Chapter 2: New Roomie

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Normal POV

You, Tails, and Sonic were sleeping peacefully (you on one end of the couch, Sonic on the other end, and Tails on his armchair bed thingy) until Sonic heard a knock on the door. He didn't move, but the person kept banging louder and louder on the door.
Eventually, the person was banging so loud, Sonic just couldn't stand it anymore. "Man," Sonic said, getting up and answering the door.
"Hi," said Eggman, who was standing in the doorway.
"What do you want?" Sonic asked, sighing in annoyance.
"First of all, thank you for answering the door at such a late hour. I realize what an inconvenience this must be." Eggman said.
"Get to it Eggface." Sonic said, even more annoyed than before.
"W-w-well I, I need your help." Eggman said.
"You need my help?" Sonic asked, uncertainly.
"Yes! My sinister island lair, you know the ultra high-tech stronghold where I hatch my diobalical skemes to eliminate you? It was destroyed in the storm! I was hoping I could crash with you, Tails, and that other girl (he forgot your name again!) for a few days until my robots rebuild it. Please! Don't make me strive in this wilderness." Eggman pleaded.
"Well you certainly could use a roof over your head, *sniff sniff*, and a bath, but how do I know your not gonna harm me, Tails, and (Y/N) while we're sleeping?" Sonic asked.
"I promise not to harm you or your fox friends during my stay. I didn't even bring any weapons. Here check my pants." Eggman said, pulling his coat up.
"No, no, no, it's OK, I believe you. So it's only for a few days and it's just you." Sonic asked/stated.
"It's just me," Sonic pointed for him to get inside, "and Orbot and Cubot, they're family." Eggman said, walking inside.
       "Ugh (whosever he said)" Sonic groaned a bit already regretting his decision.

                       ~Time Skip~

        It was morning and you were already up and dressed. (Your a morning person in this. Sorry to most of you who aren't one). There was a knocking on the door so Sonic ran over, yawned, and then answered.
          Three Mobians walked in and gasped. There stood Eggman in his pink pajamas and a girl who they have never seen before. *cough you cough*. Could there day have been off to a more surprising start? Well yes, but oh well.
          Eggman yawned and stretched a bit.
       "Eggman?" Knuckles asked, getting into a defensive position along with Amy and Sticks.
       "Oh hey gang. I didn't know you'd be visiting so early. I'm still in my evil pajamas. They've got a trap door in the back." Eggman said, pointing at his hind quarters then quickly sitting down.
      "What's he doing here?" Knuckles (or who you think is Knuckles) asked, pointing at Eggman.
     "We have a truce. Tails is letting him stay here till his lair is rebuilt." Sonic replied.
    "Well, technically Sonic, you're the one that invited him in here in the first place." You say, deciding to finally speak.
      Everyone (except Eggman and Tails) quickly turned their head toward you; who was sitting on the couch.
    "Who's this?" Amy asked. Or at least you think Amy is the one who asked. Sonic and Tails told you about their friends while you were hanging out with them.
    "(Y/N). She tried out for sidekick and was really good, so I decided to make her part of the team. Also, she's so much like Tails it's crazy. She's just a bit more shy." Sonic replied, while you simply gave a small wave.
     "Uh hem. Still waiting on that salmon eggs Benedict." Eggman said impatiently, waving his finger in a circle.
    "Coming, coming." Tails says, bringing the food over like a waiter. You giggled a little bit. 'A guy who's name has egg in it likes to eat eggs. Also Tails is so cute!' You mentally slapped yourself. 'Stop fangirling,' you told yourself.
        Eggman bent over to examine his food. "I asked for egg whites, these are yellows. See the yellow? I'm trying to watch my celesteral. And this salmon is farm raised! What is this, prison?" Eggman complained.
        'He could at least be a little more grateful. I mean, Tails did just spend ages cooking it for him.' You think to yourself, rolling your eyes at Eggman.
        "It's all part of his evil plot man! First he lures us in with some terrible roommate ploy, but then Wham! Out comes his 50ft obliterator bot that obliterates us all. We got to get out of here." Sticks says, and this time you are confident the red one is Knuckles, the pink one is Amy, and the crazy badger is Sticks.
     "Guys, we have to help him. If we don't, we'll be no better than he is." Amy said.
     "Yeah, you'll be no better than I am." Eggman said, between bites.
    "Think about how this is for him. Do you feel scared without a home? Do you feel alone? Are you eating your feelings?" Amy said, trying to sound comforting and sympathetic.
    "Somebody get her away from me." Eggman spat angerly.
"Guys, if Eggman needs to stay, he can stay. Who knows, he might not be so bad after all." Tails said while washing some dishes.
Eggman smiled. Although, his smile made you very uncomfortable. "Tails, do you need some help with that?" You asked, walking over to help with the dishes. Tails simply nodded and smiled. At the sight of his smile; you blushed slightly and felt like butterflies were in your stomach.
'Do I like Tails?' You think to yourself while washing dishes. I mean, it would explain a lot and why your heart flutters every time you see him. Right there and then you decided that you liked the cute fox, even if you only knew him for a week.
Later you and Tails were working on a machine; when, out of nowhere, Eggman came in saying, "pillow fight!" Then hit Tails causing to drop and break a part of the machine. The 2 of you glared daggers at him.
He was hitting everything with pillows and you and Sonic just kept cleaning up again and again.
Then, while he was sleeping, he would snore really loudly and let out an evil laugh. He also took up the whole couch, plus Orbot and Cubot were in Tails's spot, so you all (you, Sonic, and Tails) had to sleep on the floor.
What you didn't know, was that during the night, when you and Tails actually fell asleep, you were snuggled up together with your Tails around each other. It was then Sonic took a picture for later black-mail.
In the fridge he proclaimed everything but a single turnip as 'property of Eggman' with his logo on it and everything. Also, in the middle of the night, he started swinging on the ceiling light and started another pillow fight.
So I'm just going to sum this up. He is the worst roommate ever and, somehow, he keeps getting worse.
"That's it. I've had enough of Eggman. Lair or no lair he's out of here." Sonic said, swinging his right arm to the side.
"You can't just throw Eggman out. Sure, he might be a difficult roommate, but it's only because you guys have a communication problem." Amy said, trying to reason with us.
"Communication problem? He whacked me with a pillow. Hard. I'm dizzy and I have serious short-term memory loss. And I have serious short-term memory loss." Tails complained.
"Here Tails." You say, handing him a glass of water. Whenever you're dizzy, drinking a glass of water usually makes you fell better, so worth a try right?
"Thanks (Y/N)... Thanks (Y/N)." He said. Man, he really must have serious short-term memory loss.
Then Amy jumped up. "Why don't we settle this with a roommate meeting? Amy suggested. It's worth a shot right?
    So, a little but later, you were sitting in the living room along with Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Eggman.
   "Now Sonic, do you have something you want to share with Eggman?" Amy asked, gesturing towards Eggman.
   "Uh, yes. How do I say this delicately? You're a horrible roommate and nobody in this house likes you." Sonic says simply. Hey, it was true.
   "Let's frame our statements with when you do this it makes me feel this." Amy said, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly.
   "Fine, uh OK. Let's see. When you live here it makes me feel angry, because you're a horrible roommate and nobody in this house likes you." Sonic said, bluntly.
    Eggman looked at him for a second then started bawling. You sent Sonic and Tails a look and they sent one to each other.
*Sad Music* "You're right. I am the worst roo-m-mat-ee. I've never lived with other people before." Eggman said while crying.
"What about us?" Orbot asked.
"You don't count." Eggman said, ruffly. Orbot lowered his head as Eggman continued crying.
"Sonic I think someone here could go for 2 spoonfuls of forgiveness washed down with a tall glass of friendship. What do you think?" Amy asked, gesturing towards Eggman, again.
"Ugh. Eggman if we give you a second chance, will you promise to shape up?" Sonic asked, slightly annoyed.
Eggman quickly stopped crying. "You bet." He said while snapping his fingers.
"Roommate meeting group hug." Amy cooed while standing up and Eggman pulling everyone into a hug.
"Not you." Eggman said to his robots. Although, you and Tails weren't paying attention. The 2 of you were smushed together and redder than Knuckles.
Eggman did get better. He started washing the dishes and instead of hitting everyone with pillows, he fluffed the pillows.
"37, 38, 39. Triple star bouns kazoo! *plays kazoo waking up Tails, Sonic, and you since it's the middle of the night.* I win again!" Eggman said excitedly.
*yawns* "That's great. Well it's getting late, time to the hay." Sonic said tiredly. You were so tired, that you put your head on Tails shoulder and started to fall asleep.
"Aw one more game? It's what good roomies do, we have fun." Eggman said while tipping the couch; causing you to sit up abruptly.
"I'm all for fun, but aren't you guys exhausted? Orbot? Cubot?" Sonic asked.
"They're robots. They don't get tired because they have no souls." Eggman said, gesturing towards Orbot and Cubot.
"He-" Cubot was quickly cut off by Orbot.
"He's right." Orbot said sadly.
"Whatever. Good night guys- *you clear your throat* and girl." Sonic said, walking toward the door.
"Wait, don't leave. Just hang a little longer. I'm so lonely. Please, roomies?" Eggman said, blocking the door as you snuggled onto Tails's shoulder again.
"Ugh." Sonic sighed and walked back to the couch where you had fallen asleep on Tails's shoulder.
"Yay!" Eggman said, playing the kazoo which causes you to bring your head up immediately. When you look at your surroundings you see a board game, a tired, yawning Sonic, a super hyped Eggman, Orbot and Cubot, and a tired, blushing Tails. 'Wait what? Why was Tails blush- oh, right. Never mind.
Then we watched T.V. For awhile until morning.
"You're still hanging with Eggman? Huh, how many hours of sleep did you get?" Knuckles asked.
"Zzzzzzeeeeerrrrroooo." Sonic said, long and slow, his tiredness evident.
"It's stage 2 of his evil plot man. We are minutes away from him summoning his big obliterator bot with its obliterator legs and its obliterator teeth." Sticks said, he hands moving all around.
"Sticks, stop being paranoid. Eggman has been living here for 2 days, and he hasn't hatched a single evil skeme. Although, he did almost kill Sonic, Tails, and (Y/N) with pillows." (Kill it with fire! Kill it with fire! Anybody? No? Never mind)Amy said, just as Eggman walked out the door and started doing his evil laugh.
"What's so funny?" Asked a sleepy Tails, who was, unknowingly, holding on to your hand making you blush no matter how tired you were.
"Remember how I said my island fortress was destroyed by the storm? I, uhhhh, may have fibbed. You see, I kind of faked the destruction of my fortress as an excuse to like with you and tire you to the point of exhau- *slaps Sonic's face* and tire you to the point of exhaustion! So you'd be to tired to stop, obliterator bot!" Eggman said, almost getting crushed by a tree obliterator bot knocked over. *evil laughing*
"I knew it he did have an obliterator bot. Why didn't anyone believe me? It's not like I'm paranoid. Stop following me!" Sticks said, speaking to Amy and Knuckles then her shadow.
"Enough. Obliterator bot, destroy Sonic and his 4 friends. Wait, I meant 5, yeah 5 friends." Eggman commanded obliterator bot.
"Fortress? Fortress. Destroy fortress. Destroying island fortress." Obliterator bot said, starting to go to Eggman's island fortress to destroy it.
"Wh-hat-t no uh, that's not what I said." Eggman said, flabbergasted.
"We're still working out a few kinks." Orbot said.
"Obliterator bot, do not destroy island fortress. Do not destroy island fortress." Eggman tried commanding obliterator bot.
"Playing up tempo music while destroying fortress." Obliterator bot said as speakers came out of his back playing up tempo music. He started walking towards the lair, stepping right over Sonic.
"Nnnnoooooo. Sonic you have to help me." Eggman pleaded, getting on his knees.
"Why? He's your obliterator bot." Sonic said bluntly.
"Because, if you don't help me I'll really have to live with you." Eggman said simply.
"Let's go." Sonic said, swinging his arm.
Tails, Sonic, Amy, Sticks, and Knuckles all flew there in Tails's plane, Eggman flew in his egg-mobile, and you flew on your flying motorcycle. By the time you all got there, obliterator bot was already destroying bits of Eggman's lair.
"Gotta stop him, but so tired." Tails said, falling to the ground, bringing you with him. (As soon as you got off your motorcycle and he got out of his plane, he grabbed hold of your hand without knowing it. Again. Of course, at the sudden touch of your crush, you instantly heated up. Mainly all over you're face.)
"He must have a weak spot." Knuckles states.
"Maybe there's more clues on the ground. The soft, soft, bed-like, ground." Sonic said, starting to lie on the ground where you and Tails were already snuggled up together; your one tail rapped around him and his two tails rapped around you.
"Aaawww, they look so cute. It's official, I ship those two." Amy said, pointing at you and Tails, fan hurling a bit.
Sticks started kicking Sonic in the back. "Wh-what? Are we under attack? *jumps up in a defensive position* Oh right." Sonic said while yawning.
"Man, you built that thing, how do we take it down?" Knuckles asked, frustrated.
"Hm. By activating 2 kill switches at the same time that are inside the lair. There, *points to the right* and there, *points to the left*." Eggman said.
"Oh, come on. Alright Amy, Knuckles, Sticks, and (Y/N), you distract that metal monstrosity. Tails and I are on the kill switches. Eggman you're honing to have to show us how to activate them." Sonic said, pulling Tails up. Eggman simply nodded.
"Pre-mission group hug?" Amy asked, extending her arms.
"No." Sonic said bluntly, putting his hand in her face. Oh and about you helping defeat obliterator bot; you're still asleep on the ground. Although, you're really cold now that Tails is gone.
Sonic started running away towards the switch, Tails flew over and started to deactivate the security system. He deactivated some lasers just as Sonic got to them. Somehow, Sonic started sliding on the ground in a laying down position. Slowly his eyes started to shut and he fell asleep.
Luckily, Tails deactivated the next set of lasers just as Sonic slid through them. Sonic then suddenly woke up and both he and Tails eventually made it to the switches.
"Jam the kinetic barrier processer. The kinetic barrier processer." Eggman said suddenly to Sonic. Sonic then did so, and Eggman ran to Tails.
"Power down the central operating system." Eggman said to Tails. Tails did so just as Sonic let go of his lever; falling asleep. The robot was still going.
Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks were starting to fight the robot while you were still sleeping directly in harms way.
"I knew you were coming, but you will never obliterate Sticks, because Sticks is *can't say unobliteraterable*. You can't kill me." Sticks says while sighing.

"Jam the kinetic barrier processer!" Eggman yelled at Sonic, who did so immediately. Then both Tails and Sonic fell asleep; causing them to let go of the levers.
Eggman looked back and forth between them and then pulled out a kazoo. He blew into it causing both Sonic and Tails to instantly wake up and pull the levers at the same time.
This caused the robot to shut off, but its foot was about to crush you! Tails flew right to you; trying to drag you out from under the foot about to crush you, but to no avail.
Luckily, Sonic hit it with a piece of metal. "Pillow fight!" He yelled hitting the head causing it to explode. Tails did eventually drag you over to the others, and he curled up next to you, sleeping with you snuggled in his arms.
"Yes!" Eggman called at the the exploding of the robot. "No!" He then called, seeing his lair exploding.
Oh, and guess what? You were asleep the whole time! If that's even possible. Then, when the gang saw you and Tails curled up together, they couldn't help but take multiple pictures.
At this noise, Tails woke up and saw your pretty face against his chest, causing him to blush 50 shades of red. He then picked you up and carried you back; everyone else following.


You were sleeping on the couch while Sonic and Tails were talking.
"Hey Tails, do you like-like (Y/N)?" Sonic asked, pulling out his phone. (They all have phones now).
"Uh-uh y-yeah. Why?" Tails said, looking at Sonic nervously. Sonic simply held up his phone with pictures of him and you snuggled up together. Tails's eyes widened.
"H-hey! Give me that!" Tails said started to get up.
"Gotta catch me first." Sonic said teasingly. Tails simply growled and sat back down. He then glanced at your sleeping figure. (Not in a creepy way!) 'She's so adorable when she sleeps.' Tails thought and, as soon as he realized what he thought, he had a slight blush on his face.
'I guess I really do like her. If only she liked me back.' Tails thought as he fell asleep cuddled up next to you. Again.

3158 words. Wow. That doesn't even include the A/N. I can't believe I finally finished chapter 2. I know it probably sucks and I know my joke wasn't good, but oh well. Sorry it took so long to update.

Smarties (Tails X Reader) {Finished}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang