Chapter 1: The Sidekick

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Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). You are a yellow fox mobian. You look like Tails except you have sapphire blue eyes, long eyelashes, are a girl, where a red long sleeve dress, a black scarf, black glasses, thigh high red socks, knee high black lace up boots, one tail, and you're 2.6. (Tails is 2.7).
You are 15 and so is Tails. Amy and Sticks are 16, Sonic is 17, and Knuckles is 18. (I made everyone older). You don't have a family; as far as you know and live in a worn down shack on Bygone Island. You live by yourself in the woods and only go to town when you need food and clothes.
You are very smart and create things all the time. (Since you have nothing better to do). If you were human you would've just graduated college. (Same as Tails I think).
Well today just happened to be one of the days were you needed to get food. As you were going to town you spotted a poster on a tree. (Sonic hanged them up like 5 minutes ago). Being your curious self, you decided to take a peak.
That poster said that Sonic the Hedgehog needed a new sidekick and all qualified candidates welcome. 'Sweet' you thought to yourself. This could give you something to do. You started running straight to the blue blur's shack. By the time you got there, there was already a bit of a line.
You went and hopped right into the back of the line; behind someone wherein a black cloak. (Tails 😂). After a long time, you're very patient, it's black-cloak figure's turn. After a really long time, it was your turn. "Next," Sonic called. You walked in to see a cute yellow fox standing beside Sonic.
"Hi I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and here to tryout for becoming your sidekick." You say, looking right at Sonic.
"Hi there. As you know, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog. Ok, let's get started." Sonic says, impatiently

~Time Skip~

"Ok, last question. What would you do in a no win situation?" Sonic asks as he looks at you.
"There's is no such thing as a no win situation. All you have to do is slow down and think it through." You replied with ease.
"You sure know a lot new girl. Also , you are defiantly going on to round 2 and I suppose you can too, Tails." Sonic said, looking at who you now know is Tails.
"Hello," you turned around to see who had entered the room. To your surprise, Eggman was standing in the doorway.
"Eggman!" Tails said, getting into a defensive position.
"What are you doing here?" Sonic exclaimed.
"My name is Dr. Eggman and I'm here about the sidekick position." Eggman replied.
"But you're my arch nemesis." Sonic said.
"True, but I could be a valuable asset to your organization. For example, I'm a doctor. Not a real doctor with a PH.D, but still." Eggman said.
"You can't be my sidekick." Sonic said bluntly.
"All qualified candidates welcome." Eggman argued.
"Ok fine. Both of you can move on to round 2, but neither of you are going to be my sidekick." Sonic replied.
"Yeah well, who else is there?" Tails asked.
Everyone in the room turned to you like they just noticed you or something.
"She got all the questions right, so I believe we just found out 3rd candidate." Sonic said. You smiled a bit. You might actually stand a chance.

~Time Skip~

The three of you (you, Tails, and Eggman) were now on top of a cliff on hoverboards. Sonic was explaining how to win and become his sidekick. As soon as Sonic said go, you took off, with Tails on your tail.
Suddenly, 4 things came off of Eggman's hoverboard and started attacking you and Tails. Luckily, you had your trusty swords (the ones at the top of the page) and took them down no problem.
Tails, on the other hand, was having a little trouble. He dodged them and jumped into your track. He almost ran into you, but you jumped up at the last second, pushing your board flat onto the track as he passed by. While you were in the air, you did a back flip and landed on your board.
Those things were still going after Tails; then he stopped, almost making you crash into the cute fox. The robot things hit each other, and the 2 of you continued on your way.
Tails swept around to park, so you did too. "What's going on here?" Sonic asked, sitting on a tree stump.
"Nothing I can't handle." Tails replied, hopping off his hoverboard and into his plane.
You hopped off your hoverboard and you then realized you had nothing to fly on. You then remembered something you created and whistled. Out of nowhere, a motorcycle came right up to you. You hopped on and started it up. (You're not a bad girl or biker).
Out of the sides, wings expanded from it and you took off. (Eggman took off at the same time as you).
"Give up Eggman, this job is rightfully mine." Tails said, forgetting you were flying right next to him.
"I'm not here to become Sonic's sidekick, you nicumpoop. I'm here to get rid of you 2 once and for all." Eggman said, again forgetting you were there.
Something then came out of the bottom of his egg mobile and lowered to the ground. When it came back up, it had a giant robot with huge claws on it.
The robot started shooting its claws at Tails, but Tails dodged it a couple times. Suddenly, one of the claws hit Tails's plane, causing it to start crashing to the ground.
You went flying after him, and saw he crashed into a lake. You parked your motorcycle by the side of the lake and went running over to Tails.
You saw Sonic trying to run to Tails, but he was slipping a lot. You speedfilly went gliding over to Tails.
"Tails!" Sonic shouted from behind you.
"Sonic, I'm stuck!" Tails exclaimed, trying to get out of the plane before it sunk.
You quickly pull Tails out just as Burn Bot started breaking the ice beneath your feet. You lightly shoved Tails over to Sonic as the ice started to sink. You quickly backflip off the ice, landing on you're feet while sliding a little ways from Sonic and Tails.
"Tails, I didn't really want to fire you, I was just trying to protect you." You heard Sonic say.
"How by putting me in more danger?" Tails asked sarcastically.
"The plan had holes!" Sonic exclaimed, as Tails smirks a bit. Sonic then offered Tails a hand, which Tails took gratefully. Sonic then pulled him up.
"Oh Sonic! I have a surprise for you. I took your advice, Burn Bot can burn things." Eggman said, gesturing towards Burn Bot, who had flamethrower like missile things coming out of his chest.
Burn Bot then launched them, creating a circle of fire around Sonic and Tails, causing the ice to crack all around them. It lifted Sonic up and tossed him into the water.
"I can't swim." Sonic said, while trying to stay afloat.
Tails dove down and tried to lift him. "Your water logged, I can't lift you!" Tails said.
You started to slide over; and helped Tails pull Sonic out.
"Thanks." Sonic said, shaking like a dog.
Sonic then spin-dashed the robot, causing Burn Bot to fall. All the ice around Burn Bot started to crack and he fell in.
Tails then caught Sonic midair and started to fly away. You hopped on your motorcycle and started to fly after them.
"I'll be back. With a new robot. That has an accurate name. And super, laser eyes. And he'll feed me ham. Evil ham." Eggman said, as he flew away.

~Time Skip~

It was sunset and you were sitting with Sonic and Tails. (They remembered you existed and the 3 of you became friends).
"About this job... what're the hours like?" Tails asked Sonic.
"Well, it's 7 days a week, but you get your own plane." Sonic replied.
Tails simply smiled. "Hello am I invisible or something?" You asked, looking at them.
"Oh, sorry about that (Y/N). Although you can't be my sidekick, you can still be part of the team. So what do you say?" Sonic said, smirking a bit.
"Of course! It's not like I have anything better to do then build machines by myself. In my super worn down house that's about to fall apart. Oops, I didn't mean to say that much." You said, looking at the ground rubbing your neck.
"You like to make machines?!?!" Tails asked, wide-eyed.
"Of course! Who wouldn't? I even made that flying motorcycle that I was riding." You say, wagging your tail like their is no tomorrow.
"Jeez, Tails. It seems we found the female version of you." Sonic said, laughing a bit.
"What do you mean?" You ask, tilting your head. Out of the corner of your eye you swore you saw Tails blush a bit.
"Well, first off, your a yellow fox and so is Tails. Secondly, you want to help me defeat Eggface. Third, and probably the biggest thing, you are both, like, super geniuses who love to
make machines!" Sonic said, smiling a bit.
Just as you look at Tails, he looks at you, making eye contact. You quickly looked back down with your face redder than Knuckles.
"Hey (Y/N), do you want to live in Tails's house? By the sound of it, you need a better home." Sonic asked suddenly.
"Do you mind Tails? I don't want to intrude or anything." You said, looking directly at Tails.
Tails simply shook his head. "I don't mind." Tails said.
You smiled and stood up. "I'm going to get my stuff." You say, your tail wagging harder and faster than before.

Yes!! I finally finished the first chapter. And I know the cover and chapter sucks. I drew the cover picture myself so I wasn't expecting it to be great. Also the character has glasses. I don't own Sonic or anyone they belong to Sega. I only what the character says, does, and looks like. You own the name.

Smarties (Tails X Reader) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now