then do I start to finally register who's in front of me. Zooey...
                "(Y/N)... what are you doing here?" she asks, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. I stand straight up, pressing my dress off. Well... it's explanation time.
                "U-um... everyone seemed to be missing, so I started to search... I lead myself into some odd situations..." I explain quietly, thinking back to my inspection of the towel. I almost fell knee deep into a vat of goo... don't ask. Someone stopped me before that happened, luckily.
"Um... odd situations? (Y/N), what on Earth did you do?" Zooey questions, raising an eyebrow. She was smiling and giggling, though... I rub the back of my neck awkwardly, glancing off to the side. I explained what happened with the goo, breaking into Eggman's, then into here... Zooey just laughed.
"Wow (Y/N)... just wow. Now come along, I have a small surprise for you," Zooey then says, grabbing on to my arm. I raise an eyebrow. Um... what? What is Zooey talking about? And why is she not worried about anyone else? That's really unsettling...
                  "Okaaay...?" I drawl out, my eyebrow still raised. Zooey rolls her eyes, and starts to pull me along. She seemed to be getting a little impatient... whoops. She pulls me away from the house, and then spots my motorcycle.
            "All right, let's ride that back to your's and Tails's house, so we can then walk where I want to take you," Zooey states, pointing at it. I tilt my head, my eyebrows furrowed. Why...? I sigh, and walk over to it. I get on, and then look back at Zooey.
                  "You coming?" I question, my eyebrow now raised. She nods a tad bit, and runs over quite quickly. Hm... she must be excited for something... maybe riding on my motorcycle? Who knows?
               Zooey hopes on the back, and her arms reach around my waist. She was shaking a lot... huh? So she can ride in a plane, and be fine, but can't ride on a motorcycle without getting nervous? Interesting...
                "I'm not a bad driver, don't worry," I say, laughing quietly. Well... unless I'm not in control of the steering, but that's completely different... Zooey flushes slightly, but smiles and rolls her eyes.
                  "Whatever... and do you have any helmets? I mean, come on, that's safety 101," she then asks, raising an eyebrow. Hehe... whoops. I sweat-drop a bit, looking back in front of me.
               "I only realized it earlier... I actually noticed it until today," I explain, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. Heh... Zooey rolls her eyes.
"You need to get some," she states, gripping on to me even tighter than before. I nod in agreement, and start up my motorcycle. I really needed at least two helmets... but mostly one, though.
"Yeah, I know," I reply, only for my motorcycle to roar to life. Nice... I take off almost immediately after, riding all the way back to Tails's house. Oh... riding my motorcycle always felt so awesome... and I've had this habit of thinking that other people believe I look cool as I pass by... hehe.
I park by the side of our house, then hop off. Zooey sighs in relief, and I glance back at her. She was gripping my stomach so hard I honestly thought I was going to puke... Zooey glares at me slightly, and I just laugh quietly.
"Now show me where we're going, will you?" I say, and Zooey just nods, smiling widely. She seemed... really bouncy now. What is Zooey so excited about? I don't understand.
                "Of course!" Zooey exclaims, grabbing a hold of my arm. I nearly squeak as she pulls me along, but I keep my mouth shut and just walk. There's really no sense in fighting it, as it's exactly what I asked her to do. So I'm just going to make it easier for the both of us...
I wonder, though, where could Zooey possibly be taking me? Also, why is she taking me there? I'm just... confused. I suppose I should be more patient, though, as I'm about to find out, so it seems.
               As Zooey pulls me along, I observe our surroundings. Based off the direction we're going, I really can only think she's pulling me to the beach. Why the beach? What's going on there, if anything? Ugh... I'll just find out soon, huh? Upon drawing closer to the beach, Zooey turns around.
            "Don't freak out, all right?" Zooey states, and I slowly nod my head, though in confusion. Zooey nods a tad, and pulls out a long, dark colored strip of cloth. Is that a... blindfold? Huh? She goes behind me, and tied it around my eyes. "It's just a blindfold," she explains.
Once she finishes putting it on, I just nod. "All right... don't let me run into anything," I say. Gods dang it... the blindfold feels so strange overtop of my classes. Nuuuu! Ugh, whatever.
"Don't worry, I won't let that happen," Zooey says. I nod a bit, although I have no idea as to where Zooey is actually standing... "And whoops, I just nodded. I forgot you can't see me," she adds, giggling quietly.
               A small smile forms on my face, and I feel my arm being taken ahold of once more. Zooey pulls me along, at least I hope it's Zooey, once again, and leads me wherever it is. She suddenly stops, and I bump into her. Whoopsies...
                 "Ok, now can I know what's going on?" I question, sighing quietly. Zooey giggles, but takes off my blindfold. I look around, noticing a table with many plates on it, a cake... wait a minute.
"Surprise!" I hear many people shout at once. I jump a tad bit, though I had began to expect this to happen. Everyone who jumped out... they're all the people I had been searching for earlier today. So... they set up a surprise party for me? I smile widely, my eyes shining.
"You guys know it's today?" I ask. My mother and father smile, both nodding quite a bit. I smile wider, hugging them tightly. I guess I did want to spend my birthday with my friends and family, after all. "Thank you!" I squeal, both my parents laughing quietly.
I pull away from the hug a moment later, and hug Tails out of excitement. He yelps quietly, but happily nuzzles the top of my head anyway. Tails chuckles, though, seemingly glad just to see me so excited.
             "Thank you to everyone!" I then exclaim, giggling giddily. Man... I'm still a child, hehe. That's ok, though, as it's fun to act so little. I look up at Tails, and he just kisses my cheek lightly. I feel my face grow warmer, but not nearly as much as usual.
                After I settled down slightly, the others started to have me sit down. We went through some usual birthday things, such as eating a dinner, the cake, opening a gift. They all pitched in and got me two freaking awesome motorcycle helmets. One is an X-Wing fighter pilot helmet, and the other I'd based off Captain America. I couldn't be happier, honestly.

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             Yeah, when all the festivities ended, I forced Tails to come home with me and ride on my motorcycle

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             Yeah, when all the festivities ended, I forced Tails to come home with me and ride on my motorcycle. I wore the X-Wing pilot helmet, and Tails wore the Captain America helmet. This is because he's my Captain Cuddles, hehe...
                 But jeez, this day turned out to be so much better than I thought it would. It was amazing... I'm glad to know I have people on my life that care about me so much.


       2846 words. Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't updated since April 11th... I just... I don't know. I've procrastinated a lot, got less inspired to write this book... buuuut!
              I have put three of the books I was writing on hold, so now I'm only working on this one and my book Mistakes. So, you should be getting an update of this book every other week. My goal is to finally finish this thing before January first. With that, you will have to pay mind to the fact that I'm in school now, I have plenty of homework, and I have Volleyball practice/games right after school. I'll have free weekend time though, so this is probably what I'm going to be doing.

        That's really it. Again, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, and that this chapter is shorter than usual. But... thank you guys so much for 31.2k! Gods, I don't deserve any of you! I'll see you in the next chapter!

Smarties (Tails X Reader) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now